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Everything posted by billo

  1. lmao - but she has no boobies! what would be the point of incest if no boobies were involved??
  2. chaos! i love it! but alas, the law showed up...i might need to keep my whoring to my corner downtown...
  3. pump up the volume didn't even need your second clue!
  4. yeah the guy forsee is coming over from sbc, but he has only been over there since 95, and previous to that he was at sprint. he may bring someone else over, and we may give someone to sbc. I think it is all fuk'd as they are probably all in bed with each other! but yeah have been hearing a lot of talks about sbc/sprint too...i know earnings come out on the 5th or 7th so that should make things "interesting" keyword is definitely "merger," as no one really has enough capital to just buy up another company! lol
  5. no, didn't get one in my dz email, (as a matter of fact, i've never gotten anything in that mailbox and didn't check it until right this moment...) BUT, my niece signs me up for these things all the time! she is like 12 and already dead set on finding me a woman. LOL.
  6. yeah i've heard that the broken skull kinda sucks. good to know you'll be up in the air again this year. i was out 7 months after being broken...i tell you what that first jump back will be INCREDIBLE!!!
  7. LOL... well almost one-third of this thread belongs to ME - that's right, ME BABY! but i'm tryin...i'm tryin REAL be the post whore... b
  8. billo

    My Rig!!!

    ahem, i second that motion. and that
  9. dave - did ya ever think your post whore FAQ would have turned into some lame telecom junkie babble thead? lol b
  10. ummm....couldn't hurt, but watching out of order won't kill ya, as long as you continue to watch them ALL over and over and over and over...they will soon all meld together into one hilariously intertwined kevin smith universe...
  11. 1 year? shit! did you get broken? bankrupt? whipped? damn!
  12. between me and my roommate we have all the KS dvds... jay and silent bob is definitely a grower. in the theaters i was like, OMG this is lame, but when i watched it on dvd i started to like it more. i love the chimp suzanne, she cracks me up!
  13. LMAO!!!! i've only been out of school for 2 years in degree isn't crap yet i hope? people i'm interviewing with will wonder what i did from 2001-2003 on my resume when i happen to *omit* my telecom history...maybe i'll tell them i was a band roadie for a couple
  14. billo

    My Rig!!!

    yahoo! nothin like that "new rig" smell. well, except for the "new car" smell, that is pretty nice too...but i'll never have my *own* new car, but will probably have another new rig some day! congrats - u will love it!!!
  15. lazy & sad, lazy & ONLY 7 more months till couch freaks 2003!!!
  16. damn sure are, out on the other side of 70. the mood there is crazy! i'm sure you hear the talks of esrey retiring. of course, they refuse to comment to employees. we just got new managers today and they are going to be reducing headcount in my department until feb 28th...i'm crossing my fingers so that the jumping money will continue to roll in! mmm...ether... stay tuned! b
  17. lol good luck! i forgot to mention lots of advil!
  18. fun fun fun! variety is good. i'm on the engineering end...sonet & man rings, dwdm routes, little bit of dcs here and there. i need to get out of telecom soon - before my resume turns into worthless crap! it is hard for laid off telecom folk around here to get new jobs. b
  19. i did have a fine winamp playlist loaded up, then someone who i was playing online spades with mentioned roger waters... so i had to dig out radio KAOS! woo hoo! "they don't care. shut up. play the record!" b
  20. looks like you have it taken care of! see? all you need to do to up your numbers is mindlessly contribute - like me! lol b
  21. which transport provider were you working with? i'm doing sonet stuff at sprint right now, it is boring but pays enough to jump!
  22. jumping hungover isn't all that bad, and usually all that fresh air helps get rid of the hangover. i'd try to sit by the door though in case you have to hurl. b
  23. if i ever me a skydiver who could afford their own OC12 i'd kiss their ass and BEG that they pay for my jumps!!!
  24. LOL dave, if anyone could fill up an OC3 i'm sure it'd have to be you!!!! lol... b
  25. holy shit those manequins are HILARIOUS!!! here's one of the "zero gravity" positions!