
Happy holidays...oh, and Screw you!!

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One small group of people tried like hell to ruin my good mood and they, essentially, succeeded. Please allow me to vent...

I was on call for work today and had to check in by 10am to see if I was needed. Hoping that I would have the day to catch up on some much needed chores, I called just to find out I would have to work. That was frustrating, but as a poor person I can't really turn down money. So, off I went. I work as a waitress and there was steady business today. I got the standard tips...sometimes 20%, sometimes 10%, sometimes less than that.

My last table of the day was comprised of three women. I was friendly and offered them prompt service. Their needs were attended to since I'm trying to make a little cash. I haven't even gone xmas shopping yet because I don't know if I can pay the bills. Anyway, they order steaks...well done. Now, anyone who knows meat knows that well done takes a little time. Their food took 19 minutes to get to their table. When I delivered it, they were pissed. Said it took 40 minutes to get the food, they were VERY dissatisfied with my service, they were ready to leave, and they wanted a manager. I informed them that they did order the food well done, but I would get the manager.

He calms them with the offer of free dessert. Suddenly they aren't in such a hurry to leave. They were, however, perfectly content being really freakin' mean to me. They were demanding and rude, unfriendly and short with me. I, of course, had to smile and continue to provide the service I had offered in the beginning. I delivered their check, after their desserts had been comped and a discount taken off the meal. I even went so far as to wish them a happy holiday and a great day. I was even sincere, but it took every bit of willpower I had to do that. They tipped me....NOTHING. No real surprise there. >:( Now, they SHOULD have tipped me just for the skill it took to be friendly even though I had no love for them anymore. At least a few dollars to acknowledge the restraint it took to keep me from speaking my mind would have been nice.

So, here it is. Waitresses earn $2.13 an hour. I rely almost entirely on tips to pay my bills. I have to pay taxes on 10% of my sales, regardless of the tips I actually earn. I also have to tip out 2% of my sales to the bar and the hostess. In essence, I paid for the "privilege" of having served this table. That sucks. I've gotten stiffed on tips before, it happens. I've made mistakes on tables before and admitted my errors and tried to make it up to them. But, I have NEVER had to take shit from someone and be treated so poorly as I was today while maintaining a smile and friendly attitude. Grrrr.

So, please remember that those people who serve you food and are friendly and nice are doing it because they need to work and because they care about doing a good job. Throw 'em a little extra if you can this holiday season. And, if the service is bad or the kitchen doesn't turn out the food fast enough, please remember that your server is human. Thanks, and thanks for letting me vent...

I think I'll go turn up the music and take a long, hot shower...that always makes me feel better.

Oh, and Happy Holidays! I mean that! :)
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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I feel for ya! Just curious if your customers were locals or tourists? After spending 12 years in FL, I'm so glad I've escaped the yearly invasion of snowbirds.

Reminds me of the old joke;

Why can't you get a good blow job in NYC (or insert any eastern seaboard city) right now?
Cuz all the c**ksuckers came down to FL!

Problems just be opportunities in der workin' clothes.

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I have been in that situation early in my life. I am not in that position now. I am always kind to the wait staff no matter where I go. It serves me well that they treat ME well.

All you can do is just write it off to a group of people who probably are too demanding in life and probably want something for nothing since they feel they are special. I truely believe there is a SPECIAL place reserved for those who do not treat other people well in this life.

Move on.. Write it off and do not let it affect how you treat others. ALso... as life goes on and you are not in the situation you are now.. remember what it was like. Obviously those people have never experienced what its like. Someday they will.

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My last room mate in FL collected them. I think he has at least 2 of every one that was made. When I moved down here to PR, he gave me the 2 surfer ones since I had previously asked to use one for an avatar.

Problems just be opportunities in der workin' clothes.

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You did not deserve that Dagny,
Nobody does. As I've matured, I've learned that no matter how nice I am some people are just jackasses! They are just damn lucky none of us girls who know you weren't in there. I would have personally stuck a "MEAN PEOPLE SUCK " sticker on each of their foreheads. Let that crap go Dagny, you can't let ignorant b*tches ruin your holidays. Try to remember most of your friends are just happy to have your friendship, that in itself is a gift!-Caress
I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being

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I once heard a bit of wisdom from someone on evaluating a potential girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife:

Pay careful attention to how your SO treats waitresses and bartenders; that's how they will treat you in two years.

From what I've seen so far, it's held true.

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I have learned something tonight because of you, and thank you, thank you for telling us what it is outhere.
Now I will not tip 20% for a good one and 10% for a nasty one but get a cheaper meal and tip more.
Tell me where you are located, city, town, resto ' name and we (9 of us biz traveling) will go to your place.
Thanks for sharing, I didn't know waitress's life was so harsh.
See y'a ............... pretty soon

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Uggg...what bitches. I'm sorry they did that to you. I have worked as a waitress before and it's such a ripoff. The barely there paycheck and then tipping out to the bartenders, etc... The restaraunts really screw the waitstaff. I always tip 20% if not more. Happy Holidays and remember that karma will come back and bite those women in the ass..;)

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That really sucks Dagny [:/]. Unfortunately, idiots are born every minute.

