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Everything posted by wolfriverjoe

  1. I'd never harm an animal, but I'm just not a "dog person". It may sound harsh, but if you've got a dog that's gone a bit mad; have it put down. When all children and vulnerable persons have been attended to, then we can spend time with cats/dogs. I live the global capital of dog lovers (the UK is dog crazy), but I find it odd that "dog people" just don't get that not everyone are in love with dogs. First off, please define "Go a bit mad." I doubt you are talking about the classic definition of "Mad Dog" (rabid). Neurological issues? Most likely need to be euthanized. Behavioral issues? May (or may not) respond to rehabilitation. And why should "people come first"? To be honest, I like most dogs more than I like most people. To insist that "all vulnerable persons" be attended to first is your priority. Others have different priorities. I fully understand that not all people love dogs. But some do. Well, the abuse of dogs (and people and just about everything else) is simply the reality of the world. Bad people do bad things. I can't fix or change that, I can simply try to make my little corner of the world a better place. And do what I can to not make it worse. And no, I don't think that Pit Bulls react differently. But because of their size and power, they can do more damage. True of any larger breed. I knew a Dachshund that was a miniature terror. Never properly trained or socialized, and abused by ignorant children (didn't mean to be mean, but didn't know how to treat a dog). Her hip (the dog's) had been dislocated by one of the kids when the kid grabbed the dog by the back leg to keep it from getting away. It was never recognized or diagnosed or treated. She began to bite the kid (not terribly surprising or unreasonable) and was going to be put down. A friend took her in as a second dachshund (already had one) and spent a lot of time and energy working with her to socialize and basically get her to "mellow out". She had to be taught to trust people again. She was still very willful, and my friend had to stay on top of the training to keep her from "backsliding", but she gave the dog several more very good years. Her hip finally deteriorated to the point that she couldn't move her back legs and she had to be put down, but she was a pretty decent and friendly little dog after the rehab. "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
  2. Yeah, it's not just Appalachia. It's everywhere. But that has very little to do with the dog (or the dog breed). It's owner stupidity. I used to walk my little Yorkie every day. There were "more than a few" idiots who had no problem letting their dogs run loose and menace my dog, yet had big problems when I defended myself and my dog. After a repeated incident with one particular person (dog was a Border Collie), I went to the cop shop and had a conversation with a Sergeant. The cops in my town are not terribly busy and are willing to respond to "dog at large" calls. Their philosophy is that they want to know if there is a "bad owner". So if there was a loose dog and an idiot owner, I called them. It happened several times. If I had to defend myself (with a solid kick or pepper spray), the owners would get indignant. I would simply ask "do you want to discuss this with the cops?" The idiot owners were very surprised when the cop arriving on scene looked at them and asked "why wasn't your dog secured?" I'd like (love) to see 'owner licensing' requirements. For any dog. Minimum training and understanding of laws and proper care. The local Humane Association offers classes for a minimal charge. Strongly suggested for folks adopting a dog and I think they require it for first time dog adopters (included with the adoption fee IIRC). Pit Bulls aren't any worse (or any better) than any other large dog breed. It was Dobermans in the 80s, and German Shepherds in the 70s. "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
  3. I was going to use that term in my post, but searching around a bit seems to show that the "Nanny Dog" is just a myth. https://www.tethertug.com/blogs/news/5-biggest-myths-about-pitbulls-busted In general, I wouldn't leave any dog unsupervised with small kids. The kids don't always "speak dog" well and may do something to set the dog off. Although I've seen dogs put up with an amazing amount of mistreatment from kids (not being mean, just "playing") with no complaint. I saw a little girl pin a dog to the ground by grabbing the tips of his ears and pulling down. Until I could stop her (within seconds), the dog just lay there with a "please rescue me from her" look on his face. Never growled or snarled or anything aggressive. Did the dog know that the kid was "off limits"? Did the dog know that the kid didn't mean to hurt it, just didn't know any better? No clue. He was rewarded and told he was a good dog, and was happy that the kid was kept away for the rest of the time I was there. "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
