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Everything posted by psw097

  1. Doug hosed the entire mid-eastern region - no kidding. He must die now. My answer to CSS should be arriving via email at any time. The dog and I will need a place to live when my future ex-wife gets 1/2 my stuff.
  2. I did considerable research on this. This is a quote from Dan Preston while I was trying to get some data for a re-line on an older Viper and on a Super Viper/Alpha that had opening issues: "Viper, (alpha/space/contrail), then cobalt are all based on the same planform. The main difference is construction and surface tension pattern has been continously advanced. " I have measured line trim and shape on a couple of these canopies and have also jumped several sizes - unless I got really drunk while taking the measurements they are effectively the same.
  3. The Viper/Alpha/Space and Cobalt are the same canopy. The Cobalt has some construction changes - 18 top skin pieces and porting differences. But, the planform, airfoil and trim is exactly the same.
  4. I'm for natural selection. The gene pool is already getting thin with AFF programs graduating students that cannot spot, cannot pack and are scared to get out below 6K. I'll guess that liability would become an issue if a BSR was implemented. Do you want to be the canopy coach that graduates little johney to an "open" canopy a week before he pounds in? Or, the DZO where someone above the stated WL eats dirt. With WL it is an easy connection between the accident and the "rules" - Good chance the lawyers will jump all over it. 1200 jumps. Current wingloading - 1.9 to 2.5 on my mains, 1.7 and 1.5 on reserves.
  5. CM, Milwaukee's Best is premium beer - it says so right on the can. Bring the case, I'll be consumed. FO
  6. Donkey, nice new toy. They did a fine job with your face. Did you get the teflon coated leg straps so you don't tear it up within 50 jumps? I hope Patrick does not pack my entire rig into the reserve container of that monster. 22
  7. The most common injury is to the bank account. Second, would be alcohol posioning and liver problems. Third would be damage to relationships with non-skydiving spouse. Minor injuries include - hangovers and loss of memory. Hope that helps.
  8. Must be senility setting in - it didn't sound all that nice at the time. But, travel agents would be good eat'n.
  9. They are much too sweet for asparagus. Travel agents are more like desert. I prefer mine blended, like a slushy.
  10. Was last year different somehow? Freeflying, bellyflying, camera..etc its all just pushing air around.
  11. Doug, I have practice all weekend. Come out to Orange and lets do an experiment. I'll pack my Alpha in one container and you can pack my FX in the other. We'll see who closes the fastest and is bitching the most. I know the answer, I just want some free packs. Webster
  12. I dislocated my right shoulder about three years ago. I spent a lot of time at PT to make sure it was put back together correctly before I started skydiving again. - well, almost...the physical therapist freaked when I spent an hour in the tunnel less than 3 months after the injury and the first couple skydives I barely had enough flexibility to deploy. But, the strength was there just not full flexibility by that point. I continue with strength training for the muscle groups that hold the shoulder in place. I don't do anything special for skydiving. I have had shoulders "pop" during skydives. But, not more than 2 or 3 in the last 650 jumps. The funny thing is that it was my good shoulder at least one of those times. I'll just stretch well, again, before the next jump. I have never had it be sore all day - that would worry me. Something like 80% of people re-dislocate thier shoulder within a year of the injury. And, if it happens twice the socket becomes very loose and a lot of people opt for surgery at that point. From what I read I guess I'd be very leary of jumping or at least make sure you have a big reserve and I high pain tolerance. (I keep percocet in my gear bag, just in case)
  13. I didn't just see it, I was a full fledged participant. The wingloading difference would not make for a good comparison. The extent of my experience with the 120 Micro Raven was: Check canopy, stow handles, find a place to land, clear brakes, spot main and freebag, pick a landing direction, 180 toggle hook, crappy surf, run like hell, fall on face. - it was over in less than 30 seconds. I'm sure you would have no problems with that canopy. But, if you want to know how your reserve flies, demo one - don't wait until you have no choice in the matter.
  14. Just last Sunday I landed a 1993 Micro Raven 120 off-field in no wind conditions, 1.7/1 wingloading. I took home a dirty jumpsuit. But it landed..uh..OK. Definitely stalls, well, brisk.
  15. Depends on if you have matching jumpsuits and if the tee-shirts match the jumpsuits. - if it all matches you need to get an exemption by promising to compete with a hangover. We just have 3/4 the team wearing weights because we like burning extra jet-A.
  16. psw097

    My 1000th

    Hell of a post to jump ratio. Keep up the..uh..good work(?)
  17. Rules at Nationals should be: 1. Matching jumpsuits and helmets - Advanced class 2. Matching rigs plus Jumpsuits, etc. - Open class 3. Teams that bring their own Otter - Hand out tax refunds to the taxpayers attending. Leave intermediate class to those teams with hangovers.
  18. Don't know what camera you have, this is from the PC-100 service manual - Sony codes are mostly standardized. C31:23 - S Reel Fault - Load tape again and perform operation from the beginning. On a PC-100 the S reel is a sensor on the FP-242 board and is hot pressed to the cassette mechanism. The entire mechanical section would need to be replaced and then adjusted. The mechanical section is more expensive than just sending it to service and requires some special equipment to adjust. It might just be a dirty spindle or crap in the gears for the drive section. I'd pop the top and try some canned air and a good cleaning sending it for service.
  19. Same here, my Protrack spends its time on my ankle for RW jumps. I do use both audibles in my FF helmet.
  20. I think that same monkey got my altimeter. You would think a purple monkey would be easy to find.
  21. This sounds like a great solution. Do you have any digital stills? It would help with placement, etc. The riser inserts might get in the way. I currently have a velcro lock on my jumpsuit. My feelings on that are: most emergencies will happen a long time before I get to stowing my slider, it'll detach easily anyway, don't use an RSL if you attach your slider to the jumpsuit or reserve flap.
  22. That's perfectly acceptable to me. Hey Jonny - you go on the first tunnel load of the morning?
  23. I had not heard that problem. But, when I got mine 120GB was about as big as you could get. I got it because I had more drives than would fit in my 2 computers.
  24. Both Atech and ADS make several different models. I think ADS makes a Pryo 5.25" model that you can swap out the drive from the front. The one I have is a 3.5" bay with a simple plastic case with a powersupply/controller. Not much to it.