What goes around comes around though. They'll go home to whatever they have to go to and sooner or later someone is going to fart in an elevator they're in. And then it'll get stuck for a few hours.

Hang in there. And fart in elevators. :)

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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So, here it is. Waitresses earn $2.13 an hour.

Damn, I know living expenses is a bit cheaper in the US, but that doesn't sound like much to make a living of.

Don't know exactly what the minimum vage is here in Norway, but i think it's at least $11 or more.
Come to Norway and work ;).

Sounds like you will make more money as a packer at the DZ. At $5 a pack job, you will DOUBLE what you make as a waitress with only one pack job an hour! (not including tip of course.)

Anyway, screw the bitches >:(>:(
Happy holliday

There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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You have hit one of my pet peeves. First the food is NEVER the servers fault (unless it is cold) it is the kitchens! If the food is cold and the server makes it right with a smile on their face, no harm no foul, humans make mistakes I do not consider the snafu in the tip. If they give me attitude well now it counts.

If the food just sucks it is not the servers fault. PERIOD.

Second, my rule, if the waitress is rude I tip nothing. You know you need tips to live so do not be rude. By rude I mean they gotta be non-smiling, un-accomodating, etc. They gotta be really bad to get no tip.

Average service always gets 12%.
Good service gest 15-20% depending on my finances at the time and what level of good.

Great service . . . I have been known to tip more than the bill. Great service deserves to be rewarded.

You got robbed and shame on them for being dingleberries.>:(

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They were demanding and rude, unfriendly and short with me. They tipped me....NOTHING.

Well then, I'm thinking they probably left the restaraunt and had a flat tire on the way home, then they all stepped in a righteous pile of dog shit while waiting to get it fixed.
-There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.

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I once heard a bit of wisdom from someone on evaluating a potential girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife:

Pay careful attention to how your SO treats waitresses and bartenders; that's how they will treat you in two years.

From what I've seen so far, it's held true.

Exactly! It's one of the things that made me fall in love with Merrick. He was always courteous and friendly to servers/McDonald's employees/whomever, even without having worked in that field himself.

I'm sorry that happened Dagny. I have the utmost respect for waiters/waitresses...I did it for a time and wouldn't do it again unless it was the only option. It's HARD work, and I'm not very good at relying on my being nice to an a$$ to make my living. Maybe you can try bartending sometime? I enjoyed that more (at a club). They throw more and more money you're way as they drink on...you make a lot and they somehow get a kick out of the 'bitch bartender'.

Good luck during the holidays girl!


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that really sucks.i took my wife to a chain restaurant tonight and we had a server in training.she was very attentive to our needs very pleasant etc.when the bill came she rung it up and indicated that we had paidin cash.i used a debit card.i watched as the trainer gave this girl a very stern lecture about her error on the ticket.i told her not to worry about that she did fine.its just a thing as my youngest says.so i tipped her 25% because she did a good job.***if you're on the edge ya might as well step off

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My first job out of high school many years ago was as a busboy and then cook. I saw some of the horrible mistreatment first hand of the food servers. Completely and totally undeserved in almost every case.

Since I was in college at the time, I typically worked swings/graveyard shifts. Bar rush was the worst, with all the drunks coming in pissed off about how they got treated at the disco (shows how old I am). They took it out on our people.

Anyway, I don't have any sage words of advice, except for the fact that it is a bitter world out there. Find another, better job. Like air traffic control.....

That's what I've done most of my working life, and the best part is no one can back talk you. You start at about $35,000 with retirement, health, and investment benefits. If you do well in the screening process, you will get assigned to a busy facility with commensurate pay. The average salary for an air traffic controller is in the high $80,000 range. The busiest facilities pay into the $130,000s.

Many of us hired in after the 1981 strike, and almost 2/3 of the workforce can retire by 2010. That is 10,000 controllers. The time for applying is ripe. You have to have a GED at a minimum, and go through a medical and security investigation. You must not have passed your 31st birthday by the time of hiring.

You can retire under the current rules at any age after 25 years, or at age 50 and 20 years ATC. Pretty sweet, but it is a VERY demanding job.

If you or anyone else is interested, PM or email me. From what I've seen, most everyone here would do well in the job. My decision to leave the Postal Service and go into ATC was the best decision I ever made in my life.

So, I hope your bad experience turns into a silver lining for you and others.

Bob Marks

"-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman

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That's what I've done most of my working life, and the best part is no one can back talk you. You start at about $35,000 with retirement, health, and investment benefits. If you do well in the screening process, you will get assigned to a busy facility with commensurate pay. The average salary for an air traffic controller is in the high $80,000 range. The busiest facilities pay into the $130,000s.

But...but...according to that bastian of accuracy, Cutaway, the average air traffic controller's salary isn't even high enough to order shrimp cocktail! :o
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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Many of us hired in after the 1981 strike,

My brother was an ATC in Saigon for 3 years. On his return, he was going to get a job doing the same in the US. He couldn't find one, but since he had a fixed-wing pilots license, he got a job doing that.

He was at the point of getting an ATC job when all that hit in '81, so he stuck with flying. :S

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