  4. They are the current "Bad Dog", just like Dobermans, German Shepherds, Rottweilers and others in the past. Idiots who want to pretend to be "tough" get them, abuse them and they are vicious dogs. "Trash People" have bad dogs. Breed doesn't matter. Lots of different dog breeds have attacked and injured or killed kids. You are more likely to hear about a Pit doing it because it's "more newsworthy." They are also terriers. The biggest of the group. That's a group of dogs that has been specifically bred to chase, catch and kill small animals. If you've ever seen a good rat terrier go after a crowd of rats, then you've seen what they do. Pits do the same thing, it's a breed trait. It's just that there's a big difference between a 15 lb rat terrier and an 80 lb Pit. Properly trained and socialized, they are amazingly loyal and loving dogs. Just like any other breed. Some of Michael Vick's fighting dogs have been rehabilitated and are now good family pets. My sisters have 3 pits between the two of them. The younger has 2 kids and a whole bunch of cats (5 at last count). And two large Pits. The dogs are well trained, well socialized and members of the family. "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
  5. Where else could he have sat? "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
  6. . Raises hand but I'm well aware of who it is Yeah, me too. I know perfectly well who it is. And I'm fine with it. Robert Frost. And he's absolutely right. "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
  7. In a related note, Sarah Sanders denies that Trump ever said that. Let's see. Who do I believe? Trump and his minions or an "anonymous source" from inside the White House. Hmmm... Let me think. How often have "anonymous sources" been quoted, how often has Trump denied those reports, and how often have they later turned out to be true? A bunch of times. How often have the "anonymous sources" been wrong? How often have Trump's denials turned out to be true? Not a single one that I can remember. "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
  8. Bingo. Demonize "certain groups" and go from there. I find it both hilarious and repulsive that the idiot quoted in the OP said the crap about "Muslim No-Go" areas, then denied saying it, claiming it was "fake news" (as in false stories intended to make Trump and his minions look bad), then was presented with video proof of him saying it. Are they so stupid as to think the public will buy anything they say? Or is it that their supporters actually are stupid enough to believe them. I'm more and more afraid that it's the second one. "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
  9. If you have an unreasonable fear of Santa, You might be... Claus-traphobic. (taken from the outdoor light-up sign of a Window company in Cedar Rapids IA) "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
  10. Are you kidding? To equate the statement above about Molenbeek with the statement from the idiot: is a hell of a stretch. To claim that there are "no-go zones" where even the police won't enter is ridiculous. The fact that there are "ghettos" where minorities are clustered, where crime is elevated, where unemployment is high, where there are disaffected youth who are ripe for recruitment by terrorists is very true. But to equate the two is utterly false. "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
  11. This is a shitty practice in my opinion. You KNOW that a typical tandem anywhere in the country if from 10k - 12k, and that you're offering a sub-standard service. This is the kind of thing I'd expect from Skyride. As an interesting side-note: I was talking with a jumper at SDC Summerfest a year or so back. His DZ offers lower exit tandems for a discount price. They did exit surveys and found that the freefall time really wasn't important to the customers. The length of the plane ride was (longer than comfortable). They ran the numbers and figured out that they would save a considerable amount of time and fuel by exiting lower. All the savings (fuel, wear & tear on plane, ability to turn loads faster) were more than the discounted price. They actually do better financially. They make it very clear to the customers what is going on. No "sneaky" or anything like that. Somewhat counterintuitive, but when you think it through, it makes sense. "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
  12. Yes. I sold a 1997 Talon last summer. The new owner was happy to be able to get up in the air without renting gear. He fully understood that it was not a rig for freeflying. He had it inspected by a rigger we both knew & trusted, and test jumped it a couple times. It was (is) a nice rig, reserve about 2/3 checked off (PD), decent 190 Triathlon in it. Set up for an AAD, but didn't have one. I got a new one a few years ago, and was looking to pass it on to a newer jumper, as it was to me. Newer rigs are more likely to be 'freefly friendly', have "bells & whistles" (MARD, hip & chest rings, ect). But I wouldn't say an older rig is "Not Safe" just because it's older, not in any way (presuming good condition). "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
