
Slow person in the grocery store

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Dear person who stands in the middle of the isle at the grocery store and either barely moves or doesnt move at all, and since they are standing in the middle there isnt enough room to get around you on either side, GET OUT OF THE DAMN WAY!!! I am fucking tired of these people. Who else is with me?
"If you don't like your job, you don't strike! You just go in every day, and do it really half assed. That's the American way."
- Homer Simpson

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That's just as bad as when they do that at the Entrance of a store and restrict the flow of incoming foot traffic. That's a HUUUUUUUUUUGE pet peeve of mine as well. Try what I do. I yell "BLOCKING!!!!!" :D:ph34r:. Most of the time (not all) they usually come out of their daze of confusion and say "oh, I'm sorry" and move aside.:D


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well, where we live, you have to go to the store before 11 AM or so...to beat the tweakers (meth addicts, the sleep late if they sleep at all)...other wise you are in danger of getting run over by a speed freak.!:P

Where is Darwin when you need him?

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For some reason, the rules of the road go right out the window, once you're in charge of a shopping cart.

My complaint is that when the store is new, there's almost room for three wide. As they get more stock, they just keep shoving the aisles closer together.

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I politely ask them to move. If they are not near their cart I will move it out of the way myself. I get some interesting looks when I do that, but I don't think it's too much to ask someone to respect the fact that they are sharing a common space with others.

Last weekend some dickhead parked his truck on the side of the entrance road to the movie theater - dead in the way of traffic. Anyone coming in had to wait for opposing traffic to clear to be able to go around him. My wife saw who they were but I didn't. All this because he was too lazy to park in back of the theater where there were spaces availeble. When the movie was over we came outside to find them standing around wondering where there truck went (it got towed). ;)

Arrive Safely


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I dislike the people that still writes checks at the grocery store. I came across this just the other day. The woman had a shit load of groceries, watched the cashier scan each item, gave me a couple of glances as I talked with the woman behind me about how technology has advanced... Then, the woman after everything was scanned and given a total took out her checkbook and started writing a check. Umm... She could have STARTED writing the check BEFORE the total was given, but NO... She waited... After she took forever and a day to write her check, she turned to the woman and me and said, "I don't DO plastic." Fuck lady... Cash would have been faster than your slow ass writing a fucking check!

Sorry... Rant over. :|

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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There are some slow ass checkers out there too. At my local bevmo, this guys takes FOREVER to ring up your stuff, probably 3 times longer than what is needed. The line gets outrageous, and I pretty much just want to kick him out of the way and ring it up myself. Big lines at the checkout suck, because at least in traffic on the road you can expect each car to take about the same time to get moving, with the checkout some people are just straight retarded

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How about the genius who buys a stick of gum and pays with a credit card?

Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, Shouting "...holy shit...what a ride!"

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I dislike the people that still writes checks at the grocery store.

I was behind a check writer the other day (why are they always female? :S) and she took so damn long to write her check and enter it in her register that the cashier actually apologized to me for my wait. She had to have been on Valium, she was so slow and oblivious to everyone.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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There are some slow ass checkers out there too. At my local bevmo, this guys takes FOREVER to ring up your stuff

It usually seems to be guys that are so slow. Most the women seem fast. I hate people who don't seem to have the basic concept of their job down, such as fast, efficient service. And the check writers? There should be a separate line for them . . . with a guy running it.

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I dislike the people that still writes checks at the grocery store. I came across this just the other day. The woman had a shit load of groceries, watched the cashier scan each item, gave me a couple of glances as I talked with the woman behind me about how technology has advanced... Then, the woman after everything was scanned and given a total took out her checkbook and started writing a check. Umm... She could have STARTED writing the check BEFORE the total was given, but NO... She waited... After she took forever and a day to write her check, she turned to the woman and me and said, "I don't DO plastic." Fuck lady... Cash would have been faster than your slow ass writing a fucking check!

What's annoying as well is people who wait until the total is wrung up before they even get their payment ready! People (sorry, but usually seems to be women) who stand there vacantly while everything gets put through then when asked for the money go "Oh!" in a really surprised way before opening their handbag, rummaging for their purse, opening their purse, sorting through it until they find the right card... I mean, what the fuck? You thought you weren't going to have to pay???
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I just don't think its a wise idea to put perishables on credit.

For years grocery stores didn't take credit cards. One of them, Winco, still doesn't . But since most do now, we use the credit card as much as possible, including charitable contributions, utility bills, and business expenses.. Makes it easy to track purchases, we don't pay for up to 45 days, and we get frequent flier miles. When searching out deductions at the end of the year, 12 months of C/C statements and a yellow Hi-liter make quick work of it.

Speaking of groceries, I just finished a 12 month tracking of what we spend on groceries at our house. We pride ourselves on shopping smart and cooking our meals from scratch. We fed a family of 2 adults and 3-4 teenagers for under $392/month, including parties, cookouts, etc. That includes the usual soft drinks and bottled water, but not beer. Beer would have probably tripled the bill.:P Not too bad, eh? We could probably do it cheaper, but I like prime rib and steaks too much. :D

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People (sorry, but usually seems to be women) who stand there vacantly while everything gets put through then when asked for the money go "Oh!" in a really surprised way before opening their handbag, rummaging for their purse, opening their purse, sorting through it until they find the right card...

And then I always get stuck behind them trying to drive home.:S:D

Some people just have a hard time getting out of first gear, don't they?

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But since most do now, we use the credit card as much as possible, including charitable contributions, utility bills, and business expenses.. Makes it easy to track purchases, we don't pay for up to 45 days, and we get frequent flier miles.

I do the same thing. Every purchase goes on my cc, but I treat it like a debit card. I record all of my receipts in Quicken, so I know how much money I really have and pay off the card every month. It has no yearly fee and I get a point for every dollar I spend. It takes a little longer to do the bookkeeping, but it's worth it. I just got a check for $1000 from them last week. B|
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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