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Everything posted by TriGirl

  1. TriGirl


    In the immortal words of Gru: Jesus Titty-Fucking Christ
  2. Hey, Nat, Sorry I missed this last month. I know how you feel about being in a pandemic for a milestone, though. I joined the Half Century club back in April. Right when everything was starting to lock down! I currently live in Papua New Guinea, so I was looking forward to getting friends to meet me in Cairns for some sailing on the Great Barrier Reef, or maybe do some camping on the south island of New Zealand. Alas, still here in PNG, with 51 right around the corner. You have 10 years to plan now. Make 50 a party to make up for it all! Here's an idea: my boss said she did her cerebration in Hawaii. Get it? "Hawaii 5-0"
  3. Enough to prompt a recommendation that people who experience allergic reactions should not get the vaccine at this time. This means they don't know what those people's reactions were triggered by. I see this essentially as an extension of the safety trial period, while still putting the vaccine into use. So, it actually was put out before it was determined to be "completely safe." We're starting to vaccinate, plus keeping an eye out (and subsequently spreading the warnings) for unknown/unanticipated side effects.
  4. TriGirl


    Sounds like a similar experience as I had with the last couple of anthrax shots. The final one I got some pretty severe flu symptoms from late afternoon until the following day (aches, chills, fever, fatigue). Just your standard histamine reaction -- but that's how you know it's working!
  5. Regarding Mayor Pete -- I think he would do very well as a sub-cabinet officer in Housing and Urban Development. Maybe even something in the Congressional liaison office. He needs some federal-level experience to supplement his intelligence on a lot of issues. He's incredibly smart and has a talent for presenting a well-developed argument. But even here, the first thing people note is, "he's only been a mayor" as a disqualifying factor for much higher office (or cabinet post). Okay, so, let's put him to work somewhere in between so we can get the benefit of his intellect, and beef up his resume at the same time.
  6. Okay, hold on everyone. Let's not get carried away! Guess I also need to clear up some records: I, unfortunately, never got the chance to go to War College (Command & Staff was as far as I went on that path). On the other hand, I did get a Masters in Security Studies (read: regional politics and history) at Naval Postgraduate School, enhanced by a couple tours in embassies. So if there are any openings working within a foreign policy office, I might be tempted! (I'll just sit here and hold my breath until the phone rings -- I'm sure that call will come ANY second now!)
  7. Okay -- maybe we need to start a new thread/poll about the divorce prediction!
  8. I was emailing my friends on the "over/under" on how long after he leaves office that Melania will file for divorce. I was thinking more around six months.
  9. Had a text conversation with my (adult, college-grad) nephew the other day. He lives in a small town outside Buffalo. He asked, "So, why can't everyone just wear a mask so we can keep everything open?" Oh, the idealism of the young. Yes, it would be wonderful if everyone took the science seriously, accepted some limitations for a while for the good of everyone else (not to mention, had some basic education in hygiene and public health), and endeavored to do their part to kill this thing. I pointed out the (anecdotal) story of the high school that freaked out over girls baring their shoulders, but wouldn't enforce mask policies. It's that kind of attitude in too high of a percentage of the population that forces governments to try something else to keep their residents from dying. Haven't we seen cases of people with HIV being prosecuted under various statutes for having unprotected sex with a partner whom they have not told about their infection? (or is that just on TV? -- I really do want to be corrected if wrong) So why should people get a pass -- even if just in public opinion -- for blatant disregard for the health of others, insisting they be given their freedom. What about the freedom of the people you're infecting?
  10. Not all of us have a wife to forward our mail. Plus, I have to use diplomatic pouch, since we don't have military mail here in Papua New Guinea. Luckily, my state sent absentee ballots this year via email -- though it did cause a lot of confusion and searching the office for resources to follow all the directions for double-wrapping to send them back (which didn't happen in time -- flat mail takes 3 weeks during non-holiday/normal times), so.... went with Option 2. Good thing they were allowing ballots to be faxed in. Although, the fax number was always busy when I tried for a couple of weeks. Option 3: Being military, I was able to get FVAP to help me get it faxed. Verified the Thursday before the election that my ballot was received and processed. Success!
  11. There is a reason I don't spend enough (any) time in this forum, but this is the reason I should -- so I don't miss news like this. I never met you, Lisa, but enjoyed your contributions on this site. Moo.
  12. Just like it took until the second debate of his re-election campaign before moderators decided to mute microphones.
  13. I just read an article that said NBC News cut into Trump’s last address in order to correct all the misinformation he was spreading. My question is: why did it take 5 years for any news organization to implement this process?
  14. TriGirl


