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  1. Thanks Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  2. I have started getting in to video editing recently. I was using the AVS 6 video editor and just recently got Sony Vegas Pro 10. Is there any good sites out there that offer advice on how to do a little bit more of the advanced type editing? I got a lot of the basics down. Just ready to start taking it a bit further. Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  3. Congrats. Its good to hear that you are progressing
  4. I did a quick search on here and found this thread. Hopefully it will answer some of your questions.;search_string=Too%20light%20of%20wingloading;#1589524 Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  5. You will get a ton of different answers to this question. You will hear that some people prefer the Javelin over Wings or Infinity over Mirage. All of the container systems great quality and offer there own unique features. Best thing for you to do is to go each manufacturers website and read up on each one. Make a list of the pros and cons of each one. Then start narrowing it down to what you can afford and what discipline you would eventually end up working on. But no matter what container you end up with, new or used, you will end up with a decent container that will suit your needs. If you know anyone at your DZ that would be willing to let you try on or maybe even jump their rig, given that it fits properly and the canopy size is proper for your skill level. Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  6. Cool shit man, congrats. I will be out in Davis next weekend for the boogie. If I see any students, I will yell hi!! Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  7. All I can say is, Holy Shit. I thought for sure that student was going in. This video right here shows you exactly how precious a few seconds can be. Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  8. It takes me about 10-15 minutes to get out to Lodi depending on traffic, 25-30 minutes to get out to Byron and about an hour if I want to go to either Skydive Sac or Skydance. There are others around, but I have not timed those yet. Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  9. Ok, I will hand wash them. Any specific type of soap you know of that works better than others? Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  10. I have a pair of EG freefly pants and wondered if there is a specific way to wash them so they do not shrink? I have emailed them but have not gotten a response at all......and that was about 2 weeks ago. Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  11. Right now for me is Parkway Drive and As Blood Runs Black. Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  12. Made it clicky Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  13. Whirly bird jumps are $70. Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  14. Is there a way to pre-register without having to go to the DZ? Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  15. I will be there Friday and Saturday Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.