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Everything posted by SudsyFist

  1. There, fixed it for you I love you, Keith.
  2. Yeah, kinda like Larry Flynt Publications asks what someone's views on sex are on the employment application and only hires the extremely open and kinky. For some reason, I don't think morally conservative types flock to LFP for employment in droves.
  3. Aww, time for a turd-burglin' three way, hmm?
  4. It still wouldn't change the fact that you're not funny. Odd. Last time I checked, funny was subjective. Perhaps a minor little prepositional phrase ("to me," e.g.) could clean that up some, Mr. Giggles?
  5. Thus far, the top two (by negligible margin) are the Girl/Guy and Girl/Girl/Guy, with the all-girl orgy coming in third. So, although my tastes are not that far off, it seems that at least a plurality of straight guys here wanna see dick in their jacking material. Very interesting, indeed.
  6. I recall watching a video of one of our own troops who was horribly burned by White Phosphorus. Sounds like Dave Roever; I saw a video of one of his presentations whilst in high school. Here's a brief article I found via Google regarding his speaking to troops last year. Good to see he's still around and on the circuit.
  7. At a nightclub? Never. High school football games, though... that's another story... awwww yeah!
  8. Not cool... The ground level of my building is a all townhomes that border the sidewalk. A group of the residents down there got tired of dogs' peeing and pooping in their microgardens whilst on their daily walks, so a few of them got the ingenious idea to install a motion activated doggy-be-gone alarm. Problem solved, right? Fuck. I love living downtown. I love walking everywhere I need to go. And every time I pass this fucker's patio, I'm drilled by a shrill shriek which I can only describe as feeling like I'm getting skull-fucked by an ice pick, from the inside. So last night, I brought a baseball bat with me and took the thing out like a fucking clown-shaped piñata on my 7th birthday. Well no, not really. I had a polite talk with the residents a few months ago and brainstormed some alternatives. They took the alarm down and now just put out a little trough full of antifreeze instead.
  9. Are there any areas in which you err on the side of caution, or are you the guy who builds bridges with I-beams until one resonates and falls down? I praise your fact checking, and it may be that there isn't enough information out there to determine with certainty what the effects are at various concentrations. But I can tell you that I've inadvertently taken a couple of breaths of WP smoke, and I'd much rather do grass drills in a room full of CS than breathe that shit again. And I've seen and spoken with survivors of WP burns, and it's not at all along the lines of what you would expect from conventional weaponry. If that's armchair chemistry to you, then so be it. It's enough for me to take a conservative approach with this stuff.
  10. If that's anorexic, then her parents have nothing to worry about. She's sneaking Big Macs on the side. Or are we not looking at the same photo?
  11. Yeah, I agree that's the wrong label. If there's word that amalgamates, "dry," "black," "shock," and "targeting a very small market," then that would be more applicable. I admit, I laugh my ass off at the vast majority of Ian's shit: a comrade-at-arms, if you will. But then again, I had a giveashitglandectomy many years ago, so I'm pretty open-minded and if I do have any insecurities, they're really really really low-pro. For those who don't get it, or for those whose wadded panties twist up even more when reading such stuff, then why bother reacting to it? There are plenty of other threads to read! The log comment was clever. And funny. And I wished it had been directed at me, because I LOVE trading friendly barbs with someone who's gifted with that kind of creativity. Is that for everyone? No. These aren't the droids you're looking for. Move along. IMHO, the dead dog incident was out of line (even I wouldn't go there), but I've often consorted with people who've made far worse indiscretions, much less enjoyed their company. Just look at the people with whom we hang out at the DZ. And on that note, most of us here are skydivers... Blue Skies, Black Death, you know? Why is it that so many here lately are so reactive and sensitive to fucking little things? It sometimes feels like more and more people are posting here after having just got done watching Oprah and are waiting for TRL to come on... sheesh. I've seen it happen in skydiving. I've seen it happen in the rave scene. Is this culture evolution (popularization) gonna happen to BASE, too? Fuck, I might as well just get back into crochet now and cut my losses. EDIT: For Skymama, I'm totally with you. Rules are rules, and I don't envy your job. My post is not directed at moderator actions.
  12. There was a time when I idealistically thought that, whether it was the person in or outside the relationship developing the attraction, it's still cool to just be friends. The huge ass problem with that is, however, that you instantly make yourself greener grass. If you choose to stay friends with someone under those circumstances, then congratufuckinglations, you have now put yourself in the position of being a potentially huge catalyst in demise of that relationship. I learned this the hard way. It's fucked up. It hurts people. And there's no way to take it back. So I've got a new approach: if I become friends with a girl who's in a relationship, and either she or I start growing anything more than mild attraction for the other, I'M FUCKING HISTORY. Outy. Vapo. Gone with the wind. And I'm upfront about it, too, so there's no surprises. EDIT: Spelling.
  13. What are the other two words?
  14. Kettles and pots, fancy that!