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Everything posted by SudsyFist

  1. Sudsy, if you're straight, why are you trying to get visuals on how other men jerk off? Visuals on how? What gives you that idea?
  2. My tastes have evolved over time, from the solo posers to lesbo two-ways (first sans toys, then started getting into the toys) to full-on all-girl orgies. I'm still having trouble, though, with guys in the shots... something about cock and hairy ass that really just ruins the moment for me. Whaddy'all think?
  3. why don't you lie down in front of me with your mouth open and let me curl a big yule tide log right in your kisser? The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched ... but are felt in the heart.
  4. SudsyFist


    whats that mean? Roll your mouse pointer over a link without clicking. Look at the status bar at the bottom of your browser. If the page hasn't disabled the functionality via JavaScript, then you should see the link's destination URL there. Go on, try it! It's fun!!!
  5. SudsyFist


    That just gave me a boner. You and Clay have ways about y'all. BTW, the status bar is my friend. mouseOvers on all forum links are mandatory.
  6. SudsyFist


    No, hon, it's fistcicle, and it's what I give you after coming in from shoveling the driveway.
  7. You call that thin? Bitch needs to lay off the bananas.
  8. No,you made assumptions about my religious knowledge/background..........but you're forgiven
  9. I was a runner during that era. I wore black. Or grey when I was in PFU's.
  10. I'm sorry. I made some assumptions about your historical knowledge. My bad. Here's a good primer. So, if the hijackers didn't give their lives willingly for their cause, beliefs, etc., then for what on Earth do you surmise they willingly gave their lives?
  11. SudsyFist


    *swoon* funks, have I told you, lately, that I love you?
  12. I've got something you should make a sticky... Sweetcheeks?
  13. Oh I'm naked alright! Who wouldn't be lounging in front of the computer all day. Three words: webcam.
  14. I don't care if you're Anton Szandor Lavey, himself. The question still stands. Then by your logic, the extremism of battle can also blind one to their own fear. Your approach sure makes those posthumous medals of honor seem a lot less shiny. I don't agree with your approach.
  15. Oh, I've got one! How about you post a thread in Bonfire asking for promotional help whilst describing and linking to your product, then reply to yourself when your thread slips off the front page. You'll get tons of visibility that way!
  16. So were the Apostles not brave, then? Does religion completely negate fear? EDIT: Diction.
  17. I prefer my fries sans ketchup, but to each their own.
  18. Since when? I'd much rather someone ask me rather than just assume, much less accuse. Seems much more polite, as well.
  19. Is this the one?