
Best/ Worst/ Most Creative pick up line...

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So, I know there has already been a thread about this... but :P

So, I was working in manifest today when 'sparky' walked in and smoothly asked me ... "So, young lady, what's your middle name?.. other than gorgeous?" he then quickly added "You stay away from me sweetheart, I'm a dirty old man!" and then left. :D:P

After a pretty pitful morning, that made me laugh... :D

So what is the best/worst/most creative pick up line you have ever given or received.

Go playfully hit on your manifesters this weekend... It will make her (or him) laugh... :ph34r: :S:D

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From my experience...the best pickup line, is no pickup line.

usually I cringe when young kids say, "from my experience..." but in this case you're right on. Just walk up and have a conversation. Any woman that falls for a pickup line is dumber than she looks.

BTW Kramer, when are we hooking up to hustle some fools at poker?


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No Line.
I Just sit at the bar and lick my eyebrows.

I don't use a line either. I just wad up about a dozen handkerchiefs and stuff them in my pants to make a big bulge. I've found the bulge works best if it is located in the vicinity of my left rear pocket.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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O.K., you caught me. But I was only looking at your t*ts because the strength, intelligence, and classical Helenic beauty in your eyes intimidates me.:)
(Copyright 2004: May not be reused without written permission)
OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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BTW Kramer, when are we hooking up to hustle some fools at poker?

When I turn 21...I'm all about heading out to Vegas for the World Series. B|

You play online much? I play quite a great deal online. We need more skydivers that play so we can have a big skydiver poker tournament. ;)


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