
What do you love about the State you live in?

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Just got home from WA...and youre right...the most beautiful rain clouds I've ever seen! And I hear there are even some that look like mountains if you stay around long enough

Oh did I mention.. the rain does seem to wash most of the Californians back south once they have visited:P

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I want a summer home in Michigan (somewhere on the west side...)

and a winter home in Arizona... near Eloy... B| so I can have access to fresh water beaches in the summer and can play in the sky year round... B|
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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NC is nice-great mtn biking, a couple of DZ's (I have only jumped @ Chris Spence's Roaming DZ @ Brown-Anderson Airfield (or something like that) and it was sweet!!), oh yeah-some of the best white water on the east coast, climbing, hillbillies that think kayakers and skydivers are all satan worshiping crazies!!! and of course lots of fog-it is still pretty sick!!
"Sometimes you eat the bar,
and well-sometimes the bar eats you..."

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Someone made the comment about Pennsylvania being depressing, I guess it all depends on what part of the state you're in/from. Where I grew up was all rolling farmland and hardwood covered ridges... it was actually quite beautiful any time of the year.

Why do I waste my time here??
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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New Jersey sucks...born and raised there...cost of living is outrageous...losing whatever green there is in the "garden state" moment by moment. Crime, taxes, not to mention there isn't anything worth while to see there when it comes to "sights".

A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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I have found that you either LOVE NJ or HATE NJ....I go back often, I have family there and I can't wait to get back home...its crazy there.

I got a tee shirt from Urban Outfitters that says...NJ...Only the strong survive!

Thats me baby!;)

A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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The one absolutely awesome thing that NJ has going for it that I truly miss is a boardwalk...there is nothing like the Ocean City boardwalk...the sights, sounds, smells.....when I go back with my kids every summer, I make a point to take them there...not to be confused with the Wildwood or Atlantic City boardwalks...Childhood memories come rushing back to me as I spent every summer there growing up as a child.
A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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Washington state has the San Juan islands...and there is a nice little beach front cabin up on one of the itty bitty outer islands, which is only accesible via private boat, float plane, swimming a long distance, or stepping out of a plane and landing on a meadow.

As much as I would like to try falling out of a plane, over the island, being a very newbie skydiver it's not going to happen anytime soon.

And spending an hour or so underwater in the San Juans is also very nice, maybe not Hawaii, but very nice.

Puget sound is also a great place, the old Kapowsin DZ was right next to Mt. Raineer, and I see pictures of the newest DZ, right near the beautifull San Juan's.

What more could I ask for?

Arch? I can arch just fine with my back to the ground.

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I love Nevada. Many people get the wrong impression of the state though.You know with the whole prostitution thing and all. Every grocery store has a local chain smoker falling of a slot machine at 10 am in the morning. We have nudy bars and adult stores every 3 blocks, and if you run short on money there is a pawn shop to help you out. :P

It really is a beautiful state. There is no state tax, 25 minutes from south Reno and you are in North Lake Tahoe, Alcohol is served 24 hours and you can order breakfast anytime of the day if you want. Open containers are ok to walk around town with. And we have a lot of golf courses.
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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Unfortunately I hate the state I'm in. The taxes feel like an anal probe. People are nice though. Until you walk away and they stab you in the back. It's hotter then hell and humid enough to suck the breath out of you. Well enough said. I'm done whining now.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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ohio.... pretty much anything you want besides the ocean (we do have a great lake though) and no mountains persay, but some good hills... and centrally located... i moved back here after the military so it's good in my book.. second would be colorado and then texas....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Obviously, I've just recently moved to Texas. I can say, without a doubt, that this state has to have the most state pride I've ever seen. Where there's an American flag, you can almost guarantee there's a Texas flag too.

And some of the bridges have all sorts of special Texas stuff on the sides and the new "mixmasters" have stars on all the supports.

Unfortunately for my honey, I have developed the same pride and keep purchasing all sorts of Texas flag things. I know he keeps hoping that sooner or later, the newness is going to wear off! :)

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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New York. Not the state I live in now, but the state I grew up in. It has everything...NYC ofcourse, plentiful beaches, mountains, Niagra Falls, plenty of wide open countryside.



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The rich blues culture. Truth be told , however , I'd love to move somewhere mountainous and just live in bfe in perfect solitude.

That's my goal.
~He who looks outside his own heart dreams, he who looks inside his own heart awakens - Carl Jung~

My Space

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