
Fridge-sharing etiquette?

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Just curious for those of you who have had house-mates... How did you work out the fridge thing? I've always found it easiest when each person has their own area (or shelf) and leaves other people's food alone (unless that person decides to share something).

I once met a potential house-mate before committing to living with him and he wanted us to split the grocery bills item by item according to consumption... I knew *immediately* this level of anal-retentiveness was never going to work and I practically ran out of there screaming!!! (There were other incompatibilities as well... I think he was looking for a life-partner and I just wanted a place to sleep...)

ETA - don't confuse this pole with sharing a house with your SO... You have problems as a couple if you need to have rules about the fridge!!! :D:D:P
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Been a long time since I had roommates, but pretty much everywhere I've lived it's been "what's mine is mine and what's yours is yours," unless there's an explicit agreement to share something.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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In college, we had 7 guys renting rooms from the property owner. Just one frig. Each person had their own stuff. With each person having their own half/full gallon of milk-butter-catchup-etc, the frig had almost no room for anything else. Tried sharing the staples so there would be room for other stuff, but the other fuckers never ponied up when it was their turn to buy. Finally bought my own frig and paid for the extra electricity on the bill. When one of the guys destroyed my good knife to chop what must have been a boat chain, all of my kitchen stuff got locked up. >:(

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***I want to choose boobies, but I don't think they should be kept in the fridge.:S

Do you believe they should sometimes be teased with an ice cube?

I'm OK with that as long as the boobie maintains a normal core temperature.;)
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I guess I've always had an open fridge policy on my side. I don't eat someone elses food but hey as long as its not the last Smirnoff or my left overs from take out then I'm good with you eating what you want. I've never really had a problem with it. But, take my pizza,chinese,or pasta and oh baby its on!!:P:P

No matter how slowly you say oranges it never sounds like gullible.
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As long as there is at least 6 beers in the fridge everything is fine :)


First place we stayed while attending college had a community fridge that never got cleaned out at the end of the semester. I opened the door to that fridge only one time:o.

More food had been added to whatever lived inthe fridge and had been growing and mutating for yrs.

If you double bagged your brews and left them in the fridge you might be ok but just in case wear your welding gloves before you stick your hand inside to retrieve one.

College sure was fun.
One Jump Wonder

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Reminds me of staying in the bunk house at a certain DZ which provided a communal fridge for anyone in the bunkhouse. Within a day or so it was apparent that food was going missing - to the extent that a fresh pack of sliced ham had been opened and half eaten.

Simples - remaining ham was duly dunked in the dirty mop bucket and returned to the fridge. You want to eat my stuff - you gonna pay one way or another. :)

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Reminds me of staying in the bunk house at a certain DZ which provided a communal fridge for anyone in the bunkhouse. Within a day or so it was apparent that food was going missing - to the extent that a fresh pack of sliced ham had been opened and half eaten.

Simples - remaining ham was duly dunked in the dirty mop bucket and returned to the fridge. You want to eat my stuff - you gonna pay one way or another. :)

Now that's just evil!!! >:(>:(>:(:D
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Hi Mathew,


dunked in the dirty mop bucket

This reminds me of one time in Basic Training. I was on KP and was told to mop the floors. They set out some buckets of soapy water to mop from. I turned around & there was a bucket, so I stuck my mop into it & continued mopping. This Sgt screamed at me, "What the H*** are you doing?" It seems as though they had set the very large container of soup on the floor to cool down a little.

The container of soup was duly placed on the chow line & served. I skipped the soup that day.



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Simples - remaining ham was duly dunked in the dirty mop bucket and returned to the fridge. You want to eat my stuff - you gonna pay one way or another. :)

Now that's just evil!!! >:(>:(>:(:D

So is eating someone else's ham!!


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Now that's just evil!!! >:(>:(>:(:D

Maybe you forgot about the beer thief and the bottles of 1/2 beer, 1/2 piss at the DZ I saw you at the next-to-last time.

The same DZ I last saw TriGirl.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
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***As long as there is at least 6 beers in the fridge everything is fine :)


First place we stayed while attending college had a community fridge that never got cleaned out at the end of the semester. I opened the door to that fridge only one time:o.

More food had been added to whatever lived inthe fridge and had been growing and mutating for yrs.

If you double bagged your brews and left them in the fridge you might be ok but just in case wear your welding gloves before you stick your hand inside to retrieve one.

College sure was fun.

Ewwwwww!!! I Personally think that common courtesy applies - I don't want people taking my food so I don't touch theirs. If I want something of theirs, I just ask (as opposed to sneaking the odd glass of wine until the bottle is nearly empty, thinking nobody will notice... that's just annoying). If something is shared (milk, juice, whatever), people should take turns replacing it so it's not always the same person taking and someone else always paying... As for leaving stuff in there until it rots... Anyone who throws it out is just doing everyone a favour but it would be better if it hadn't been left so long in the first place.

I've lived with all sorts of people and the easiest to get along with are people who show even the most basic consideration for others' stuff and space. People can be all kinds of annoying and still be perfectly acceptable (even good) house-mates, but start messing with people's personal stuff and their space and it's almost certainly going to cause problems.
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
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I lived in various shared places and we invariably buy our own things. With a bit of leeway for people borrowing the stables such as milk for cereal / cup of tea if they are out. It usually balanced with someone else doing the same.

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Now that's just evil!!! >:(>:(>:(:D

Maybe you forgot about the beer thief and the bottles of 1/2 beer, 1/2 piss at the DZ I saw you at the next-to-last time.

The same DZ I last saw TriGirl.

Ugh! [puking icon here] Glad I was drinking from our own supply, that was locked up in our own vehicle the whole time! :o
See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus

Shut Up & Jump!

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As long as there's enough room in the freezer for the torso and head, we're good.

Some seniors plan ahead;) and leave room for the whole body. The ss checks keep going to direct deposit and almost everyone is :)
One Jump Wonder

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***As long as there's enough room in the freezer for the torso and head, we're good.

Some seniors plan ahead;) and leave room for the whole body. The ss checks keep going to direct deposit and almost everyone is :)
All but one. :o[:/]

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