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Everything posted by smooth

  1. Maybe it was her lovely accent that had you a bit bewildered. BTW: I totally agree with what Wendy said ! ! !
  2. quoted from this announcement;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread
  3. More pictures available here
  4. Jim, Let me take a moment to thank you for the daily updates. They were very informative and much appreciated ! ! ! !
  5. There's an old saying: If the temperature is below your age then don't jump. As you get older you'll appreciate this! As others have said though it seems more of a problem with the landing area than the temperature.
  6. The Army's Golden Knight Parachute Team entertained the crowd before the game. -------------- Each of the four retired Cub numbers was represented by a special flag, including #10 for Ron Santo. -------------- Ernie Banks #14 made a spectacular Opening Day entrance thanks to the Golden Knights.
  7. Things you need to know about your Z-1
  8. I'll keep both of you guys in mind when/if I'm ready to part with the magazines! Guess I need to catalog them!!!
  9. I have copies of Parachutist dating back to the early '70s along with some random issues of Spotter, Canpara, StarCrest, and some others. I'm just now getting to the point where I can throw them out but I'll probably hang on to most of the pre-1990 ones.
  10. At the time people were still using R-3s and "frap wraps". My guess is that for lack of a better name it was referred to as the three ring circus . . . .until Booth's ad called it the three ring release.
  11. This is an ad for a Wonderhog rig from the May-June, 1977 issue of "Spotter". ( the original was in black & white, it got colored in over the years) And yes, that is the correct price ! ! ! !
  12. I flat (side/stack) pack because I haven't learned how to pro-pack yet. It's on my "to do" list this year. When a packer does it for me it's most likely pro-packed. Honestly, my canopy doesn't care which method is used! !
  13. Everything goes Fox's way Strong broadcast, tight Bears victory, plenty of pub for '24' Ed Sherman On Sports Media and Golf January 15, 2007 Everyone knows the networks call most of the shots in sports, but who knew Fox had this kind of pull? The Bears-Seahawks game seemed like one extended promo for the season premiere of "24." The "Fox NFL Sunday" pregame show opened with a segment based on the show. In addition to game highlights at halftime, viewers were treated to a lengthy clip of "24." At every turn, Joe Buck reminded us "24" would be airing Sunday and Monday nights. In fact, the only person who was mentioned more than Rex Grossman was Jack Bauer. Or so it seemed. But after all the relentless promotion for "24," Fox saved its best for last. How in the world did the network arrange for the score to be 24-24 going into overtime? Man, talk about power.
  14. Yes I can....but ya gotta say it ~~F A S T ! That's funny ! ! ! I'll have to use that one before you copyright it.
  15. Can you say Devin Hester ! ? !
  16. Perris Valley Skydiving in Calif normally holds a couple of big-way camps each year. Looking at their website it appears the next camp is May 3-6. In regards to the POPS jumps the first question should be - are you 40+
  17. You only say that because you know I've got different gear now. I'm using the same altimeter though!!
  18. I only have a few here at work, here's 3 of them. One's pretty old.
  19. The climb to altitude takes a while but the view is fantastic!!!
  20. I love that attitude ! ! ! ! Now me . . . I've never fudged my jump numbers and I have the logbooks to verify them all. Recent entries also show in my ProTrack.
  21. There's a small videoclip of the launch/landing site on the Tribune webpage.
  22. Don't drop it ! ! ! ! A friend of mine did.;search_string=pumpkin;#1321760