
I had a malfunction and...

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(I think) the cause was:
RR#1-FXC fired on the same time I pulled the main.
RR#2-Bad line twist on my canopy.
RR#3-Line over.
RR#4-Broken lines
RR#5-Bag lock.
RR#6-High speed spinning malfunction (one toggle came undone).

All right, the list above is all my malfunctions. I'm not looking for numbers, just type of malfunctions, but you're free to list all your malfunctions.

RR stands for "Reserve Ride"!

Have fun,
Gus Marinho

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I've only had one - a long time ago - 1981 I think...

RR#1-Line over on a ParaCommander

Good old tapewells and a belly mount 24' ripstop reserve saved my life. Here is a picture of the reserve container some 20 odd years after it saved me.
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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well, here was my last one.(see pic)

RR1-toggle exited container while flying head down. fairly serious spin occured after deployment

RR2-line twists,spinning

RR3-line twists, spinning

RR4-see pic. big mess

edit>yes, i know my RR to jump ratio is all out of whack.:)

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RR1: Spinner on 135 heatwave
RR2: Bag lock
RR3: Tension knots on experimental lines.
RR4: Unknown, but it was an ugly mess of linetwists (flying straight) and what looked like a step through. I spent all the time (until my minimum cutaway alt of 1500) working out of the linetwists and mess but ran out of time. The step through made kicking out of them near impossible although I did get really close before running out of altitude. Tempting as it was to keep working on it, I followed my rules and proceeded with my emergency procedures.

To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu

It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer

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RR#1 First solo jump off of AFF status. Brain locked up after deploying and my canopy wasn't doing what I thought it should be doing. My EPs just took over and cha chin....RR#1

RR#2 First sit fly attempt and lost altitude awareness. Went low and pulled, but sniveled through cypres activation parameters. Had two out and landed them. At least I didn't have to find my gear.

I stopped doing firsts. Bad things seem to happen.[:/]:ph34r:
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Hey Alex,
It seems to me that one(outside)A line was installed incorrected. It's passing through the slider grommet that belongs to C, D & brake lines! Nice picture!!!:)Cheers,

unless someone took apart my slinks when i wasnt looking, i dont think it was installed incorrectly. that was my 4th jump of the day. it was such a mess of tangled HMA i didnt really mess with it too long. a little shift in my harness equaled a not fun dive.

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I am just curious what kind of main and container you were jumping when a riser got stuck in the container? Was it a sub terminal deployment? I know weird things can happen at any time I have just never actually known anyone this happened to but I have heard of it.
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Brand new Vector 3. They have covers over the reserve risers and then the main risers. New, stiff riser covers + a packing mistake (main risers stowed under reserve riser covers) = trapped main risers.

No complaints, it was my fault. B|

Edit to add: It was a Sabre2 170 and the container was fitted for that size canopy. Terminal deployment.
Owned by Remi #?

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RR#1 - Broken stearing line just below the cascade. Willing to land on rear risers but the floping uper stearing lines entangled witht he entire right side line groups, I look up to see flapping lines and the whole right side of my canopy fabric flapping in the wind, it was pretty high speed with only three left cells inflated

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RR #1 - CRW wrap with Ian Harrop...post # 3 :D
2 - Tension knot on my Pegasus
3 - Ditto the above...then I got the steering lines corrected and never had another on that canopy
4 - Intentional cutaway
5 - Intentional cutaway
6 - Intentional Cutaway
7 - Crw wrap
8 - Tension knot on Tandem main.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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RR #1 - Jump #13, AFP level 6 - Brake lock. The canopy sniveled and opened fine but a slow turn to the left. As I tried to undo the left brake, I found the canopy to turn faster as I yanked on the brake. At 3000' decided it wasn't worth it and pulled the cutaway pouch. Even before I could throw it away, the reserve was fully inflated over my head - thank you skyhook.

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(I think) the cause was:
RR#1-FXC fired on the same time I pulled the main.
RR#2-Bad line twist on my canopy.
RR#3-Line over.
RR#4-Broken lines
RR#5-Bag lock.
RR#6-High speed spinning malfunction (one toggle came undone).

All right, the list above is all my malfunctions. I'm not looking for numbers, just type of malfunctions, but you're free to list all your malfunctions.

RR stands for "Reserve Ride"!

Have fun,

I thought this was a 'oh shit there I was' and all this happend on one dive.
CLICK HERE! new blog posted 9/21/08
CSA #720

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1. Lots of line twists (I learned by static line)
2. Line Over Sabre 1 170(came out on own)
3. Full knot in brake line around guide ring.
4. Step through on Velo 96 (WL 2.1)
5. At least 8 one sided unstowed brake lines on Stilettos loaded at 1.6 and up
6. 3 collapsed PCs due to various causes.
7. 1 hard opening hard enough to nearly black out(again Sabre 1 170)
8. 1 mid air collision resulting in bruised sternum and nearly blacking out
9. I know there is more.....

Total reserve rides: 0

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First 4 on round canopies:

RR#1 Mae West on Paracommander
RR#2 Cone lock/total on B4
RR#3 Pilot chute caught on someone else's foot, I
broke away and glanced off 3rd person's
canopy in freefall, tearing out 2 panels.
3rd person cutaway and nearly hit my reserve
in freefall. I don't do formation pullouts any
more :S
RR#4 Pilot chute fell through a modification slot
on opening, causing partial. Hand deployed
reserve, landed with both out.
RR#5 Floating pilot chute handle on borrowed gear.
RR#6 Tension knot from trash packing Raven.

Changed to elliptical canopies -- no more malfunctions in last 1600 jumps.

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PC in tow no reserve ride probably should have been.

RR#1 High wing loaded canopy backwards.

Both of those could have definately been avoided. and won't happen again.

Since I have had a canopy backwards I got anohter container and have two ris so I am not swapping canopies anymore much less while still packed in the D-bag.

PC in tow was a stop link installed incorrectly when I went to a kill line PC. I feel as if I will be paying attention when I have to repace the bridle. That happened before I became a rigger.

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