
Why do you jump out of a perfectly good airplane?

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What's the best answer that you can come up with.
I have a couple: 1) I dislike flying
2) because leg less nasty cursed wicked evil lizards
can't fly.
No matter how slowly you say oranges it never sounds like gullible.
Believe me I tried.

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What's the best answer that you can come up with.
I have a couple: 1) I dislike flying
2) because leg less nasty cursed wicked evil lizards
can't fly.

I worked for an aircraft manufacturer for a couple years.... and spent 8 years in the USAF.... and have been leaving them for my own landings for over forty years..

There is no such thing as a perfectly good airplane.. its a ride to true flight... just watch that last 1/2" before landing......that can be a real bitch.

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# 1.
In order to achieve some fleeting DISASSOCIATION,,,
both figuratively AND literally, ;) from this absolutely CRAZY planet, on which we all must Live...:o:)
2. in order to continue building FreeFall Time....
(pushing 45 hours,, at the moment )

3. because I love to see the smiling Faces :)
4. to make sure that my "parachute packing skills" are still up to snuff....;):):)
5. because that Cold Beer Always tastes especially refreshing,,, After a day of skydiving..:D and you just Don't Get That....
by staying On the ground....[:/]

A 3914
D 12122

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I use the old "you have not seen a jump plane".

I also use-If you want to swim you have to get out of the boat. If you want to fly you have to get out of the plane.

I like to use that on the airlines bus drivers who think they fly...

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My standard reply is, "you haven't seen our airplanes."

I would NEVER say that at a drop zone, but makes for a good chuckle in an office setting.

Heh, ours are solid old girls, but I think the average whuffo would find them to be a wee bit intimidating. Leastwise I found them a wee bit intimidating, going up the first... few... dozen... times. It's funny, now I feel safer on the purple otter than I do on a commercial airliner.
I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

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There is no such thing as a perfectly good airplane, thus the reason you need to learn to sky dive.

this .there is no such thing as a perfectly good airplane. they are all mechanical convenience ..they can and all will eventually have there issues
i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am .

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What's the best answer that you can come up with.
I have a couple: 1) I dislike flying
2) because leg less nasty cursed wicked evil lizards
can't fly.

Wait a couple of year and you will find no one says that to you anymore because you no longer feel the urge to talk incessantly about skydiving!!! :D:D:P
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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Heh, ours are solid old girls, but I think the average whuffo would find them to be a wee bit intimidating.

I think some of that is down to the spinny things on the front. I have work colleagues who sometimes have to fly to small/ remote airports on business, and I overhear them saying how they were nervous they were getting on an aircraft driven by propellers. :)

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The answer in repsonse to BillyVance is the one I give most people who ask me why I jump out of perfectly good airplanes. I also tell them that there are no perfectly good airplanes as all airplanes tend to break and we have to fix them...preferbly on the ground.

But sometimes, I can tell when a friend or a visitor to my home DZ is sincere about wanting to know. And I tell them that ever since watching the first episode of "Ripcord," those thoughts would visit me through out the years but the speed at which such thoughts arrived and left the ol' noodle was very fast.

Then one day it all changed and the opportunity arrived in the strangest most unassuming, unexpected way; I never saw it coming as they say.

We spend a lot of effort in our respective lives chasing our dreams.

What happens and what do you do when your dreams come looking for you?

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We reached exit altitude.

It is less fun jumping from a broken aircraft.

Actually I was on a plane with a problem and we didn't make full altitude. Jumping out of a problem aircraft was a disappointment.
Instructor quote, “What's weird is that you're older than my dad!”

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My standard answer is that I always wanted to, and so I did when I got the chance. I'd've started a year earlier if my mother had been willing to front me the money :P

Wendy P.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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My first time on a jump plane I wanted out by the time we hit 8k. One thing that wasn't mentioned was the risk of passing out from the sheer volume of flatulence as altitude is gained. Obviously, this is consistent with Boyles Law. And indeed, subsequently learned that High Altitude Flatus Expulsion has been the subject of published research.


This should be required reading for all first jump students.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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$55.00 a month, a long time ago.

That really helped for a few years ... to make ends meet on that rather paltry salary ... but I volunteered for every jump slot I could get.... most people just wanted their "money" jump to keep the accounting types happy.

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