  13. Michigan state police have a single red rotating light. Local/County may have blue on them. Don't know for sure. Same with New York. State cops have all red. At least they used to. Now that I think about it some more, I could be wrong on New York. I had an interesting conversation with a Wisconsin State cop some years back. Wisconsin has fairly strict laws on what can be illuminated on a car. White or amber to the front, amber on the sides (except a red rear corner marker) red to the rear, except turn signals can be amber and (of course) back-up lights are white. Any other colors, or the "pavement illuminator" lights or really anything can get a ticket, if they are turned on. But, any lights in any color or location can be installed and functional. Having red lights anywhere but the back, and blue lights anywhere will get the attention of the cops. I could legally install a red/blue lightbar on the roof of my car. But the cops will notice it. And if there are any incidents of "impersonating an officer" involving a fake cop car, I can expect a visit from the "local law enforcement." Some states (NY IIRC) don't allow any 'noncompliant' lights to be installed. Having them even on the vehicle can get a ticket, banned from the road until the lights are removed, or even towed and impounded. I've heard stories of 'out of staters' with illegal lights (installed but not lit up) getting fairly serious tickets (several hundred dollars worth) and being told that their vehicle could be impounded if the cop wanted to. If you are on the roads of a given state, you have to abide by their rules. "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
  14. First off, lighting rules and regs are a "State Law" issue. Each state sets it's own rules. Some states are very strict, not allowing any "unauthorized" lights to even be installed on the car. Others (WI is on this list) allow just about anything to be installed, they just can't be lit up on a public road. Some states (MI & NY I think) still have all red on the cop cars, no blue. Some states (GA) have only blue on cop cars, no red lights. Up in Canada, blue lights are on snowplows, not emergency vehicles (yes, I know Canada is a different country, not a "state" ). Generally, tow trucks use yellow when towing a car, red when stopped on the side of the road. Last, if a cop car has both red and blue lights, the blue is almost always on the right side of the car. That tells you which way the cop car is facing, and gives an idea of what side of the road it's on from a distance. "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
  15. It's really not a big deal for the working class. It's a huge deal for the rich and for businesses. Why do you think that Wall St has gone ape in recent weeks? They know that they will be able to make much bigger profits (and pay more dividends) because they will be getting huge tax breaks. And the deficit will rise. A lot. Coming from the party that shut the government down a few years ago because they didn't want Obama to increase the deficit, it's hilarious. It's pretty clear that this tax bill, along with the passing of "net neutrality" is nothing more than the politicians doing their master's bidding. "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
  16. Well, the question on this would be something like: Will it take more time to pull the cutaway, then the reserve, no matter the situation? Or will it take more time to evaluate the situation, decide on a course of action (whether or not to pull the cutaway handle), and execute that action? Generally, in the case of procedures that are not actually executed on a regular basis, and will be needed very quickly, and under very high stress, simple is better. "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
  17. Ummm... No. The idea of the CIA being that "all powerful, evil empire" is NOT a "theory." It's a half baked, paranoid delusion. Theories require evidence. They require facts. This sort of misuse of the word "theory" is why things like evolution have difficulty being accepted. It's "just a theory" does nothing more that demonstrate the ignorance of the person making the statement. The CIA has done some pretty evil shit in the past. But the claims posted above are a long, long way from reality. Rant over. "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
  18. From the article: So much for the claim that he was attacked, his car surrounded by protesters and he was "just trying to get away." "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
