
What's your middlearthen name?

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Middle Earth names....

According to the Red Book of Westmarch,
In Middle-earth, Clint McLure was a
Crying Wainrider

Elven Name Possibilities for Clint McLure
The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is:
Another masculine version is:
More feminine versions are:

Hobbit lad name for Clint McLure
Minto Sackville-Baggins from Dwaling
Hobbit lass name for Clint McLure
Amarantha Sackville-Baggins from Dwaling

I got it here >>>>>>Clickyness
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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In Middle-earth, I was a Powerful Variag

Elven Names:
-root: Nuquernatil
-masculine: Nuquernatilion
-feminine: Nuquernatiliel, Nuquernatilien, Nuquernatilwen

Hobbit lad name: Will Gamgee from LongCleeve
Hobbit lass name: Hildigard Gamgee from LongCleeve

Dwarven Name: Pîm Goldeyes
This name is for both genders.

Orkish Name: Akhrásh the Straggler
This name is for both genders.


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According to the Red Book of Westmarch,
In Middle-earth, Arthur Hermann Anderson was a
Eavesdropping Orcling

Elven Name Possibilities for Arthur Hermann Anderson
The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is:
Another masculine version is:
More feminine versions are:

Hobbit lad name for Arthur Hermann Anderson
Rufus Baggins from LongCleeve
Hobbit lass name for Arthur Hermann Anderson
Robin Baggins from LongCleeve

Dwarven Name for Arthur Hermann Anderson
Nori Snowfist
This name is for both genders.

Orkish Name for Arthur Hermann Anderson
Skaigash the Bloody-handed
This name is for both genders.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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I'm a Scholarly Wood-Elf

Elven Name

Hobbit lad name
Myrtle Grubb from Bree

Dwarven Name
Kili Marblebrace

Orkish Name
Sharurk the Slaughterer (I like that!! Can that be my new cool nickname?)
This name is for both genders.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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According to the Red Book of Westmarch,
In Middle-earth: Smiling Gaffer

Elven Name Possibilities:
The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is: Nevcú

Another masculine version is: Nevcúion

Hobbit lad name: Nob Proudfoot from Haysend
Hobbit lass name: Hildigrim Proudfoot from Haysend

Dwarven Name: Gralin Goldmirth
This name is for both genders.

Orkish Name: Ufbog the Basher
This name is for both genders.
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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For me, my names are:
According to the Red Book of Westmarch,
In Middle-earth,
Mischievious Wood-Elf

Elven Name Possibilities:
The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is:

Hobbit lass name:
Pearl Grubb from Bree

Dwarven Name:
Gralin Tombboot
This name is for both genders.

Orkish Name:
Ufurk the Maimer*
This name is for both genders.

*In the past, I have been guilty of bad choices in sexual partners; However, I have never "furked" a Maimer. Ever, ever, ever!

Sigh, personal attacked from a cybername site. I just can't win, can I???


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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According to the Red Book of Westmarch,
In Middle-earth, I was a
Stuttering Ringwraith

Elven Name Possibilities
The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is:
Another masculine version is:
More feminine versions are:

Hobbit lad name
Mosco Bolger from Waymeet
Hobbit lass name
Tanta Bolger from Waymeet

Dwarven Name
Merin Elfspear
This name is for both genders.

Orkish Name
Ugghash the Deathskull
This name is for both genders.

I know not what to think of such data.:(

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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According to the Red Book of Westmarch,
In Middle-earth, Joshua James Hendricks was a
Hideous Brandybuck

Elven Name Possibilities for Joshua James Hendricks
The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is:
Another masculine version is:
More feminine versions are:

Hobbit lad name for Joshua James Hendricks
Sigismond Muddyfoot from Frogmorton
Hobbit lass name for Joshua James Hendricks
Rosa Muddyfoot from Frogmorton

Dwarven Name for Joshua James Hendricks
Bombur Snowanger
This name is for both genders.

Orkish Name for Joshua James Hendricks
Ashlakh the Strongclaw
This name is for both genders.

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According to the Red Book of Westmarch,
In Middle-earth, Robin Vela was a
Pockmarked Vanyar

Elven Name Engwacoriel

Hobbit lass name Pansy Gardener from Archet

Dwarven Name Durin Graveears

Orkish Name Púshlok the Maimer

Blondes do have more fun!

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I can't believe that your a stutterer... that's not evil @ all - >:(

I'm a Springle Rin Dancing Dwarf, don't think I wanna be a dwarf, but whatever.
Dwarven: Gorin Marbleshield
Orkisk: Borsnik the Slaughterer

yahooo, to Englishize these I'm a Manequin, a shield of grown marble or a killer of Borshik.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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According to the Red Book of Westmarch,
In Middle-earth, "Pyke" was a
Ring-wearing Númenorean

Elven Name Possibilities: The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is:
Another masculine version is:
More feminine versions are:

Hobbit lad: Bingo Bolger from Whitfurrows
Hobbit lass: Gilly Bolger from Whitfurrows

Dwarven Name: Fáin Oakenarrow
This name is for both genders.

Orkish Name: Púshkû the Despot
This name is for both genders.

I thought it was cool, right up until the Orkish name...now I sound like a puffter!:S:o


Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Kiwi, RB #926, AFF-I, FAA Snr. Rigger, RN/BSN/Paramedic

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According to the Red Book of Westmarch,
In Middle-earth, Nicholas Iain David Graham was a
Intelligent Meara

Elven Name Possibilities for Nicholas Iain David Graham
The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is:
Another masculine version is:
More feminine versions are:

Hobbit lad name for Nicholas Iain David Graham
Rorimac Greenhand from The Far Downs
Hobbit lass name for Nicholas Iain David Graham
Peony Greenhand from The Far Downs

Dwarven Name for Nicholas Iain David Graham
Gimli Deathvisor
This name is for both genders.

Orkish Name for Nicholas Iain David Graham
Urkrót the Blacktooth
This name is for both genders

"I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"

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