
Weekend Numbers Aug. 20-21, 2005

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Two jumps in hawaii! 'Nuff said.

First jump in Hawaii
First jump from a King Air

Both jumps done at Pacific Skydiving Center
Will be jumping at Skydive Hawaii on Tuesday and Thursday evenings this week. B|

FGF #???
I miss the sky...
There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't.

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0:1:Too Much!

First time to Atlanta (The Farm), naked tandem jump (great video when I actually got to watch it in the privacy of my own home)- I had to let someone else save my ass, beer owed? Yes...

Oh wait... It was a pretty low key weekend. Nothing happened... :)

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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16 hours in cars:14:2

Traveled this weekend training with my 4 way team. Even with absolutly crappy weatcher we still did 6 yesterday and 8 today in 4 hours. First time at Crosskeys and first time all the team was together. Can't wait for Nationals.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Spent the whole weekend writing my Rantoul articles for the mag. They're due tomorrow.


"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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At The Farm:

:| - pretty much self-explanatory

11 - solos, 2-ways, 4-ways, 6-ways, tracking dive
With friends old and new (JD, Hellerman, Jumpchikk,
Chuckie, BdBrown, Peanut4040, Darla, Pyke, Bobster,
AnnieMae, panzwami, Icon134, Cassie)

0 - escaped with no injuries to the beer account this week. Although I must say, observing the lingerie jump was a new experience!:ph34r: However that eye-candy was negated by the nude jump by Peanut4040.

Side notes:
PsychoBob is aptly named.
All the ladies on the lingerie jump were, well, fantastic!.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Had an awesome weekend at Cross Keys - gosh, I love it there.

Got sleeves, hoping they would help with my 130+ fall rate, but... nope. B|

I gotta re-learn how to fall flat I think :S:( Nobody is gonna be able to jump with me....

Arianna Frances

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Only jumped on Saturday.
Did the Scott Miller advance canopy course again, and as always it was a blast. Learned a lot.:)
5 Hop n Pops

Jen you should just start freeflying :P:)
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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1 really short stay in deland

1 amazing memorial jump (it happened to be jump #420) in memory of egon, krys, piers, and bruno. the one i was on was a full otter load tracking dive!
the people at deland put together 2 really cool memorial jumps for them and i was honored to be on one of them. the jumps were followed by lots of heineken, stories and memories told by many people, a fly by, releasing of 4 small birds, a south african bbq, a huge game of flaming footie, and great times with friends.
thanks to everyone who put the memorial together. it really was beautiful and i am so glad i could be there for it.

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*2-way FF w/ Danny - Bumper Bodies, YAY!!! :D
*3-way FF w/ Paul & Will - another vice versa exit - ALMOST pulled off..get legs DOWN ..get legs DOWN!
*4-way FF w/ Jenn, Paul, & Danny - laughed the entire dive! What an exit!!! :P;)
*2-way FF w/ a newbie FF'er - it was his 4th attempt and he is already solid! I was so proud! (This was his 36th jump or something like that) B|:)
Last load Sunday all the swoopers on the load went for the pond...got some awesome footage of them showing their skillz! :)

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4 solo freefly jumps

1 high deployment @ sunset with a couple friends

Bought some white freefly pants... and kept them that color all day :D

Good day over all B|

Wow, you actually kept 'em clean! That won't last...;)

Yep, great day at SDC! :)

Did my pre-second sommersault exit, that was fun!!

Got a few points on some 2-ways, and finished off the day with a 6 pt 3-way with stand-up landing! Woo-hoo!! B|

Too bad I didn't get to jump with soarfree, but guess we'll try again next time! :)
"At 13,000 feet nothing else matters."
Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109
My Jump Site

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