
My 15 month old is being hospitalized

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Do me a favor; give Lori a giant hug from me, and tell her I think she's a fantastic Mom.

As for Dilla, if she is being rambunctious, then she is doing much better; the Doctors will find out what's wrong, and get the treatment she needs. And she'll be the little wonder child she truly is.

It's so good to know that she was happy to see the rest of the gang; give all of them a Michele hug (pick up and squeeze gently!), and tell them I love them all.

Continuing with the prayers, of course...and thanks for all the updates.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Alright everybody... probably last update for a while... Little Dilla is doing very well. Almost back to her old self. They're still keeping her over night tonight to make sure she continues to respond to ABs, but her temp isn't fluctuating as much. They found a ton of ecoli in her bladder. Still looking into other things as well. Waiting on blood culture results too. But, it certainly looks GREAT right now! Whew :)
How 'bout that good news! It was so good to see my baby in such a good mood tonight, laughing and giggling like her old self.

As always, thanks for all your love and support. My wife thanks you as well for your prayers and well wishes.

-michael, lori, and little dilla.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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update... dilla still in hospital. fever back off and on, but still resting comfortably most of the time. not well enough for the docs to let her go home. still want her to go to pediatric urologist in st. louis, working on that now. current injectable antibiotics not killin the ecoli as quickly as they want, so we're waiting for the uring culture to respond to some other tx later today. this is starting to drag a little, but there is certainly less panic about it.

it doesn't seem to be an internal thing, meaning due to some sort of nephratic (sp?) or ureter reflux or anatomical abnormality, but rather some sort of environmental problem, problaby w/ the well water at our rental or something like that. I met w/ our landlord las tnight who's agreed to let us out of our lease. That is great news, b/c this house we're in has turned out to be quite a piece of dookie.

more later.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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That sucks that lil Dilla must stay longer. Hopefully soon the Doc's will narrow down what is attacking her system and kick it in the buttocks!

Continued thoughts and prayers for you guys!

Hang in there, g
"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
Raddest Ho this side of Jersey #1 - MISS YOU
OMG, is she okay?

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