
World Trade Center attacked

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Yea, that's it - all arabs are terrorists....get 'em all.. Are you really that much of a racist SOB, or are you just that stupid?

I honestly think he isnt what he says he is....but he definately is a racist bastard. ARABS ARE NOT THE ENEMY..a small faction of a RELIGION are.
Because I fly, I envy no man on earth

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So far, there have been 4 confirmed aircraft that were hijacked and crashed.
American Airlines Flight 11 Boston to Los Angeles Boeing 767-200
American Airlines Flight 77 Washington Dulles International to Los Angeles Type unknown Possibly a Boeing 757
United Airlines Flight 175 Boston to Los Angeles Boeing 767
United Airlines Flight 93 Newark, NJ to San Francisco Boeing 757-200
I have heard various stories on the news as to which airplanes crashed where.. There are also reports of another airplane that crashed somewhere near Pittsburgh, PA.. Some reports have said that it was one of the above listed, others have said that it is a different aircraft..

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Man, this is really fucked up. I heard about those people jumping from the building, and also felt sick when I thought about the passengers and crew in those hijacked planes. I hope the emergency services can get in there through that mess and start clearing rubble and saving lives.
I hope the scum responsible for this are hunted down soon and dealt with. I have a muslim Arab friend (he's Syrrian), we have house-shared for over two years now. He and his family are thoroughly honourable decent people, and he is a good friend. I really respect PT, Aviattr, Speedracer etcs. attitudes : get the scum responsible but don't make this a racist/xenophobic issue.
I think the IRA are evil, murdering bastards, but does that mean all the Irish should be killed? Of course, bloody not, they're great people!

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Don't what to say apart from i feel for all family and friends, don't be quick to point the finger abroad (remember mcveigh) it could be anyone with any type of excuse (ideology).

If this is in response to my arab post, it was not serious - it was extremely sarcastic, and meant to make Spectre look like the ass he is..

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ARABS ARE NOT THE ENEMY..a small faction of a RELIGION are.

Exactly! Just as there are American terrorists(McVeigh comes to mind), there are terrorists from other ethnic backgrounds and religions that don't represent the entire group.. Don't point the finger at the group as a whole - but at the few that are really the problem..

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did you read the rest of the thread?
i heard from my best friend in the city and she is ok, but i haven't had a chance to talk to her about what it looks like from being in manhatten. i'm afraid to know. like i said, the enormity of the is horrifying, and i hope that you and your close ones are safe...

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I'm scared.
Perhaps that's pretty selfish, and perhaps that's american arrogance. But I am truly frightened. Which is what the terrorists wanted. And I am scared that this isn't over. Military, political and financial targets were hit, thousands killed (first reports at least 10,500 dead. THat's going to change.)
DZBone is still here in CA, and he's o.k. His wife, and their families are o.k. as well. Will the rest of the east coasters who post, regularly or not, please let us know you are o.k.? And will our military folks do the same (when possible), like Wingnut, and so forth?
This is horrifying.
They have called into NY Port several aircraft carriers, ostensibly to protect the carriers and bring them in from the Atlantic.
I can't get my mind and heart around this.
On right now from Khabul, Afghanistan:"Taliban criticizes attack, says Bin Ladin is not responsible. Afghantistan is a poor country, and could not be involved in such a complex attack. Bin Ladin believed to be in Afghanistan, but not involved".
Can anyone confirm the rumor that there are several additional planes still unaccounted for, and that a fifth plane landed in Cincinnati and/or Chicago?
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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Hey guys, don't know if it's already been brought up or not, but if you have the chance, remember to get to your local Red Cross and donate blood. Hopefully the attacks are over, but filling the blood bank is of high importance!!

They just had a guy from the red cross on the news. If you can, donate. If I remember the numbers right
1-800-Give Life
(if those aren't right, someone please correct me)
Then, I saw these two guys swoopin across the pond, and I was like 'weeeeeee!!!!'

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In the hours and days to come there will be some of us who are confronted face to face with this tragedy and the toll that it will take on our lives. As today grows longer and the numbers are counted, please everyone keep in mind that our thoughts and prayers are with you all and your families. Please know that you have friends available and willing to listen and comfort when and if you need an ear or a shoulder.
And for those of you who are in the armed forces and have or will be called up, even though you can not let us know what's happening in your life, where you are and what you are doing, send a message that will at least let us know that you are well.
It is days like today that I am thankful for the life that I have and I live, because you never know when you won't be around for tomorrow.

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I heard about those people jumping from the building, and also felt sick when I thought about the passengers and crew in those hijacked planes.

