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Everything posted by grega

  1. I said it dives longer than atair impulse. and i still stand by that. but IMO it dives leeeeesss than velocitiy or similar. And assuming that we were right about "positive and negative",i think the longer the recovery arc is the more negative it gets. and the shorter the recovery arc is the more positive it is. Because it is somewhat logical. Why is a recovery arc short? because the wing/canopy above our head is fairly "slow" and it slows down quite fast, you swing further forward and increase aoa (angle of attack) and the canopy starts flaring by itself, more or less. - Positive recovery arc Why is a recovery arc long? the canopy is faster and it doesn't slow down so fast, so you don't swing so much forward. The aoa doesn't increase more than that at normal flight, so it doesn't start flaring. -Negative recovery arc Swoop masters and canopy designers, please correct me if i'm wrong. it's just the thought that entered my mind couple of minutes ago "George just lucky i guess!"
  2. I think i know what the differences are, but not to make a fool out of myself i won't say anything. So what's a positive recovery arc and what's a negative recovery arc? Some say that they need to pull a little toggles (or rear risers) to get their canopy out of the dive. Does that mean that they don't have a recovery arc but "recovery line " instead "George just lucky i guess!"
  3. So you say, i gotta get to US this weekend, bring a lawn chair and a six pack (make that 2 six packs). should i bring a pieces of paper with scores from 1 to 10 on them? "George just lucky i guess!"
  4. depends. Normally it's -6 C for every 3000 feet... so if it's 20 C on the ground (0 feet ASL) than at 9500 feet it should be approximately 1C But it can be warmer at 9500 than on the ground if inversion occurs. "George just lucky i guess!"
  5. grega

    Help Needed!

    rules for FF in 2004 are here "George just lucky i guess!"
  6. I think i'll have more problems choosing a bride. "George just lucky i guess!"
  7. What is that guy doing in your canopy? "George just lucky i guess!"
  8. How many points did they do on you "George just lucky i guess!"
  9. Ho many of you checks the poll results, before you answer the poll? I won't even ask if seeing results changes your opinion or makes you rethink your choice, because they definitely do.
  10. Before you go jumping, squeeze the nose, close your mouth and gently blow. If you can feel both eardrums (left and right) stretching/poping, that means that the tube that connects ears with nose ("eustahium tube" i don't know the english name for that ) is clean and you'll be fine. if you don't feel both eardrums stretching, then i wouldn't suggest jumping. it can cause severe pain and damage to your inner ear. Not to mention that you can loose orientation, like not knowing what's up and down. Imagine that in freefall "George just lucky i guess!"
  11. -oxygn for RW, swooping and cold winter days -optik for freeflying and camera jumps (soon) "George just lucky i guess!"
  12. Don't you check all your handles (Hackey, cutaway, reserve) before you exit the plane "George just lucky i guess!"
  13. I get your point, and agree that all of us sholud first squeeze 100% of our current canopies at our current wingloadings. But why weren't you standing on the stairs for 1. place at PST pro swooping tour, or red bull swooping tour, if you're so gooood ? Oh let me guess, competitions are for wussies right? Stop bragging, because none will listen to your advice, of getting 100% out of canopy before downsizing, though it's a good one. "George just lucky i guess!"
  14. if money is not an issue, i'd go for mirage all the way! if money is an issue, i think at the price/value you get at wings the most. But i'd go with mirage anyway "George just lucky i guess!"
  15. Ok to sum everything up Royal lens or way cool industries has the same optics, but the color and the brand are different, that's why the price difference. So i guess i wouldn't go wrong with any of those? But i wonder how come kenko got so many voices, it has vignetes, and my .43 has very distorted field of view, especially at the edge. And what are those other 2 voices? what are the lenses you were thinking about? Are there any better optics than at royal-lens or way cool lens? "George just lucky i guess!"
  16. So you decided for the fun and thrilling freefly instead of boring belly flying (big ways are fun though ) Try reading this articles, if you didn't already, they helped me a lot. head Up flying - part 1 head up flying - part 2 head up flying - part 3 "George just lucky i guess!"
  17. "mastery" is different for everyone. for some is 10 coached belly jumps, knowing how to go forward backward, slide left,right, speed up, slow down, track,... all the basic stuff. for others it's minimum 5 points in 4-way It depends on you how good would you like to be at belly flying. That's just perfect. you don't wanna start learning belly flying in 4 way. First you gotta learn the basics. Huh i started freeflying (sit flying) at 25th jump and i'm still alive . The only thing that is dangerous is that you can slide up or down the flight line. So before you start practicing turn 90degrees to the flight line. The other thing at solo learning freefly are bad habits. but with this forum, you can hear about all bad habits and be aware not to get used to them. Another thing why it's good to master belly fly at first (or so they say), is because it's easier, and you'll be happier, because you can learn something on you belly at least 10 times faster than on your ass,... err i mean sit flying but i started sit flying before i "mastered" belly flying, so i'll stop lecturing. Just tell the dzo what you'll be doing in the air and ask a looot of questions.
  18. Huh this is totally out of the threads question, but why would strong winds change the separation time. it's strong winds for whole load. So horizontal distance from 1st group to the plane in 5 sec is exactly the same in no wind or in strong wind. It's the airspeed that's important for separation not the ground speed. And the airspeed depends on the airplane not the wind. Or am i missing something? "George just lucky i guess!"
  19. Wrong, best people are born in May wrongway: happy birtday !!! "George just lucky i guess!"
  20. Well if he won't listen to your advice "not to jump it yet", supply him with tons of articles, theory of how to fly and land a HP safely,... Do a search there's more then enough articles and threads already here on Besides he shouldn't be let in the plane with that canopy on his back in the first place, if he's not trained to fly and land it. "George just lucky i guess!"
  21. It's nice to see that at least someone is having fun of that event I Just got an idea. on my 500th jump (coming soon), we'll give to the sky yet another winter glove. The left one, which i still have. So they'll be together as a pair and live happily ever after in the sky "George just lucky i guess!"
  22. Which lens do you think has the best quality? Or which one do you use the most and why? "George just lucky i guess!"