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Everything posted by PiLFy

  1. Randy, for those of you who don't like uber-spicy food. You never get past the heat. The truth is. All these chili peppers have a unique taste, in addition to their heat level. They don't just burn. I posted here about a one million SHU pepper w/a taste I don't care for. "Otherwise people would be eating capsicum extract." Funny you should say that. You can buy pure 16 Million SHU Capsaicin Powder from that site I posted. You need to be very careful w/it. I would imagine that those crystals don't have any taste. These sauces are around one million SHUs. Law enforcement Mace is around five million SHUs. Pakistan earlier announced their intention to weaponize this pepper into a teargas grenade. They feel fanatical terrorists won't be able to withstand the pepper's effects either. This kind of food is something to have fun with. It's a kick. You like it or you don't.
  2. Cardiac arrest, huh? Those types of sauces aren't meant to be used like regular sauces. You use smaller amounts. The Naga Jolokia sauce I have will actually bring on an Asthma attack in me. Sick to say, but I've gotten used to the heat. I don't particularly care for the taste of that pepper, though. I'm hoping the Naga Viper tastes better. I haven't received my bottle, yet. I anxiously await it.
  3. No problem, Shah. Here ya go: http://www.chileseeds.co.uk/chilli_sauces.htm "Our new Chilli has just broken all records for heat, at 1,340,969 SHU’s (Scoville Heat Units). Our new hot chilli is called Naga Viper." This is the new World Record holder. I've got two bottles of Naga Jolokia sauce (@1 million SHUs). Siempre YeeHaw... Oh, wait. We're not talking about food?
  4. "You can message me if you don't want to post." It's on the way.
  5. Your ride isn't over yet, Bigun. From what you wrote. You caught it early enough. I'm glad you're in such a good space going into this. You're still relatively young & strong. If your Doc said you'll feel like you're 25 again while exercising. You don't have significant LVH (left ventricular hypertrophy). So, you should rebound beautifully from this. Older, sedentary patients are the ones to hedge your bets w/post-op. Most hospitals discharge you after five days, barring complications. Like a couple of other people here already said. Don't be a stranger to your heart pillow. Some guys don't like to be seen w/them, but they work. I'll tell you this because some surgeons don't. It's low on their priority list. Some younger patients have a hard time adjusting to mechanical valves. You can hear them working in your chest. Elderly patients shrug it off. Younger guys tend to get freaked out by it. Best of Luck to you. Speedy recovery & rehab.
  6. "NO guns would stop gun crime. More guns will only only mean more gun 'events' mostly bad ones, not too many good ones." I'm sorry. These two sentences show me that you've virtually no powers of reason, remaining. There's no point in further discussions. Good Luck living in your fairy tales.
  7. Yeah, & if that guy had walked into a free-fire zone school/hospital/church/whatever, & opened up. What do you think would have happened then???
  8. I don't care what they wear. Dentists HURT. I go when I'm in pain.
  9. I see where Hollywood has bought the screen rights to this trilogy. Who did they cast in the title roll? Some blond haired, blue eyed teeny bopper.... At least the Swedish version cast someone appropriate to the roll.
  10. OK, A Blond suspects her husband is having an affair. So, she goes off to work one morning, & sneaks back in the door a few hours later. Sure enough, Hubby is in bed w/another woman. The Blond storms into the bedroom w/a gun to her head, & rage in her eyes. The husband jumps out of bed, onto his knees. He pleads w/her not to do it. She shouts back "Shut up, Asshole! You're next!!"
  11. Where did you get any of that? Specifically, in what "hood" are glocks "very popular & pervasive" guns? They are expensive and rare in the hood. The most common gun in the hood is a POS snubbie revolver and boat anchor pistols like lorcin, raven, and bryco. And what makes you say glocks need a good holster more than any other gun? What makes you say five pounds? You do realize glock sells parts that range from three and a half pounds up to twelve or fifteen pounds, right? Finally, glocks have three passive safeties, not one. They are the trigger lever you mentioned, the trigger disconnect, and the drop safety. Jeeze... A lot of "What makes you?" Lessee: Glock's prevalence in 'hood = reading news stories about shootings. Glocks are excellent weapons that have been around for a long time. You don't really think they're limited to white suburbia, do you? Glock's don't need a proper holster completely enclosing the trigger guard? Read the owner's manual. You can argue w/Glock. Apparently, a lot of 'hood denizens aren't into holsters of any kind. Stickin a Glock in your waistband isn't a great idea. It makes it easier to dump the gun pre-arrest, but also makes it easier to shoot yourself somewhere sensitive. As you mentioned. The trigger pull can be changed from something like 3.5#s, on up to 12+#s. Unless they changed in recent years. The standard trigger pull on a Glock is 5#s. Their brand of DAO is one of the reasons they became so popular. Finally, Safeties: Compare a Glock to something like a Centennial or a 1911. There is no rear grip safety. Glock added an internal safety requiring a key to disable, a few years back. Other than that. If you pull the trigger? It goes bang. Dunno why you're in a tizzy. This is common knowledge to anyone who has shot these guns.
  12. A 92FS with the safety off and the hammer back - it may not be so hard to jostle it in the pack. But we're talking rather stupid behavior (shock!). It's actually do-able w/the hammer down. Like I said, though. Standard trigger pull is something like 9#s. Cocked is only 2-3#s, plus the idiot factor.
  13. A more recent article mentioned it was a 9mm Beretta, but didn't specify which model. Beretta doesn't make a comparable action. Their trigger pulls are still
  14. I have a comment up on the LA Times web story asking the make and model of the gun involved. I've looked at a number of stories, but so far none seem to have reported it. Either way it's a lose-lose to anti-California testing folks. If it's a gun that wasn't on the list of approved guns, it kind of proves the California system works. If the gun is on the list, then it kind of proves the California system doesn't go far enough. I'm too tired to read all the way through both articles. Glocks are very popular & pervasive guns in the 'hood. If it was a Glock. Ignorant people tend to carry them without a proper fitting holster. Glocks need a form-fitting holster which completely encloses the trigger guard. If carried loose in waistband or bookbag? It would be very easy for anything to put five pounds of pressure on the trigger, & cause it to fire. This is a separate issue from the drop-testing that these guns easily pass. The little lever in the trigger is the only safety on a Glock. It's actually one of their greatest features. If, however, someone is a Dumb_*ss, & ignores basic safety practices. It can be a problem.
  15. "that place has been closed for years...." Wha_huh? Last I heard. They were doing great, & opening a new location in Daytona. Those burgers, except for the lard-dipped buns, sound like heaven.
  16. PiLFy

    need prayer

    Cool Beans. I hope he doesn't mind being called "Junior" in cardiac rehab.
  17. http://www.heartattackgrill.com/menu.html
  18. "Just a visit at the VA hospital can remind all of us how good we have it." That's very true, my friend. "It's just that as I age it won't be so good." This is what I was thinking of. I'm farther down the road than you. You get there before you know it. I'm sorry I was a little short w/you in a previous thread. PM me any time.
  19. I have another manufacturer's model of this type gun. Do you need that many shots? Not usually, but it's great for pissing off the range master in Sporting Clays...
  20. Well, it took everyone a while to get going. I see ya'll got there, though ...
  21. I think what I respect about him most. Is he was brought up to live a life of leisure. He rejected that. He took on a monumental struggle, knowing it would get him killed. He knew he would be assassinated for it. Taylor Branch wrote a wonderful trilogy covering the civil rights struggle. All told, it's over 3K pages, & well worth the read.