
How many jumps before you had a reserve ride?

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I had about 35 jumps. At the time I was using the PC with the front mount reserve equipment. Had a floating ripcord handle. Which would happen sometimes in those days due to the larger jumpsuits knocking the handle out. Lost track of altitude and scared myself, so I fired my reserve while on my belly. Not a good thing to do, the hooks used to connect my reserve to the main harness, twisted enough to come undone on the left side. Thank god for cross connectors on the reserve. Lucky for me I landed on a down swing, and walked away. Arrived back to the packing area, and there was a JM and the DZO standing there with another rig, and right up I went. They thought that if I didn’t go back up right then and there, I’d never jump again.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I think I had my first one at jump # 50 something...second cutaway-handle-pulled-out-in-hairball-induced one >:(:D:PB| at around 300 something.

Avoid terminal reserve rides at all costs.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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612. lucky number 13 was the winner.

uneventful spinning not-opening jedei. kept calm, kept my handles, landed my reserve in the peas. Promptly was yelled at by my boyfriend for pulling low. I never realized how similar my main and reserve looked... teehee. He didn't see the cutaway and just thought I was pulling in the basement. haha!


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33. I flat packed drunk at night on grass at a boogie. Bad idea.

41. I flat packed sober, but somehow had a line over with center cell and both end cells closed... still trying to figure that one out.

131. Some sort of control problem... I think I was jumping an inverted canopy or something... it was bad news.

That was how I got my nickname.

Nothing since. I have packed more than jumped since then, and in 1200+ pack jobs since then, only 1 reserve ride on a tandem when a riser broke (nothing to do with the pack, just got too frayed).

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- Voltaire

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Jump # 25. A lot of firsts on that one...first licensed jump, first hybrid, my 30th b'day, camera-dude's 600th jump, of course my first mal...I deployed going toooo fast in the middle of a track after that hybrid and had a slammer that knocked my left brake line loose and the slider bounced...loose line bowtied the slider and cinched down the left side of my canopy. Tension knot wasn't goin' anywhere, so I chopped it. No prob. ;)

I'm not afraid of spinning mal's anymore. (Now then a PC in tow......that's another story...:o)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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40 something -

If I knew then what I know now - I wouldn't have chopped it - inexperiance is what gave me the ride - Tension knots and a slider that was up - Probably could clear it now - but then it was a scary thing to look up and see.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Jump 27 -

Only the left side of the canopy inflated and it began spinning me. I reached up to pump the toggles and the left toggle just came off in my hand. I was holding a steering toggle, but there was no steering line attached to it.

I noticed a particular fence post staring at me, so I cut away and the RSL beat me to the punch on getting the reserve out.

Shouted, "Yeee Haaaa" and landed the reserve.

- topher

note: Toggle and steering line were in perfect shape when we recovered them. They had been assembled incorrectly. This was the second jump on said rental rig. :|

"...there is a there out there..." - Tom Robbins

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#76 - packed a ripped slider into a Fury 220 and was told on the ground, "it *should* work". I was aware enough to go straight to my handles j.i.c., and I looked up to see a 'text book' bow-tie...several explicitives left my mouth as I went through the sequence of handles...mostly mad at MYSELF!!

Oh...and I packed a mal for another sport jumper on his Stiletto <100?? (Spinetto!!)...sorry SF!:S. But, he has/had several thousand jumps at that stage, and I don't think it was his first reserve ride either. Needless to say I don't sport pack <100's anymore.

Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Kiwi, RB #926, AFF-I, FAA Snr. Rigger, RN/BSN/Paramedic

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I had my first on my 5th sport jump my second on my 30th military jump( approx) and my third at about 60th Sport jump.. 3 before 100 jumps.. all on Capewells (J-1 releases).. the two sport jumps directly attributable to my skill at packing the Papillion.. the other one was a military rigger that packed the C-9 main. It was another year after that before my next one under the Parafoil.. still capewells. 5th reserve ride was a main reserve canopy entanglement from a PC in tow..that one hurt. In my new jumping lifetime I made it to about 250 jumps or so.. when I got to try out my Raven -M due to a blown up Triathalon.. I like the new equipment LOTS better... I finally stood up a reserve ride.:)

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Wow, according to this(unscientific) poll, more than 50% of jumpers have their first reserve rides at sub-100 jumps!

Perhaps those who have not had a reserve ride are voting in the category for the jump number they currently have, and therefore skewing the numbers?

i.e., I have between 100-200 jumps now, with no reserve rides, so I should cast my vote in the 100-200 category? I don't think that's the intent of the poll, so I didn't vote.


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