
My dog ran away :-(

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This sucks. :(

I let my dog out this morning, went to the bathroom myself and when I came out she was gone. Nowhere to be found.

I've been calling her name for 30 minutes.

I've walked up and down the street calling her name.

I've driven slowly around the neighborhood looking for her.

I don't know what else to do.


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Aw, man! :( I hope you find her, she's such a sweetie. Did she have a collar and tags on?
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Are you friendly enough with your neighbors that they would recognize that she belongs to you if they see her? I think I would grab her picture and start knocking on doors to get the word out that she's missing.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I lost a dog in the woods one time when she saw a deer and took off running. It took me 18 hours to find her. I didn't spend all 18 hours in the woods, only about 6. I then took my T-shirt and left it in the woods and went home to get some sleep. Came back in the morning and there she was ... right at the T-shirt. Hope you find her. Keep the faith.

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I'm so glad she is home. And tags work. Our dog was outside (fenced yard) and we didn't even know she was gone until someone called and said they had our dog. She had broken the lattice out of the bottom of the deck and went for a strole around the neighborhood. We were so grateful for the good neighbor that picked her up and thought to look for a tag.
I've done so much, with so little, for so long
I'm now expected to do everything with nothing forever

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Along the same lines, has anyone here ever had their dog/cat "chipped"? Ya know, the little microchip they put in subdermally that has the dog's (and your) ID info on it? How much does it cost? The main value I could see over just a regular license/ID tag is that if somebody nabbed your dog intentionally, then down the road a vet could find the chip and get your dog back to you...

Elvisio "no dog yet, but someday" Rodriguez

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Microchipping is a very very good idea....it varies by the area as to what they charge, you can go to the Vet or you can go to the nearest shelter and have it done...I HIGHLY recommend doing this.

It does cost $15 to register it with the service, but working at a shelter, the 8 months i was there....we had 6 dogs returned to there owners....:ph34r: and that was the ones that got missed by the pound....They had a great return rate themselves....

I think i paid $20 for each dog to be chipped plus the cost of registering, Some shelter will chip for nominal fee, but you still pay the reg fees, it is worth the piece of mind, tags are great, but collars fall off...:)
As for the "stolen dog" absolutly!!!!! it is true proof of ownership :)
for more information go to
Both chips are fantastic, and reliable...or check with your vet or shelter :)
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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How much does it cost?

Anywhere between 1 and 2 jumps. ;-)
My ex chipped her dog after she'd gotten away and was gone for about three days, then one morning showed up at my front door at 5AM. The shelter in Boulder would chip your pooch for $37.50, but I've heard of it being done for around $20. I think shelters tend to be less expensive than vets. Either way, it's really inexpensive when you consider the alternative loss.

Glad Molly found her way home!

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Glad she's home safe!!!

Please call your local vet, PetSmart, or shelter TODAY, and get Molly a microchip. They're about $40, including registration with PetTrac, which is the database that maintains all the animal and owner info. Most shelters have scanners for the AVID chips. Call your local shelters and ask to make sure. If they don't have the scanners, talk to your local vet who is injecting the microchip. The vet can arrange with AVID for the shelter to receive a free scanner.

The needle they use to inject the chip looks HUGE, but it really isn't bad. The chip is about the size of a grain of rice. My cat got chipped when he was six weeks old, and he didn't make a sound! Course, afterwards, he turned around and hissed at the vet, but its so worth it! Its nice to know that your furry friends have ID even if they lose their collar.

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Congrats on finding your best friend. Why are you crying? For the same reason I am joy!!!!!:)
There was a recent story on the national news (at least two weeks ago) about a family that had lost their cat moved cross country and found their cat years later because of the micro chip.B|

BTW on the 4 of july don't leave your dog "home alone" they have been known to get spooked enough due to the noise outside and do what ever it takes to get out of the house and escape the madness.


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Because it's your job as a Mom to give her a guilt trip

Keith my dear... that is a VERY GOOD answer...

Lisa glad your puppy came home so quickly... losing your best friend like that is hard.. they become such a big part of your life so quickly. Now you also have to make the area you let the little darlin out into.. more secure...uh.. and you might give a thought to the water I saw in one of your pictures.

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