
Big moments you remember where you were

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Kerry beats Bush - took the rest of the week off, went skydiving.

....same here... Only I took the week off and flew to So. Cal to go skydiving w/ my pal tbrown...:D

as for some of the others...
JFK.. I was in 5th grade and had been sent by the teacher to the 4th grade classroom to deliver some papers... I was standing in the hallway after knocking on the door,,, because the intercom had just come on,, with the radio reports,,being "patched" into each class...and no one would answer the door...

Callenger.. I was on the way to a jobsite to install a power door opener, and intercom system for the front door... Got the work done,, despite a heavy heart...and prayed all the way home,,, that Pres Reagan was gonna hold a press conference that night,,, and have all the astronauts come out in front of the camera,,, declaring,,, that "Our NASA program,, has always provided for an impact proof,, encapsulated cockpit in each shuttle....." COMPLETELY impact proof.... and with the ability to fall back into life sustaining altitudes,,, before a series of parachutes would open to allow for a sea rescue,, from the atlantic...... alas,,, that was a dream on my part...[:/] :( and not to be.

A couple who are near and dear to me had suffered
the crash of their C 172 as they returned from the '91 world freefall convention,, in early august.... He was back at home and she was due to return,,, but was operating from out of a wheelchair..
I had a vertical accessiblity lift loaded into my truck and was heading to their house to install it in anticipation of her return home..... When I left here... the first tower was on fire.... During the 30 minute drive, the south tower was hit,, and the north tower had fallen....[:/] :( :( :(

Discovery.... at home .. cause there is no skydiving that time of year on a saturday,,,, around here....
heard the reports on the TV....didn't want to believe it....[:/]

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9/11: It was my first semester at college. I got up late as usual and rushed to class. It happened while I was in german. On the way out of class I stopped and got a hotdog from a street vendor. There were a bunch of people standing around and listening to the vendor's radio. I got my dog and left, still not knowing what had happened. Went to chemisty, sat through a lecture with a bunch of people talking in hushed tones. By them time that I left the chem lecture for calculus, I knew that something was up. On the way, I heard that somebody had crashed a plane into the World Trade Center. For some reason I assumed it was a little Cessna or something. The calc professor cancelled class because of "the events of this morning." I went back to my dorm, still pretty much clueless, and turned the TV on.

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1) 9/11 - This was my day to sleep in late, I was in my senior year of college. I was lying in bed annoyed that my roommates were talking so loud, when I heard my roommate say "holy shit" a few times, I decided to get up to see what was going on. Spent a lot of time watching TV that day. I did have to go to campus for a meeting though and remember looking out towards NYC and seeing all the smoke (NYC is about 10 miles from where I went to school).

2) Princess Di - I was in Germany on an exchange the summer before my senior year of high school. I walked into the kitchen that morning and the family I was staying with was talking about someone being dead. It was the only question (and the only time that I spoke German for a whole conversation while I was there) that I asked in German, who was dead, and that's how I found out.

3) Columbine - I was in my freshman year of college and was at class when it happened, I didn't find out until I walked into my next door neighbors to say hi and they told me.

4) Challenger - I was really young, I think maybe 5 or 6, I don't remember if I heard it on the radio or on the news, but I remember hearing about it.

5) Columbia - I was sitting eating breakfast at my house and heard it on the radio.


team swooo
swooo #2

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The Challenger- I was in elementary school I think, I remember watching it in school and not understanding really what happened.

Princess Di- I was sleeping in college. My roommate turned on the TV after coming home frm clubbing or something and it was on. She woke me up. That was about the only time she woke me up for somethign reasonable.

9/11- Again, I was sleeping. I was sick at home frm my clinical work that day. Froggie/Kelly called me in hysterics. I was delirious frm being sick and had no clue again what was going on until she slowed down to tell me. Camped out on the couch all morning watching the news and trying to contact some close friends up there to make sure they were alright.

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Kerry beats Bush - took the rest of the week off, went skydiving.

....same here... Only I took the week off and flew to So. Cal to go skydiving w/ my pal tbrown...:D

as for some of the others...
JFK.. I was in 5th grade and had been sent by the teacher to the 4th grade classroom to deliver some papers... I was standing in the hallway after knocking on the door,,, because the intercom had just come on,, with the radio reports,,being "patched" into each class...and no one would answer the door...

Callenger.. I was on the way to a jobsite to install a power door opener, and intercom system for the front door... Got the work done,, despite a heavy heart...and prayed all the way home,,, that Pres Reagan was gonna hold a press conference that night,,, and have all the astronauts come out in front of the camera,,, declaring,,, that "Our NASA program,, has always provided for an impact proof,, encapsulated cockpit in each shuttle....." COMPLETELY impact proof.... and with the ability to fall back into life sustaining altitudes,,, before a series of parachutes would open to allow for a sea rescue,, from the atlantic...... alas,,, that was a dream on my part...[:/] :( and not to be.

A couple who are near and dear to me had suffered
the crash of their C 172 as they returned from the 2001 world freefall convention,, in early august.... He was back at home and she was due to return,,, but was operating from out of a wheelchair..
I had a vertical accessiblity lift loaded into my truck and was heading to their house to install it in anticipation of her return home..... When I left here... the first tower was on fire.... During the 30 minute drive, the south tower was hit,, and the north tower had fallen....[:/] :( :( :(

Discovery.... at home .. cause there is no skydiving that time of year on a saturday,,,, around here....
heard the reports on the TV....didn't want to believe it....[:/]

duplicate post.... needed to correct inaccurate date of earlier post...regarding 9 - 11...

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ON THE BRIGHT SIDE. The first lunar landing;) Damn I'm old

Hey, I remember that too. I was 13 and we were on the final leg of the drive home from a long vacation. We had toured Cape Canaveral on a bus a few weeks earlier and had seen the Apollo 11 on the launch pad from a few miles away, no closer. We were on the NY State Thruway when they landed and my dad sort of stepped on the gas so we'd get home in time to see them get out and walk on the moon. We made it too. Only those of us who were around then probably remember how ghostly the images were on TV - almost like shadows in negative. The clear color pics only came later.

The Beatles on Ed Sullivan - 1964 Yeah yeah yeah !!!!! The first really GOOD feeling since JFK was assasinated, it was OK to have fun again. They were SO completely different & so great we laughed because we didn't know what else to do. Thank GOD for the Beatles, I think life would've sucked without them.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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Kennedy - 8th grade -- they came over the load speaker and the President had been shot -- the teachers all started crying and they dismissed school -- I remember EVERYONE being really somber for days!

Challenger explosion -- weirdest of them all -- I was in AK working and we heard the liftoff over the radio -- then it cut to commercial. During that commercial I turned to my friend and said, "Wouldn't it be something if that thing exploded with everyone looking (on TV)". The radio station came back from commercial and stated the Challenger exploded. My friend just stared at me for the longest. Talk about weird!

Reagan shot -Sitting at home watching TV (working a night shift) They broke in the regular programming with the news.

9/11 - The second day of a Master's Module at SNU -- talk about a wasted week. No professor or student wanted to do anything (I was there (SNU) again when Iraq2 broke out -- I was working out at a health club when Irag1 (Desert Storm) began.

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1. Challenger - just getting out of gym class in high school.
2. Oklahoma City Bombing - at home drugged up on Nyquil wondering what movie I had turned on.
3. 9-11 - at work watching CNBC talking to my counterpart in NY who was in WT2 when the second plane hit her building.
4. Princess Di - Hanging with my brother over labor day weekend in Atlanta
5. Columbine - At work working with the HR people to communicate data out to the employess since 20% of all the employees lived down that direction.

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9 / 11 - Driving my parents from Cardiff to Bristol International Airport. They were on their way to Malta. The drama unfolded on the radio as I drove back home.

Princess Diana's Death - Asleep. Awoke to hear the news and was completely stunned.

Challenger Disaster - Fourth year of comprehensive school (Fourth grade high school). Designing a clock for my woodwork class.

I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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new years 2000.... drunk dancing on top of a phone booth in the city center of kaiserslautern germany.... then got tear gassed by some asshole in the crowd...

sept 11th 2001..... landed at spangdahlem air base germany at 2pm est and heard the news.. we had just come from wrightpaterson air foce base in ohio at 4am est... so i was in the air over the atlantic when it happened...

challenger.... just got home from kindergarten and was watching the launch on tv (mom had it on)......... yes i actually do remebr it.....

start of the gulf war..... 5th grade teacher brought a tv into the classroom that morning so we could watch the news......

the start of actions against afganastan....... at work sending off planes... knew shit was going down days before it happened... just didn't know when exactly it was gona start but knew there were planes loaded with lives sitting at an undlislcosed air base....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Neil Armstrong stepping on to the surface of the moon. We had just gotten our first color TV, which were still pretty new, and I distinctly remember asking my Dad why the picture was in black and white.

Jeez....you were a tool even as a kid, eh? :D


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People talk about remembering where they were when Kenndy was shot. Given the events in Fresno yesterday, I think back to events where I remember where I was and what I was doing:

9/11: I was in a military school. The Cadre popped on the bus and told us that the first plane had hit the WTC. We didn't believe him since this school is famous for having tons of BS in it. They told us it was not BS, but we really didn't believe them. Then the second plane hit, and they took us in to watch CNN.

Challenger Explosion: I was in the 7th grade...PE. Living in Tampa we used to watch them....I saw it explode.

Columbia disaster: I was laying on the couch with my GF...We were going to go skydiving , but just ended up laying together on the sofa watching the re-entry. When they said they had lost contact and it had been gone for over a min. I turned to her and told her that the shuttle was gone. She asked how I knew, I told her that the shuttle can lose contact durring re-entry, but it can't abort that late, and it HAS to land since it can't power up and fly around...It was a minute late to landing...It was gone.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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challenger... sittin in 4th grade Social Studies class, all tuned into to the take off. We all got to go home early.

start of gulf war... had a freshman crush on a friend of mine that had graduated the year before. THE DAY news of the war came out, I had been asking where Jeff had gone. He'd been gone for a few months & I really missed him. He never came home.

Oklahoma City bombing... freshman in college. heard of this & our invasion of Haiti on the same day... MANY months after they happened. Decided I needed to watch the news more often.

Princess Di killed... Jr. in college met my first serious b/f @ the bar that night. In honor of the English, I bought everone in the bar a round of Guenniss. I got so drunk, it was the first time I'd ever let anyone drive MY car home, well, to his home really :)
Columbine... didn't know of it for quite some time, just another day @ a job I hate. wondered what happend to my long forgotten pledge to watch the news more often [:/]

9/11... came into work a bit early. Co-worker that gets in really early said they saw on line something about a fire or bomb or plane in one of the WTC towers. While he & another co worker tried to get onto CNN or someother site; I was trying to get on w/ my day (workin in finance); I was calling my contacts - all in NY & wondering why none of their numbers were working. wishing I hadn't been out drinking so much the night before. finally when NO ONE in the office could get on-line, we went to the conference room, turned on the projector screen TV & watched the whole thing for a few hours. Since I work 1 bldg away from Sears Tower in Chicago, we were told to go home. At 10:30AM, downtown chicago was like rush hour, seriously crazy. the buses were packed. all i could think of were the 100+ co-workers of mine that worked in or around the WTC..... blessedly they were all fine, but now I have to call NJ for many of them.

Since 9/11 I've made a new pledge to NOT watch the news. dz.com is my only source, I want to withdraw from this crazy world.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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9/11: I was at work when a co-worker stood up and announced that a plane had hit the trade center. Minutes later my phone rang - my father frantic and in tears that my brother, who worked at the financial center, should have been at a meeting that morning at the trade center and he couldn't reach him - all the phones were down. We thought we had lost him. He was stuck in traffic on the bridge that day. Thank you, God. That was possibly the most stressful day of my life. It was hours and hours before we knew that my brother Matt and his son, Luke, were safe. It was Luke's birthday... he was going to NYU at the time... and he was walking to the tower to meet his father for an early lunch... he was on the street a few blocks away when the towers collapsed. :|

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Challenger - I live in Florida. I was on a construction site and everyone was watching. The guy next to me said "Something is very wrong." and looked at the ground.

I think there is something about people who do not live in a large city. In a small town, everyone is "connected" (for better or worse). They are happy for the achievements of others, even if they do not know them personally. They feel the pain of the losses that way too.

9/11 - I was in my office when someone walked in and told me. Another person had a small portable tv and we watched it a lot of the day.

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Kerry beats Bush - took the rest of the week off, went skydiving.

Different story here. After Kerry beat Bush, the Fed tax "roll back" and the lack of the rollback for the state, local and sales tax increases immediately cut my take home pay and that of many friends. So all of us and many friends had to quit skydiving - putting the DZ out of business and those families out of work. The steady rape of my savings and earnings was short lived since most of us at work had to be laid off due to outrageous requirements forced on my company. But that's ok, since there was plenty of work in the military and guard as terrorists immediately started attacking us the day after Kerry's Oath. On the third big attack that year we were waiting in line for cheese.

REAL big moments I remember? Daughter's birth, daughter climbing the wall at the gym - her skiing the moguls first time - her making gifts for everyone and anyone. I remember my wife's first skydive and the first that I took her on a jump. First competition moments, first time scoring a double digit round.....

