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Everything posted by billo

  1. i've heard about this formation but it is the first time that i have seen a pic. i believe it is called a "ghostplane". i had one friend do one of these for a friend of his who died. after flying around the ghostplane for awhile, he let go of the canopy (which had belonged to the dead man) and they made no effort to find or retrieve it. i'd have no problem trying it, just got to get hooked up with 3 chute system!!! b
  2. billo

    I'm sorry...

    hmmm....that's number 2 for the worst page i saw this week. i saw number 1 at work, and deleted the URL as soon as possible. stop the madness! friends don't let friends share shitty webpages...
  3. i hear ya sister! laziness plagues us all sometimes! b
  4. I have seen a TON of different DZ type discounts. As far as the credit card discounts you mention, I've heard that in Iowa it is illegal to charge differently for credit or cash. So either way the jumper is protected. We have a nice system. You pay $50 to be a club member. Your first 50 jumps (to 9.5 out of Cessna 206) are $11. After that, you pay only $9 per jump. If you choose not to pay club fees, you pay $13 per jump. SO, if you become a member you are essentially jumping for... jumps 1 thru 50: $11 + $50/50 = 12 bucks after that, jumps 51 thru 500+++, only $9 per jump I like those numbers!
  5. HMM, i don't have a definite answer...i know that the Beaver i jumped at Twin Cities was made in 58...but there is a good chance that one of our Cessnas or maybe SDAZ's DC-3 is a bit older? I'm sure i've jumped many planes that my Grandpa could have flown many a time...very reasurring...
  6. welcome bear! read some posts, listen carefully, read between the lines! and don't forget to jump your ass off!! enjoy your time, welcome again! b
  7. HMMM - interesting thread, fun reading some of the posts! mine in written form came from an old email address for a job years back... i started getting called billo out loud (prounounced to the ladies bill-oh, as in bill, oh, oh, OH, OH MY GOD! LOL) when i started jumping with the couch freaks. I saw a guy on the manifest board who was listed as "bill" so i put "bill o" on the board. those who didn't know me thought it was my real name, maybe french (bee-low) or something. go figure. prounounciation changed, and billo stuck. i think the only peeps who don't call me billo are my family, who sticks with bill or the kiddy version billy. at this rate, "billo" will probably be on my grave! now the two of us are distinguished by "billo" or "bille" b
  8. I don't mind packing, although it would be a TON easier if i had something smaller than a 210! Nonetheless, i do like packing my own. I've had 0 malfunctions and less than a dozen line twists in almost 600 jumps. I DO like hiring a packer though, sometimes...I usually have the whacky Austrailian Crazy Jon pack for me after the last load of each day at couch freaks. I'm just too anxious to start the partying! b
  9. Yep, you always have a chance! I've heard it and said it a million times - (and my doctor loved the sticker of it on my back brace...) DIE TRYING!!!
  10. hmm, well, it's because my whuffo friends ARE LOSERS!!! it is really sad when you see your married couples leave the party early, and even worse when single friends leave early cause they "want to drive before they have too many beers..." I guess i am online because no one else wanted to stay up any longer! it is not even 3am CST (the bars close in 5 minutes) and everyone i know is already passed out or sleeping. What a jip! Just watched Duece's Eloy video and it got me in the mood to do some postings...whatchu gonna do about it?? b
  11. OMG i just finished watching - that music was pretty cheap porno-ish! so you've seriously had issues with non-copyrighted vs. copyrighted music before? every jumpin video i've seen just has regular ol' music that came right out of someone's cd collection. NONTHELESS! the vid was a fun watch! the thrill, the horror, the funnels, it was all there! thanks again for flyin the vid, maybe next year we'll get the record!
  12. Holy JPEGs Batman! Thanks for the vid and pics JP!!! I just got them in the mail today. So many pictures, so slow of a computer! I'm starting to browse thru them all with PSP but it may take some time. I need to leave now for a wuffo party, but I'll take the tape and pirate the VCR for awhile to get a look. Can't wait to see the 20 way footage again! Public screening on the first viewing? Should any small childern leave the room? LOL b
  13. LOL monkey, thanks for the heads up! i saw this poll prior to seeing the other thread, so i was able to brace myself for the worst. and that's what i saw! i kinda figured it'd be something horrid... b
  14. billo


    "mmm...pie?" LOL yeah weebl & bob are cool. i haven't had time to view the episodes in a long time. hmmm maybe i should take care of that this weekend!
  15. All are excellent suggestions, JP! I on the otherhand, have a different one. It involves NOT being involved with anyone over v-day. It saves the guy the agony of what is sure to go poorly. Ok, i'm being pessimistic considering that the one GF i did have over v-day totally loved everything i did, but the chances of things working out like that again are slim to none! I think it would be convienent to start a relationship in March. This way, you have 11 months to figure out what to buy for that person if it lasts that long. Guess that means that after this friday i am back on the market!!! lol b
  16. see how many people you have wrapped around your finger dave? amazing!
  17. 1:03 (time for my 2nd 10K race)-0-0 not too much to report in my neck of the woods, just praying for warmer weather REAL SOON.... b
  18. lmao - nice story! it'd be even more fun if they dropped the 2 stack @ landing and then proceeded to pick up the beers and slam 'em!
  19. it takes about 3 hours 10 minutes from my apartment to airport parking lot...that includes 2, not 3, fuel and pis stops. i'd love to upgrade tonite but i think i'm gonna check a couple other forums then sleep...i gotta be up in a few hours.... sleeping? sorry all, i'm a bad, bad, post whore...
  20. for no supervision, the threads are sure slowing down... maybe cause it is almost 3am CST??? nah, that couldn't be it...
  21. anything nekkid would be very appropriate!
  22. GOOD IDEA - if i whore around for another half hour i may upgrade my status. i regularly make the drive from KC up to iowa to jump with the couch freaks. the jumps are dirt cheap and i can make a ton of jumps of our 206 (and 182). the parties are unreal and the family feeling can't be beat!
  23. naw, it's got christian slater as a do-it-yourself pirate radio high school dj, and samantha mathis who tries to jump him. then the FCC comes along and tries to spoil their fun. happy harry hard-on!!!
  24. cute for now, but hard to imagine it ever working! lol