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Everything posted by Southern_Man

  1. Hmm, I would say, safety - yes, training - not so sure
  2. Serious question--if there are liabilities against the estate then that is taken into account when figuring the inheritance tax, right? So a $4M farm w/ a 3M mortgage only counts as a $1M inheritance? "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  3. Stop just saying hi. Ask if they are jumping with anybody. Ask if you can jump with them. If they are currently jumping w/ somebody (and that sometimes happen) ask if they would be interested in jumping together later. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  4. Hi Josh, welcome. I was at Triangle for their Thanksgiving boogie and met both Eric and Greg. Seem like really nice people and I'm sure you will be happy there. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  5. Another big fan of the ski blades. I enjoyed learning to do some jumps on them last winter. I use regular skis too. Only been on a snowboard once and my butt was very sore by the end of the night. I would like to try cross country but the I would need to travel as there are not too many places that do that near me, I don't think. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  6. Exactly. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  7. As for the other part of the equation, idiot is an anachronism (and I would argue without specific legal or medical definition). Historically the term changed and those some folks would have been referred to as profoundly mentally retarded and now profoundly intellectually disabled. Generally it refers to people with an IQ of less than 30. I work with such people every day and w are required to offer them a chance to register to vote (unless they have been specifically adjudicated as incompetent and the court, as part of its order has said they cannot vote). I am not aware that any of the people I work with that fall in that range actually vote. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  8. It is not criminal to be insane. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  9. Yes, officer (who was a father of 5) was shot at a traffic stop. The person who shot him was not the person he had stopped. The shooter then ran a little ways before shooting himself. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  10. Never understood this. When I am sick the only thing I want is to be left alone. Getting out of the house would be the best thing anybody could do for me. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  11. Computer (help desk) related: PICNIC ID-10-T error "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  12. I've always been taught that the green light means "permission to exit at your discretion" not that you "must exit now." Not sure if that is the same way everywhere. On the other hand, if the pilot has not turned on the green light, or has turned it off, it means you positively may not exit. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  13. Welcome to skydiving... "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  14. It's not a book but I suggest you read this--it is South Carolina's Declaration of Succession: "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  15. Personally I just figured it was Shah's letter all along. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  16. I'm pretty new with just over 200 jumps but I've been careful to: 1. Don't be in a hurry. Hurry makes for mistakes. I hope to be in this sport a long time and I am enjoying the journey. Sometimes this means skipping a jump that sounds really fun because I'm tired or because I don't like gearing up and running for the plane. 2. Focus on canopy control. I've done a lot of hop and pops and a canopy course. I also am still on my first canopy (a 210 at 1:1) and am in no hurry at all to downsize. 3. Continue to drill emergency procedures. We have a leaning harness at our drop zone and it is easy on any day to get in there and have another jumper hold up the pictures and drill. I do this at least monthly. 4. Be careful of boogie-itis. I've been to a few boogies, they are really exciting and fun and I want to take advantage of the organizing available. On the same token I make sure to remind myself to remain on jumps that are within my skill level, that I am mindful of all the canopies in the air, that I focus on landing safely (and not necessarily close) and that I don't allow myself to get rushed or deviate from my routine. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  17. Not exactly but something along those lines. A frivolous charge (and it would have to be fairly obviously frivolous) could end up with the plaintiff having to pay the defendant's legal fess. In particularly egregious cases the attorney who brought the frivolous case could also be sanctioned. Skydiving lawsuits are particularly susceptible to this reasoning though: You are allowed (in most states) to waive ordinary negligence. You are not allowed to waive gross negligence (as it is against public policy to allow people to do so). The line between ordinary negligence and gross negligence, though, is ssometimes a question of fact for a jury to decide. Iif not that, then at least an area the judge is not familiar enough with all the technical details to dismiss the suit in summary judgment. So, in a lot of cases you will have to go through depositions, pre-trial motions, etc. to even get to a ruling on whether the waiver is valid. In many cases the problem is not that the waiver won't hold up, but that this is a battle you cannot afford to win. I'm sure one of the lawyers will correct me if I am wrong on these details, I'm not a lawyer but have been involved in a lot of activities and organizations where risk-mitigation was a factor. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  18. While I do have some interest in seeing third party candidates be able to be more viable, it is really not my primary (pun) interest here. I just don't think taxpayers should be paying for the nominating process of private political parties. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  19. I'd be okay with that if the state was obligated to run (and pay for) the primaries of parties with registered members. Unfortunately such a requirement would shut me out of the primary process altogether but allow Democrats and Republicans to continue to benefit from embedded advantages. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  20. Yes, I've always felt the same way about primaries. Andy, Thanks for thei history. I understand but do not agree with those arguments. I cannot come around to seeing political parties as anything other than private clubs which should be running their own nominating procedures instead of using state money to use them and building brand awareness in the process. Of course as a long time supporter of third parties I have a good sensitivity to the issue as third parties are usually shut out fo this process (access conditioned on receiveing X% of votes in previous elections often). As for needing to be a dues paying member, I think that's a good idea but it would be up to the party to adopt that standard. That doesn't change with open or closed primaries and using the public resources would seem to preclude such a standard (as it would amount to a poll tax). "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  21. Courtrooms are already largely a circus. Cameras just enlarge the audience. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  22. Found this article on the video although it doesn't really help much: Summary: No report of an accident at the alleged time of the video. Not able to successfully contact the person involved in the accident. I believe this may have been at Seven Hills skydivers, but not sure. The location fits. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  23. Easy Negatives never gave me much trouble. It was imaginary and complex numbers that gave me fits . Well since most of the numbers for cuts will be of the imaginary kind you are in trouble. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  24. Wrong. I jump, my man doesn't and will never even do a tandem. He has no problem with that. Like me Do I have to file for divorce now? Alright, I should know not to use absolutes. I also agree w/ billvon that I find passion a very attractive quality in a partner, even if it is not passion for the same things that I am passionate about. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  25. Wisconsin, I believe. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"