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Wow Weegegirl!!
I know that day sucked for you.

I was in London when it happened. I was out getting my Eurorail pass to go to Germany to jump at a dz over there. When I returned back to my grandmothers and walked in she was sitting in a chair watching tv crying. She yelled for me to come see. When I looked at the TV they were replaying the planes hitting the towers. It looked like something out of a movie, it was so surreal. I even saved one of the news papers from over there.

After that, the government would not let any planes,trains, or ships leave or enter the UK. So I just hung out with my grandmother for the rest of my vacation.

When I returned home, I was unemployed and continued to be for about 9 or 10 months. I had it easy, compared to some poeple.


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Ok kiddies, now for some real old shit.

Atomic bombing of Hiroshima happened the day I was born.

Listening to the radio with my parents when the announcement of Julius and Ethel Rosenburg's executions for giving the Soviets the secret to the atomic bomb was announced. (Big ass deal back then)

Watching TV at a friend's house when it was announced that the Korean War was over.

Having fried catfish for dinner at home with my family when it was announced that Buddy Holley, Richie Valenz and the Big Bopper had been killed in a plane crash.

Sitting in American History in high school when the settlement of the Cuban Millile Crisis was announced. (Man, was everybody relieved)

Standing on the corner of Industrial Blvd and I-35 at the Trade Mart in Dallas when a blood splattered Lincoln convertable passed right by the spot where I was standing with the just freshly assassinated JFK inside.:(

Stoned:D sitting in my hootch at Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base watching a rather grainy black and white broadcast of the first lunar landing.

Watching Monday Night Football at home when Howard Cosell announced that John Lennon had been killed.

Playing Frogger in an arcade in Dallas when we found out Reagan had been shot.

At my desk at work when one of our pilots called and said the World Trade Center had been rammed by an aircraft and to get to a TV quick. Arriced at the TV just in time to see the second tower struck.>:(
The older I get the less I care who I piss off.

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JFK.....I remember my mom picking me up from kindergarten, crying her eyes out....and my dad was at home, which he rarely was before dinnertime.

MLK.....heard about it at the little country store (we were taking a break from working the fields). i remember one of the old crackers in the back of the room spitting his tobacco juice out, and saying "bout damn time, too." I had played with African-American kids, and worked the fields with them, for 4-5 years.....that was the first time I became conciously aware of the segregation issue, and that my "we're all God's children" outlook was NOT predominant in the South.

Decmber 26th, 1968....Mom took me to the YMCA to sign up for swimming classes (which i didn't want to do), but forgot my birth certificate. We went home for lunch. i heard a car door slam, and went to the front door. My mom called out "Who is it ?" I said "It's two Army guys." I'll never forget that choked, muffled scream that came out of her mouth....she knew right away what was happening. They had come to inform us that Dad's chopper was shot down over Vietnam, and there were no survivors.

lunar landing....sitting on the floor of our house in California, watching with 3 of my friends, and about 20 people my mom had invited over.

Skynyrd plane crash....my and 2 buddies were commuting to college....heard it on the radio. Turned around, went back to my apartment, played Skynyrd albums and smoked pot all afternoon and into the night.

Challenger....actually took the morning off work just to watch the launch......didn't realize anything was wrong until the contrails started corkscrewing all over the sky.

9/11.....walking to the front office for a meeting....2 ladies were listening to the radio, and told me a plane had hit it. I thought it was a accident with a small plane, but as i was standing there, the second oplane hit, and i knew it wasn't an accident....that was probably the lowest I've ever felt.

Columbia.....didn't even know it 'til I logged on here at DZ.com, saw y'all discussing it, then turned on the TV.

"When in doubt I whip it out,
I got me a rock-and-roll band.
It's a free-for-all."

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9/11: I was on my way to work at Sunrise Rigging. I was stopped at a light and heard it on the radio. In my mind, I pictured a Cessna. (9-11 especially hit home b/c I lived in NY til I was 14. I had a dream just last night about it all).

Challenger: I was in elementary school, on Long Island. We were watching the broadcast on TV. I remember one of the priests coming in to talk to us afterwards and everyone crying in the schoolyard.

Columbine: I was in my Logic class at college. I hadn't turned on the TV before running down to class and when I arrived everyone was talking about it. We didn't do a bit of work during that hour and a half.

I don't remember where I was when I heard about the Columbia though.

I remember receiving/witnessing personal bad news more clearly than most of the national/world events. Sometimes I wish I didn't remember.

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