
weekend numbers

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Format - humps (or other significant number):jumps:beer owed


3 - number of trips down the Super Slide it took to establish that I am the super ultimate supreme most bitching winner.

3 jumps. Did a suprise freebie Thursday; the boss had to show the plane off to some clients. Took a (not dirtdived) four way off, #5 came in and then we tracked. Fun stuff.

Stopped by Madera on Saturday morning and got a two way freefly in out of their Cessna. Sat student, climbed out and hung from the strut B| Short skydive though...

Ended the weekend with another 2 way back at Davis. That's where the beer comes in - did my first ever tube exit. Really. I'd never done one before. I swear.

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20 jumps at the skydive greene county boogie! mostly freefly jumps with chris cowden organizing, a raft jump, a hybrid, some coaching jumps and some point turning belly jumps!

thanks to the roaming dz crew for coming a long way to play with us! thanks to everyone else that made it out.... especially chris for organizing!

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You Know It: 12 : 8

1st Boogie! I Love my home DZ in Richmond!
1st Helocopter Jump
1st Jump from Mullins Plane
1st Jump from Otter
1st Formation Load
1st time lainding off (I didn't spot that one :P)
1st way bigger than 9
1st autograph signed to spectator!

The beer is rediculus, I owe at least 3 people alcohol posioning! Thanks to everyone who came to Richmond and made it AWESOME. I was the one jumping through the bonfire! Thanks to Packing Cathy for taking me on and financing my jumps B| Gotta love THE boogie!
--- and give them wings so they may fly free forever

DiverDriver in Training

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22 FUN jumps at Skydive Greene County! I guess technically I owe a case of beer for my first jump there. Sorry, I will have to come back soon and pay up.:$

Thank you so much to the SGC crew for having me out and for being so generous. I had a great time! Nice DZ with great people!

Thank you to Alana for going hardcore with me all weekend. Thanks for all the jumps! Thank you to Justi for setting it all up!

I miss you all! Hope to see you soon!:)

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Got my first Drag-Plane! A three stack with the bottom person inverted! Lots of fun! B| Also took my DZO in a 2 stack all the way down to about 50 feet AGL, where we separated then landed side-by-side. B| On the next CRW jump, we had a 3 stack with the 4th person trying to dock on the bottom, but he snagged the 3rd guy's Reflex pop-top with his canopy on a fly-by, effectively deploying his reserve while still in the stack! :o He was dropped cleanly and cut away his main cleanly. All is good. Man, I've gotta stop chasing and catching things in mid-air... :$ Went after his reserve pop-top and bridle. Snagged it on my lines just out of reach on the first pass. Shook it off, then for some asinine reason went after it again. We were well over a mile off the DZ at about 6000 feet. I lined up perfectly on it and grabbed it high, reeled it in and stuffed it between my legs. Everybody landed okay.

On the sunset load, a bunch of us got on namdrib's 2000th jump. Congratulations Steve, you golf-cart wrecking dude, you! B| Damn, it seems like it was only 2 years ago that I was on his 1000th jump! :)
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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0 : 6 : too much

Gorgeous weekend at SDC for the New Wave Boogie! Unfortunately, my weekend started out with a nasty mal/cutaway on jump #2 (my first). (See thread in safety & training, if interested.) But it ended on a high note with me doing my 1st safe 6-way attempt and some nice canopy flying on rental gear.
Glad no one was hurt with my mal, and glad I got back in the air. (Thanks again, Sunny!:)
Many highs and lows this weekend, but overall a lot of lessons learned and more good times than bad. :)
"At 13,000 feet nothing else matters."
Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109
My Jump Site

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1 - Extremely near miss under canopy with an aircraft that overflew the landing area at 1500 feet. The plane passed less than 200' directly beneath me and there were 20 other open canopies above, below, north, south, east and west of me. :o >:(>:(

13 Jumps. 3 RW jumps and 10 sitfly jumps. I'm amazed at how much I progressed in my sitflying this weekend. :)
No Beer.

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Well now Lisa what exactly constitutes a 'hump'? :| After all, are we talking intercourse? Bill Clinton says that oral doesn't count! All orifices? Orgasm? <--Of course, you can do that to yourself though...:$

-come on, what defines a hump? :)
Enquiring minds want to know! B|
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Chasing a rodeo:D

I'll have to see video of that one :P


Fun weekend - jumps on Saturday and Monday

Got #100 (finally after trying to get it for that last 3 weeks... danm weather) first rodeo too ;)

First attempts at back flying, didn't go too well, so I started some knee flying instead - it went really well!

When there's wind I can even stand up all my landings :ph34r:

I love this stuff - why does the weekend have to end :(

Arianna Frances

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Well now Lisa what exactly constitutes a 'hump'?

I saw her get ri.....I guess that was the tube jump. B|

Fun 3-way with Murph and Ross (although I felt just a tad pretentious wearing Pete Galli's old suit with a 300-way WR patch).

Horney Gorilla exit with Ross and some sit/stand flying attempts.

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3 (blinds hung that took way longer than it should have) : 3 : probably some

Crappy pizza, mediocre beer, good comedy (that trailed off as the comedian got drunk) The 40 Year Old Virgin wasn't as funny as I was hoping. The Alouette is more fun than I remembered.

I'm so sorry today is here.... this is going to be a loooooong couple of months...
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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