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Everything posted by smooth

  1. I've seen some pictures on Facebook.
  2. If you really want to then just do it ! ! ! (and stop dwelling so much on the injury aspect) Landing injuries usually come from mistakes in judgment by the canopy pilot. Turns too close to the ground, flaring way too high or too late, turbulence from landing too close to an obstacle, showing off.
  3. well in this game he does.
  4. As the saying goes . . . your results may vary.;postatt_id=28675;guest=12446570 I like you sig line.
  6. I received a (small) settlement check from a class action entitled "Edward LiPuma vs American Express". Did anyone else get one of these??
  7. Made my first jump of 2009 today from an Otter @ Perris Valley. Here for the CSR. ( California State Record )
  8. I made my first jump at Chicago Hammond Airport in 1974.
  9. smooth

  10. GEORGE Ryan. Jim R. appeared to be OK. Thanks John, my bad. It was George, not Jim.
  11. It's just Illinois politics as usual. He's simply following the example of his predecessors - ex-govs. Jim Ryan, Daniel Walker, Otto Kerner, etc.
  12. -- you had a jumpsuit with double zippers. -- you remember your 1st jump in gym shoes. -- blast handle on your reserve. -- PRO rating wasn't required to do a demo. -- front floater was the guy with oil on his jumpsuit.
  13. in the picture you're the one with the lips on your ass ! ? ! I like the colors on you rig btw.
  14. That didn't take very long. Let the 100-way wars competition begin ! ! !
  15. Yes they do (Brian jumps at Spaceland now...) Wendy W. Wendy rocks too ! ! !
  16. After 9 rounds they're in 8th place
  17. CSC Rhythm rocks ! ! ! ! !
  18. Thanks John, that made me laugh and think of my technologically handicapped mother.
  19. There may be some additional events of interest on the Events page here on
  20. Now that I've seen the video clip I would have to agree with you. It's nice to see a favorable representation instead of the daredevil. thrill-seeker stuff.
  21. Thanks for the link. I didn't know he was on Letterman last night. Nice comment about the Cubs too.
  22. Bill Murray comments on his tandem skydive over Chicago.,0,222151.story Q How was the sky-dive different than you thought it was going to be? A How about: I was terrified. One thing was: It's cold up there. It was about 20 [degrees]. We circled around for a long time because they were being very cautious. They didn't want to lose me. That would have been noticed. I walked from the back of the plane to the front, and I said, "You know, I thought I'd feel better." I didn't feel so good. And the guy said, "Well, you just walked 80 feet uphill at 13,500 feet. There's no oxygen in here." And then they started passing around this oxygen can, and it was a fight to the finish for who was going to hold onto that oxygen can. It's like, "Don't bogart that joint." I couldn't believe it. I thought, "You guys are supposed to be the pros. Can I have this thing? Give me it." All of the sudden you go, "What was I thinking? This is the stupidest thing I've ever done." All of the sudden, I really, really didn't want to go. But there's a guy who is hooked onto you, like a turtle [shell]. You've got to walk in a squat. Then this other giant guy grabs you by the front ... They are taking you out the door. They don't want any confusion about who's on first and where we're going. And you're like, "Oh God, oh God ..." Once you go, and you hit the air, all that's gone. The physical sensation overwhelms your body. Overwhelms your mind. You can't think anymore. Q How would you describe it? A You're just in a washing machine of air. You're trying to move your arms and move your hands. Meanwhile, you've got this guy on your back. And then he starts steering you. And they're filming you, so you feel like, "Oh, I'm supposed to be funny now." When the chute opens, it's not that ka-kunk thing you see in the movies. It's just that the people you're talking to or looking at just sort of drop through the bottom of the floor. Then it became extremely peaceful and really dreamy. I was like, "Hey, there's Wrigley Field, can we go over there?"
  23. YES - Don't hit my tent if you plan on doing a low pass !