
What to cook a girl for dinner?

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This is a favorite and super easy.

You need an oven safe deep dish of some sort, like a Pyrex, etc.

2 packs of tortolines, 1 jar of your favorite sauce and 1 bag of shredded mozirella cheese. It helps if you have a little olive oil too.

If you have olive oil, coat the bottom of the pan. Then pour in the noodles, then your jar of sauce, then cover thickly with cheese.

Put in oven on 375 for about 30 minutes, give or take, and you'll have a fun and very tasteeeee meal.:)


By the way, the meal doesn't look super easy to do, even though it is, and to serve, cut out pieces with a knife and scoop out like meatloaf.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Don't do the spaghetti thing. It's too messy, and there is very little hope of being romantic with spaghetti.

But, what does your lady like? Is she a meat and potatoes type? Or, one who prefers veggies? Gvie some more info.

One thing that is a GREAT favorite is creme brulee for desert - especially if you let your lady caramelize the top..

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Oh I LOVEEE to cook!!! Hmm...what Liz said is the main thing to follow.

Make it a light meal. Either chicken breast or grilled fish with veggies on the side. Maybe just toss up a nice salad with grapes and walnuts for the side :)
Main point though..keep it light. You dont want a real greasy meal..if so the chicke will more than likely feel bloated and 'full' after wards and you wont score.

Just my input.

I have some really good recipes at my apartment that I've come up with. I'll post some of them later when I get home for you.

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Try Pineapple Chicken Flambé

Simple and Flashy.

Get two Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts
Sauté in Olive Oil with a little Minced Garlic and a Tablespoon of Lemon Juice.
Mix in some Mushrooms and thinly sliced Bell Peppers (I use Green, Red and Yellow for color)

Take 1 Whole Fresh Pineapple, Slice it in half lengthwise. Scoop out the Pineapple and add it to your sauté pan.

When it is all done, pour the Chicken/Mushrooms/Bellpeppers/Pineapple mix back into the Pineapple shell.

Pour just a Little Bacardi 151 on top, Light it and serve.

Definitely get the WOW factor going for you.

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Mussels in a white wine sauce.

Looks good, tastes better and is dead easy...

Buy a net of mussels and clean the shells by scraping off any barnacles with a knife and pulling off any beards. Discard any broken mussles or ones that don't close when you abuse them! ;)

Dice 1 onion, a handful of flat-leaf parsley 1 chilli and 2 medim cloves of garlic.

Put all of the above except the mussels in a big pan with a lidand let it soften in some butter / olive oil for about 10 mins over a medium / medium low heat.

Add the mussels and a glass of dry white wine and put the lid back on. Crank the heat all the way up.

Leave for about 4 minutes max.

The mussels are cooked when they are open.

Serve in 2 deep bowls with some torn french bread to soak up the broth and some more chopped parsley to garnish.

Total time - about 12 minutes. :)
It's a really light meal... feel free to add some rice noodles, chopped coriander and some crushed roasted nuts for a more Thai-influenced feel... Two meals for the price of one.

Cooking rocks! B|

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Jambon au Madère...

you do rolls with ham slices and dispose them in a Pyrex dish.
do a sauce with cream (doubke cream if possible), tomato concentrate and Madeira wine and cover the ham with it.

In the oven for a while...

goes well with beans, rice and healthy stuff like that.

Very easy to do (I can do it...) and quite impressive, specially the healthy side...
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Mussels in a white wine sauce.

Looks good, tastes better and is dead easy...

Buy a net of mussels and clean the shells by scraping off any barnacles with a knife and pulling off any beards. Discard any broken mussles or ones that don't close when you abuse them! (...)

Damn! I vote for this one!! When you gonna throw a dinner party for all of us??

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How about doing some shrimp and chicken on kabob skewers with some vegies like green peppers and mushrooms mixed in? You can put the shrimp/chicken in a marinade ahead of time for extra flavor. Then they're real easy to throw on the grill if you have nice weather and a patio. Goes good with margeritas too in case she doesn't like wine.


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This kind of sounds off, but I assure you its great.

1) Get mushrooms and onions then chop them up into small bits.
2) Get 2 eggs and crack them and stir together like scrambled eggs.
3) Get Chicken cutlets and lay them in the egg then place them in bread crumbs. The pieces of chicken need to be bite size.
4) Place them in a pan with some oil and cook them. Once cook place them in the bowl of onions and mushrooms....stir together.:)5) Get some brocolli and cut how you wish for size.....place in frying pan and cook just till it gets soft. You can decide.....soft or hard. Then place in pan with chicken and onions.
6) Boil some water and drop some Ziti in it....place ziti in with all of it...stir like a crazy man.
7) Place a thin layer of cheese on the top and let melt....

SERVE!....mmmm...Chicken Ziti anbd Brocolli...m mmm.

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
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