
Please Be Careful

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Holy shit girl. How are you doing?? :(

Thanks for posting this. Don't drink and drive is something we all know; stories like this reinforce it. I saw someone else mention it - please consider sending this to your school's newspaper and the town's newspaper.

My condolences to the family and friends of all... especially that new mom and baby.[:/]

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I'm so sorry you had to deal with that, but I feel the same way as everyone else-- thank God it wasn't you!

I can't imagine having to deal with something like that-- we're all here for you if you ever need anything. And God rest the souls of the poor mother and baby who lost their lives in this senseless tragedy.



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Can we please not get into logistics and service refusal elsewhere? She is a close member of our family and has just experienced something very tragic and emotionally unstabling.Give it a rest until she can cope without all the vultures looking for an incident to harp on.

Amen Amber.

((((((((Vibes))))))))) to you Daizey...many many ((((((((Vibes)))))))))

Scars remind us that the past is real

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i'm so sorry to hear this , this message hit's very close to home as i just learnt my lesson about drinking and driving , luckily noone got hurt but i put R2100 ($3500) damage to my car , i hope more and more people get to read this post as it is a story that all colleges should give out to students [:/]

SO many places to jump so little time !

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Oh Daizey girl. Sorry you had to witness that. It truly is amazing how things like that happen so fast. One minute everything is good in the world, the next minute tragedy strikes and people are dead. My thoughts are with you. I'll catch ya later on IM if you need me.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Thanks for posting this Daizey. Sometimes stories like these act as good reminders to think about your actions. Especially this time of year with all the holiday parties and celebrating. Your story might help keep someone from making the same mistake this girl made.

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Thanks for the post. This must have been very traumatising. And indeed, I will be carful... as we all should be on the roads, particularily this time of year.

Sending {{{{{Vibes}}}}} your way from Ontario and hoping they find you well.


My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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sorry to piss in anybody's cornflakes but who sold the intoxicated party the alcohol?

Don't you want to ask who held a gun to their heads and poured the alcohol down their throats.

This post, as I understood it, is about being responsible for your own actions, to drink responsibily and to NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. Unfortunately it takes horrible incidents such as this to make people see the light, not look to blame someone else.

Vibes to you Daisy.
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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This post, as I understood it, is about being responsible for your own actions, to drink responsibily and to NOT DRINK AND DRIVE.

Yeah, not to mention just being plain careful. It's an unfortunate fact, that one does not even have to drink or even drive to experience the painful results of someone elses stupid mistakes. That poor woman and her baby for example, had done nothing wrong.

When i first started driving, I remember my folks saying -as I'm sure you've all heard from loved ones- "It's not your driving I'm worried about per say.. but all the other whackos on the road."

Keep an eye out everyone. This time of year (the hollidays) lends itself to all sorts of inconsiderate, irresponsible and intoxicated drivers.


My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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This kind of thing happens more than you think.I've lost my License for 5 years because of the beer!12 YEARS,WITHOUT A LICENSE!I,m sooooooo glad I was in those AA/NA classes!You learn alot.This time of year is especially tough.There just are not enough police officers to catch everyone!The wish I would have known "Then" what I know "Now" gets said often after death occurs.Sorry,you had to see it up close and personal.Take care.

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This post, as I understood it, is about being responsible for your own actions, to drink responsibily and to NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. Unfortunately it takes horrible incidents such as this to make people see the light, not look to blame someone else.

Thank you. You're right, thats exactly what this post was about. I wanted a real life situation to be described as kind of an eye opener to the horrible things that can happen to you. This isn't soemthing you read about in a magazine-that soemtimes seems so far away it doesn't hit home. This time it hit quite a bit closer.

It was also a bit about helping me deal with it. Knowing people were there for me and seeing the support brought tears to my eyes. Then there was the post you were referring to as well-that brought tears to my eyes too-only this time they were different types of tears...

In no way at this moment do i feel as though I am responsible for what happened. Countless people have told me not to feel guilty-i wasn't until i read that that i did have feelings of guilt. I felt horrible, but now I am feeling a bit better. I know that i was in no way apart of what happened and that i did all i could. Many people could've jsut stood in disbelief and thought optimistically and said they'd be ok. I ran to try and get help and get them to stop-thats all i could have done.

Thanks again to everyone. You are making this very hard time seem just a little bit easier.


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Damn, that sucks...sorry to hear it, and sorry you had to witness it. It's gonna be tough to deal with for quite a while. I've been there, and it sucks...but lean on your close friends, especially the ones there that you can make physical contact with. Many years ago I watched a good friend of mine die, and held another in my arms while he died waiting for the paramedics - all because he was drunk and decided he was OK to ride his motorcycle home with his fiance on the back. It'll be tough, then you'll almost forget about it, then it'll slam back into you again. It goes in cycles. It took me a long time to deal with it, and I was only able to because of my close friends...so, like I said, lean on them when you need to.

Hopefully this is a lesson to all to not drink and drive...but, unfortunately, I know it won't change the mind of many that choose to do so.


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Hey kristi,
I used this post for a holiday safety breifing.
(FYI) we have to brief our troops every weekend about some form of safety. and ther holidays get even more and mroe briefings.
but we brief them so often no one even hears us b/c they become "what if's" this story is a good slap in the face with reality I work with people in almost every age group in this situation.(except the 4 month old)

y know, if youre not the one causing the accident you could STILL be the one it kills. BE CAREFUL
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Oh my God! I am so sorry you had to witness something like this.

My prayers go out to you and to the families of all the victims. What a horrible thing to have to live with.

Everyone be careful out there. The holidays are a bad enough time to be behind the wheel. "Tis the season to drive like idiots" Don't add drunkeness into the equation.


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This is absolutely horrible. It is such a great reminder to us as the holiday party season is here. Also, it is a reminder to look out for others that may not be as responsible as you. It's tragically horrible, but watch what cars you walk behind.

I'm so saddened that you had to witness the event & that it was so close to home for you.

to the impatient man... he needs a lesson in humanity.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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What an important post. Your words just may save a life.

I am truly sorry you had to witness this and I'm proud of your actions. My prayers go out to you, the victims and all who will be effected.

This gives me an opportunity to post an incident that was truly foolish and became very tragic. Hopefully, someone will take this to heart.

Some years ago on Long Island also, two jerks decided to drag race down a busy strip. They hit speeds of over 100mph. The end result was they broadsided a limousine that was carrying a newly married couple, their best man and maid of honor to their reception. All in the limo with the exception of the chauffer were killed...in front of all their family and friends. Of course the drag racers were fine.

Just another case of complete selfishness that results in the devastation of so many lives.

As Daisey said, please be careful.



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18 years as a cop. 7 of those years as a detective.

Vivid are the memories of all the lost & broken lives and widowed wives, etc.. so sadly due to alcohol abuse. Never could all the questions be answered. There are so many of those memories that a part of me wishes I could forget. So many questions that haunt my thoughts forever my dark moments.

The Senlessness of the lost and detroyed lives and unanswered questions I fear may forever torment me.

I'm so sorry for your loss and for your suffering.
I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!

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