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Everything posted by psw097

  1. I use an Atech Digilog enclosure. It is $65 and you can put any drive in it you want. It is small and works great. Makes for a cheap/flexible upgrade. I've heard good things about the Pyro enclosures also, but they are more expensive.
  2. Kenko makes several different .5 and .42 wide angles. They do not have the same field. I use a SGW05 Pro most of the time and it is very wide for a .5. I use a KUW042M for very wide needs. These are both very large lenses. I used to have a cheap Kenko .5 and did not like it.
  3. I've been using riser inserts for about 3 years now. There is no reason not to have them. $10 (or whatever the price is now) is very cheap insurance.
  4. I have a skysystems chin cup. It has been working without much problems. It did crack at the very edge - nothing serious. In retrospect I should have purchased a Bonehead chin cup. The coverage is better and it is better built, IMO. You can buy everything seperate, last I knew. I added a release mechanism to mine - simple addition really.
  5. I'm not up on all the rules since my post to jump ratio is .032 but I would guess threats of violence belong in Talk Back.
  6. I don't think "people" will ever think you are cool with a nickname like Peter Pan. -It's nice and cold this time of year, the low density altitude makes it perfect to demo canopies that are way too small.
  7. Its sad when someone out the door over 200 lbs. is called "little." Remember; for proper spleen damage you need to lead with your camera.
  8. I told you earlier today - just loose weight and buy a small canopy (I have a couple of those to sell you), then slowly put the weight back on. That way you don't have to waste money downsizing all the time.
  9. The Infinity has numbers on the flaps. It keeps lazy people like me from having to think.
  10. 1100 jumps, one reserve ride so far. Spinning line twist under a Viper 105. Found it in the woods with only one brake line stowed - whoops.
  11. Some of the best video I've ever seen of someone looking stupid while they have a ball of shit behind then they don't even know about. And, Chris even risked his own life to make sure he shot the whole thing.
  12. I completely agree. If that doesn't work you can always scale up to a full blown feud'n.
  13. Same for me. I did not know about AFF until after I had a license.
  14. I use the rear risers to plane out my Viper often. It works very well. Not as well as when I tried with a Velocity but well enough to get significant extra distance. The one downside I find is that the Viper does not have the 'pop' at the end the cross-braced canopy did - this makes timing critical. It may also be because I have not done this enough to be any type of expert. I only have a handful of Stiletto jumps and my loading is higher. But the Viper and Stiletto are similar wings. Webster
  15. I prefer a 270 left hook. But depending on setup and traffic I will do from nothing to past 360 left or right. 1100 jumps. Just got a Viper 94 @2.1/1 wingloading, only 6 on it so far. Before that a Viper 105 @1.9/1 Webster
  16. I agree with the first statement - Stilettos do turn fast. The second statement is debatable - since there is no eliptical canopies, we will say that the Stiletto is more tapered than the Safire - true. But, the taper has nothing to do with forward speed. Forward speed is based on windloading and coefficient of drag. Airfoil shape, planform, manufacturing process, and line set determine CoD - not the taper. Look, they are both nice wings. I just do not agree with how "high-performance" and "elliptical" are thrown around by the marketing department and faceless people sitting at a computer. Jump everything you can get your hands on and decide for yourself. These conversations always remind me of the Alpha and the Space. The Alpha was a high-performance swooping machine. The Space - a nice all around canopy. They are the same thing with a different name on the wingtip. - marketing and hype. Webster
  17. I guess I've been an engineer for too long. But, what parameters are you using to say one is more high performance than the other? Forward speed, turn rate, composite speed (sink + forward), aspect ratio, AOA, AOI? At equal wing loading similarly designed canopies will fly the same speed. Other design parameters effect your perceived performance but end up being personal preference. Manufacturers hype aside I just don't see, or feel, these huge performance differences between similar planforms. Jump what you like the best at an appropriate wingloading for your skill level and experience. I jump a Viper 94 at ~2.1/1 (any more decimal places get lost in the turd I took this morning) Webster
  18. In Premier 6.0 I capture the stills I want to HDD. I then use another program to de-interlace the BMP file. If I plan on using it for a project, I'll leave it in BMP, otherwise I convert to JPG. For de-interlacing I use a shareware program: PolyView 3.83. There are better programs but the price is right for this one. For conversion I normally use ACDSee. Hope this helps. Webster
  19. All this time I thought you and Monkey were having sex together.
  20. Why don't you just wrap Riverdog this weekend. Its going to happen sooner or later, you might as well make it sooner. If you are trying to make it economical, I'm more than willing to pack you a nasty. It'll only cost you 5 bucks. I'll even point to where you trash lands. Webster P.S. Yes, MEaton is certainly an ass.
  21. Freakous, There is nothing like getting busted on by someone who hasn't even jumped a camera yet. After all the video I've shot of you and nothing in return. That's harsh.
  22. The fact that Freakous can successfully hit a nail on its head certainly does not exclude him from being an ass. Cookie's dbox is very nice. The second vertical closure Monkey added helps with security. I prefer some more lens coverage also but, I use larger lenses on my PC100.