    Oh yes, I get the desire to have some of the less ridiculous stuff be true. I can even understand how some could believe the false assertion that the government would be forcing churches to perform same-sex weddings (of course, just a little time to sit and think about that one should resolve it, but ... reasons). Indeed. And this is my major point. We know how the downward spiral started and perpetuated (and we saw it again during the civil rights movement, though used to a lesser fatal degree). We know how to find and identify the truth from the propaganda. After 70+ years, we know how to be better human beings to each other (and we know how to "adult" and leverage appropriate recourse against things that scare us). If these things and these skills aren't being taught to kids in schools (what happened to the "citizenship" grades?), then they need to be brought back. Obviously all the good people in the churches aren't doing it/helping out (I mean really -- what would Jesus do?). It should be citizenship 101. You don't have to believe that the kid with the different color skin sitting next to you is your "equal," but you have to let her in the classroom because she is a person, and has rights to the same education and responsibilities to the community (rule of law, respecting others, etc). It's so simple that it just boggles the mind of a member of an evolved species that it's still so easy to manipulate the masses using total nonsense, and keep them on the hook for this long.
  15. and in the case of George Floyd (and many, many others), an immediate death sentence for further alleged infractions.
  16. TriGirl


    I'll say it again. All this nonsense is an indictment of the American education system. Seriously -- where are the (even most basic) critical thinking skills? Occam's razor, anyone?
  17. No, he said they should stand back and stand by. He was asked to tell them to stand down (meaning disband and go home), but instead told them to hang out and be ready to re-engage at a moment's notice.
  18. Specifically I mean their plan to actually kill cops. Doing exactly what you accuse your adversary of wanting to do. These people are shameless.
  19. The article I read this morning also said they were planning to shoot cops and start a civil war. Wait, what? I thought the extreme Trump people were all about law and order and Blue Lives Matter. How does this idea make any sense? I dare one Republican to try to justify these jokers.
  20. Here's the best line to sum up the whole article, from an Italian news source: Yep.
  21. I’m surprised no one has posted since the debate began, so I’ll start. I was impressed by how Joe Biden kept his cool. I wasn’t surprised by the president’s behavior (but was disgusted). And though I couldn’t stand to listen continuously (had to keep coming back to it), I was pleased that Chris Wallace at least made a valiant attempt to hold them both accountable to the rules (one needed it more than the other, of course). If this happens in the next debate, I would like to see the moderator just turn off the offender’s microphone and allow the candidate who holds the floor to have their time uninterrupted. So — discuss!
  22. This was the court fight that was finally adjudicated earlier this month -- required the release of the tax returns to the NY district that was hearing the fraud cases. No leaking, no timing issues (except how it happened to take until now because of the challenge of the WH to the subpoena). Had the defendant just complied with the subpoena two years* ago, we would have been over it by now. *I don't recall exactly when it all started, nor which district is prosecuting the case (don't have time to look it all up again), but no one here should be ignorant of the court battle for those returns.
  23. Hi jakee, ^^^^ This It is always interesting to me when our foreign friends know more about our elections than our own citizens do. Jerry Baumchen It was certainly why he lost my vote in 2008. During the primaries he flipped on all the issues that got me to write him in both in 2000 and 2004. By the time he got the nomination, and announced his running mate, the deal was sealed. (that, and I had come to realize that the other candidate was qualified and competent, even if we didn't agree on everything)
  24. Too bad, because there were some legitimate write-in options actively campaigning. Had Florida not been so important and so close, I was leaning toward writing in Evan McMullen or Martin O'Malley. McMullen was actually running as a write-in, and nearly won Utah -- impressive results in other states, especially considering he started campaigning I think in August 2016 (IIRC). Despite what others have posted here about write-in ballots, I think it sends a strong message to the parties when you cast your vote for a real person.