
These three words piss me off

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"Not my job."

That was just told to me by a janitor at work. I never knew it wasn't a janitors job to put garbage bags in a garbage can. I want to strangle him right now
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Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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At my office, I wouldn't have a trash bag to line the trash can with in the first place--the janitor has them. But aside from that, I appreciate the frustration. I'm an attorney, but I clear jams from the copier or pick up the phone when it's needed. If we all did only "our jobs," it would be a lot more unpleasant around here. I think it's one of the things that contributes to such a positive work environment. People step up and help each other out when it's needed and they can do something about it.
TPM Sister #102

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As much as I appreciate the frustration, there are times when I find myself using those exact words. Always having to clean up other people's mistakes and/or essentially doing their jobs for them is frustrating too. And when you suck it up and do it, even though it really is not your job, the only thing you really accomplish is reinforcing the other person's laziness and/or incompetence.

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What is worse is "Not Your Job".

Ever work in a shop dominated by a several unions whose rules sounded like they were created by a bunch of 5-year-olds, who would throw fits if you had the audacity to pick up a wrench and loosen two bolts instead spending an hour scouring the building for the mechanic whose job it was? And if they caught you doing it, they would go get mgt and the union steward and bring everything to a halt.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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"Not my pants."

I hate it when people tell me this. Its typically when they have something in their pocket they shouldn't.

Well whose pants are they and how the f*** did you put them on and not notice the large ******* in the pocket?

Usually followed quickly by "you're just hassling me because I'm ******" At the ****** insert any race (even white), religion, defect, disability or any other stupid thing you can think of.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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"Not my pants."

I hate it when people tell me this. Its typically when they have something in their pocket they shouldn't.

Well whose pants are they and how the f*** did you put them on and not notice the large ******* in the pocket?

Usually followed quickly by "you're just hassling me because I'm ******" At the ****** insert any race (even white), religion, defect, disability or any other stupid thing you can think of.

Those pants belong to sumdood - that guy is a criminal MASTERMIND, I tell you!!! :D
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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"Stop, No, and Don't"? :D

It all depends on the timing and order of those words, e.g:

"Don't!!!...Stop!!!...Don't!!...Stop!!..Don't!..Stop!...Don't.Stop...Don't Stop...Don't stop! Don't stop!! DON'T STOP!!!"

"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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"Not my job."

That was just told to me by a janitor at work. I never knew it wasn't a janitors job to put garbage bags in a garbage can. I want to strangle him right now

I don't care if you're the Sr. VP of Badass at the Bitchin' Profitable Company, if your BOSS tells you to go get him coffee and donuts, guess what your job just became? That's right, you're now Sr. VP of getting donuts for the BOSS.

That said . . .

I want you to look beneath the surface of what is really being said when somebody uses those words. When somebody says, "It's Not My Job" what they're usually really saying is, "It's not YOUR job to tell me how to do my job." Just something to consider.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I don't care if you're the Sr. VP of Badass at the Bitchin' Profitable Company, if your BOSS tells you to go get him coffee and donuts, guess what your job just became? That's right, you're now Sr. VP of getting donuts for the BOSS.

mmmmhmm...I'm gonna say no to that. When I was 15 working at McDonalds and my boss told me to go clean the guy's restroom because some jerk wrote "shit" on the wall IN SHIT, I reminded him very nicely that I serve food to people. I am not cleaning up someone's feces no matter how much I scrub myself off after doing that chore...then go off to make fries. mmm...shitty fries.

Irgity Dirgity

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