I heard a report on msnbc.com that one of the passengers in the plane that crashed near Pittsburgh locked himself in the bathroom, got on his cell phone and reached a 911 operator. He reported that the plane was hijacked and they were going down minutes before they crashed. I can't imagine the level of terror and fear those passengers must have experienced.
My company has (had) an office on the 102nd floor of tower one. I feel horrible for them and their families.
And regarding responsibility...let's not jump to conclusions, let's find out for sure who it is, and make sure they pay appropriately and experience the same levels of fear and terror as the innocent victims. US officials have stated that the top suspect is Osama Bin Laden who is being harbored by the Kabalan government in Afghanistan. The Kabal have made a statement that this was too organized for Bin Laden to have carried out and had to have been the work of a nation. But I'm sure they don't want cruise missles flying over their country again. But if it was Bin Laden, I'm 100% in favor of bringing the Kabals to their knees so that all nations understand completely that we won't tollerate terrorism or those who harbor terrorists and allow them to coordinate terrorist activities within their borders.
cielos azules y cerveza fría

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Yeah.....it said "back to work". Good save, LOU!!!

She asked of you read the rest of the thread Brandon. She didn't realize what was going on with her original post. Hell, when someone came into my office and told me a plane crashed into the WTC, I sorta laughed, wondering how that happened, assuming it was a Cessna or something silly like that. She explains this later on. Stop jumping at chances to promote a personal vendetta.
Then, I saw these two guys swoopin across the pond, and I was like 'weeeeeee!!!!'

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Right now is NOT the time to be fighting over some stupid, shitty, petty, little stuff. Please stop.
Try thinking of all you have to be thankful for and find some love and understanding in your heart. After today I would think you'd know what really matters in life.
D :P

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slappie and wildblue understood what i posted and followed up... thanks guys.
"thread" means the entire discussion, or all the posts. I had posted afterwards when i'd found out the true magnitude of what happened.
peace, give blood, tell your friends and family that you love them... life is too precious and too fragile

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"And Clay, before you open your mouth and smartass about blind pilots or nuking whoever's responsible, say a prayer for everyone involved first."
Ummm...WTFO? First of all...on religous beliefs. If God had wanted to stop that he would have. No reason to pray now. For whatever reason it was meant to be. I leave my fate in the hands of God.
On those responsible. The US government has been crafting incidents like this for years. They have been letting terrorist organizations run free. The US public has allowed and in fact assisted all of this. Politicians just dont get it. The radical Islamic elements in this world want Jihad. They will not stop until all non-Muslims are dead or converted to the Islamic faith. There is no middle ground. No compromise. Until the US leaders realize that and take steps to eliminate those that perpetrate these actions, nothing will change. To quote "Apocolypse Now" ....."We must kill them. We must exterminate them. Pig by pig, Cow by cow." It is Christianity or Islam now. Islam has been in Jihad for years. Now maybe the Western leadership will wake up. This I pray for.
On retaliation....Yes, Afghanistan would be a glass floored self lighting parking lot right now. I would deploy troops to Palestine and committ some well deserved genocide. When I was done with that, I would ask the rest of the Islamic world "Who else wants some?" Just my .02 C Too bad I dont influence US foreign policy.
"Jesus Blessed me with his future...and I protect it with fire!"-R.A.T.M.

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Donna's right!
I got some good news. My brother-in-law was supposed to fly from San Francisco to Amsterdam, with a stop-over in Boston this morning. He was flying United. My sister emailed me to say that his flight was grounded just in time at SFO, or they would have flown into that mess. Plus, I don't even want to think about if he had been on an earlier flight....
I'm really relieved, but at the same time I really feel for all those people in America (and all over the world) who have lost family and those who are still waiting for news.
I don't consider myself a very emotional person, but I saw news footage of somebody jumping from the 100th floor of the WTC to escape flames - this really shook me and has left me feeling quite sick.

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an update of sorts:
EMS service providers throughout the tri state area are in route to NYC as we speak . The two ambulances from my squad, along wth my friends and fellow squad memebers are about 1 hour away as of the last report. The building that colapsed today came down onto a lot of EMS vehicals. Hundreds of firefighters were reported to be in the buildings when they collapsed. Let us just pray for the victems, for the witnesses, and please please please pray for the safety of my freinds.
Were somehow managing here in South Jersey. we have 1 ambulance covering about 80 square miles. Ive spent the morning cordinating efforts and offering mutual aid. This is tough. lets all pull together.

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First of all I would like to take this opportunity to forward my sinere condolences to humanity, americans, especially those affected by these tremendous senseless acts. My thoughts and prayers are with all of those in any way connected with any of the attacks.
I cannot describe, as I am sure many of you cannot, seeing all this unfolding on live TV, watching thousands of people die. Innocent people....and for what.
On a personal note. I have an aunt who lives in Manhatten and an uncle who is a captain for American Airlines. Needles to say that my heart sunk hearing all these stories and seeing it unfold. I am happy to say that I finally got throught o find out that my aunt is at home ok and that my uncle was in the air over Toronto when all this happened and that he is now safe in Ottawa.
Once again, my thoughts and prayers are with..........I am not even sure what to say..........

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This is very unreal. I was looking at other people on the road on the way to work - everyone shared the same flat, stunned expression. I got to work this morning to a quiet phone - it's never quiet on Tuesdays. We aren't shipping anything today; we're waiting until tomorrow to see what happens. Finally about noon we called it off and all went home.
Hug, call or email your friends and family. Even if you're not religious, say a prayer for all of those innocent lives that were lost this morning. Go give blood. And think peaceful thoughts... the world could use a little more peace today.
pull and flare,
Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious

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