  19. I think the current Republian party is so far to the right that anyone who isn't wholly vested in either the 'us vs them (at any cost)' philosophy simply can't defend what's happening at the moment. Somehow we've gone beyond politics and economics into basic human decency. Fuck me, if we don't have that first then we're never going to be able to put a decent government together. That's why I'm so excited about the Alabama result. I've said before - in some areas like immigration and gun legislation I'm more to the right than to the left, but the current cockwomble-in-chief and his bootlickers are SO far to the right that I have no choice but to appear to be the liberal democrat. Wasn't quite sure if this post, or Gowlerk's would be more appropriate to quote. But this is me. I've voted R in the national elections all my life. I've never voted D for Pres, Congressional Rep or Senator. But given the way the Rs are lately, I can't stomach the idea of actually voting for them. Ever again. Much of it started during the Obama administration. When the Rs came out and publicly stated that their aim was to stop anything Obama did, no matter what, I was disgusted. It had become a "Us Vs Them", as opposed to "What's best for the country". When the Rs went absolutely bananas trying to hang something, anything on HRC, it was worse. Once the bigots, xenophobes and idiots took over, I was done. The idea that the Rs would actually support someone who had multiple, plausible accusations of child molestation (or attempted) has pretty much put the final "nail in the coffin". I don't know if I could support a D candidate for a national office. I did not and still would not vote for HRC for pres. But I think I would have voted for Sanders, particularly over Trump. "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
  20. Well, it would appear that "America has fallen" in the direction of the "Progressive Liberal". It would appear that the sexual predator and bigot who wrapped himself in a facade of righteousness has been vanquished. Just out of curiosity Ron, is that "God's will"? Or is it "Satan and George Soros"? You are absolutely right that fear is the seed of bigotry. Add in stupidity and you get crap like "Obama is a secret Muslim". Or "Mexicans are rapists". Has America woken up to the fact that they were conned last year? "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
  21. Sure, we all know Trump's history but you water down the argument against him by claiming everything he says has sexual innuendo. This article hurts the case against him. Watch him come back and use this as an example of how the "liberal fake media" is always after him and makes false accusations every time he speaks. Yep. It's called "Gaslighting." He makes comments that have a very clear meaning. But not in the exact words. When he's called out on the comments for the meaning and intent that was in them, although not in those words, he throws it back at the accuser. Claiming that it would only be interpreted that way "if your mind was in the gutter." It's one of his standard techniques. And as far as the OP goes: No shit. Trump is unfit for office. Water is wet, too. The sky is also blue. Anything else, Captain Obvious? "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
  22. Well, "one off" weather events, even extreme ones, aren't really accurate ways to measure AGW. As a counterpoint, Northeast Wisconsin had no measurable snow until December. Again. Something like the 3rd year in a row. Rather unusual, from a "historic" perspective. And the permafrost and sea ice in the Arctic are in serious trouble. That's a bad thing, by the way. "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
  23. If it helped you, great. However, simply searching it shows a lot of questionable info. Anyone who charges for that shit should be ashamed of themselves. "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
  24. Well, there's also the rather significant fact that, even if the meeting was legal, lying about it, on official documents and while testifying under oath is not. "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
  25. Uh, you want to start naming Democrats with similar pasts? How about Conyers and Franken? Both resigned (under pressure) this past week. I have to admit I was a bit surprised Franken resigned.| Conyers used the "government slush fund" to pay off an accuser. AFAIK, Franken had not had any accusations until recently, and none that were formal complaints. But, the "times they are 'a changin'" and for the better. Regardless of how much time has passed, Moore is likely a sexual predator (pedophile, "teen-o-phile", whatever name you choose). The idea that he could be elected to office in the light of these numerous accusations, combined with the fact that he was banned from the mall for harassing the young women who worked there is absolutely appalling. The idea that he is part of the "conservative" party, the one that claims "family values" as part of their platform is disgusting. The idea that so many so-called "Christians" are supporting him is not in any way surprising. "There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo