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    South Africa

Everything posted by Meso

  1. I didn't deny it wasn't, and the gist of my statement would make it clear that my feelings would remain the same. Though personally my ancestors weren't involved with the slave trade, I come from Portuguese and German heritage and my ancestors settled after the slave trade. Anyway, enough about my genealogy and back to the topic at hand... I see it pointless and irrational to use National Socialist type thinking. "Don't let them near our shores they will ruin it with their primitive cultures!", if anything I see it as the opposite, invite them in and show them what a culture and society which has evolved past the sometimes present primitive barbarism is like...
  2. I sure am, and note that I don't call any certain group of people worse than the next. My ancestors were idiots... Greedy, selfish, likely Christian missionary type idiots. Coming to this country to make deals of aide, but only to those who accept Christianity. I'm definitely not hypocritical in what I have said. I don't claim one culture more humane or 'moral' than another. One may, at any given stage be less barbaric than another but it was once in that place too.
  3. All you seem to be doing is fear mongering. So many of you people that constantly bash Islam come here and post links showing a terrible deed a Muslim has done, then when called out about being a bigot, you claim you're just showing what's wrong in areas of the world. You realize there's other places too where just as horrible things are occurring? Yet these things never seem to get talked about, why? Because it serves no purpose to the ever-popular anti-Islamic mindset. You realize there's equally as horrid actions in some African cultures? (dismemberment of children for muti) and Indian cultures... And many others... Why is it constantly one culture's negative aspects that you focus on? Seems like an agenda to me. As someone said, this isn't religion it's cultural. And cultures all mature and evolve at different speeds and at different times. Western Christian culture only recently (a few generations ago) evolved past their barbaric actions. I think once you sit down with some Muslims and discuss their thoughts on these things you will find that the vast majority that you speak to share your sentiments in this regard. The shores which I can only assume your ancestors invaded and almost wiped out a whole population of people for, right? What lovely moral people they brought to the shores of a foreign land.
  4. Is this dick in a box attached to a spring mechanism that when given to someone as a gift and then opened pounces out and jabs them in the face? Or is it just laying there in the box? If it's the former I want that...
  5. Hahahaha, if I weren't a site administrator that may find it's way into my sig line. For what it's worth, I am circumcised- but since I don't plan on having kids it's a non-issue for me. I've had no problems with my penis (apart from it controlling my brain on the odd occasion), so I couldn't care less. It's no different than piercing a child's ears though. By the way, I want my embelical chord back!
  6. In regards to circumcision around the world, it's not too uncommon in parts of Europe, but in Scandinavian countries it's very rare and most there do see it as barbaric and inhumane. As for sensitivity and such things, it also depends a lot on the cut. There's not just 1 style. Get some retro circumcision. For instance one can be circumcised, but the amount taken off is little enough for the skin to just pass the the sensitive underpart of the penis's head, when tugged on. This allows for the cleanliness of a circumcised penis, but without the need for lotion during 'happy times'.
  7. I didn't compare his actions, naturally. Nor did I try compare them as people. It's solely for the purpose of showing that time is often irrelevant and just because something has passed doesn't mean it shouldn't be punished or have attention paid to it. Although that does sound like all politicians tactics. Cause trouble, wait for term to end and wait for the next guy to take the public's eye
  8. Would have loved to see that logic tried to be used a couple years after 9/11 in regards to Bin Laden. Needless to say, wouldn't have gone down well.
  9. Don't know if you can call it an 'embarresing flaw'. But definitely an annoying one. I completely fail at speaking to or approaching people I don't know well (kind of never ending loop there). I'm fine if it's 1 on 1 in a quiet place. But with a group of people I just feel really awkward and don't say a word for the entire time. People are weird, they confuse me when in groups, with their loud, obnoxious actions.
  10. The following scam has been reported: Click here to read more about these kind of scams. Remember: DO NOT do business with anyone who offers to send you payment for a higher amount than your selling price with the understanding that you'll send back the balance. Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be acting on behalf of a "client" or another "customer". Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be from Nigeria or West Africa If you agree to accept a check payment, then do not send anything, gear or "change" before the check cleared. And be careful, if you manage to clear a fraudulent check then you may be liable for the damages if the bank finds out later. Make sure your bank authenticates the check. If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is.This username has been disabled.
  11. The human condition? You mean every other living creature's condition. It's not very complicated to realize that earth has finite resources, it's also not that difficult to see that the way humans reproduce will end up consuming said resources. And resources aside, simple living space would eventually run out too. People talk about reproduction being mankind's purpose, you're put here to breed, etc. Well great, if your purpose is to over-populate and destroy a planet in turn. In 2050 the estimated population will be at 10 billion, do you really think we need more people in a world that is already suffering so? Are you thinking you may give birth to that miracle child that will ship humans to another planet to destroy that one too? I don't see how anyone can even argue with the logic that reproducing is bad for the planet... On a smaller scale it's no different than a cage of mice who breed and breed, soon there'd be no space left and no food for them. I don't see people who want babies as crazy, I just see their act as slightly selfish and thoughtless, though that's just my view- And I understand the inherit nature of wanting to breed, it's instinct, but not all instinct is good instinct, maybe at one stage it was. A tiny percentage of human beings actually make a contribution to the advancement of society or man kind that outweighs the damages they do in terms of pollution and resources used. I've mentioned this before, but why is it that when humans want to breed it's beautiful, natural and must be encouraged. Yet when certain animals do it they must be culled for potential dangers. How can one not see that the destruction humans have on resources and the planet in general is far worse than some rabbits. Though I stand here with an open mind, if someone feels they can convince me why having a child is a good idea (besides some selfish fulfilment, and without any religious ideals) and why it should be seen as a bad thing when one doesn't support child birth, when we already have a huge population. Please feel free to say so. I'm all ears. Tell me how the positives outweigh the negatives, without using lines like "They make me happy", "Life is beautiful" etc.
  12. I think the Blue Skies forum should be reserved for those involved in Skydiving. As for military members who have performed skydives but weren't skydivers as such... Well that's borderline, but would slide. What's not acceptable is random Hollywood celebrities or your next-door neighbours cats. Though from the poll you can see this is the same approach majority have with the forum.
  13. The movies I like are typically things that most people find horrifying. Though I only seem to get hate when I say I found the scenes sexy. I hate useless gore movies, but I love effective violence when it is used in a way to increase the psychological 'horror' aspects. And instead of merely shocking, it eats at your mind. A few movies I've seen recently that I enjoyed though that many seem to find 'disturbing'. Begotten, Antichrist, A Serbian Film, Irreversible. Most people seem to have a hard time with necrophilia, rape, decapitation, incest, genital mutilation and mother nature masturbating Gods dead body.
  14. The following scam has been reported: Click here to read more about these kind of scams. Remember: DO NOT do business with anyone who offers to send you payment for a higher amount than your selling price with the understanding that you'll send back the balance. Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be acting on behalf of a "client" or another "customer". Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be from Nigeria or West Africa If you agree to accept a check payment, then do not send anything, gear or "change" before the check cleared. And be careful, if you manage to clear a fraudulent check then you may be liable for the damages if the bank finds out later. Make sure your bank authenticates the check. If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is.This username has been disabled.
  15. Thanks for the link Coreece, now I can post it each time you you make a post regarding your religious beliefs. But actually, posting a link to a .jpg of your desired PA typed out or a video is not going to slip by without being noted for what it is. And regarding my post being 'apples and oranges' from another user. Not at all, maybe if you want it to seem that way you can pretend it is. But it's a completely rational idea, what makes a fetus more valuable than an animal? When the animal has superior knowledge, pain sensory and is overall more like a grown human than a fetus is, how is it logical to find it immoral to abort yet okay to slaughter? And bringing plants into it isn't fooling anyone, my entire post was based on the idea of what is morally wrong based on intellect, development and the ability to feel pain- in other words the advancement of the brain in both.
  16. The following scam has been reported: Click here to read more about these kind of scams. Remember: DO NOT do business with anyone who offers to send you payment for a higher amount than your selling price with the understanding that you'll send back the balance. Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be acting on behalf of a "client" or another "customer". Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be from Nigeria or West Africa If you agree to accept a check payment, then do not send anything, gear or "change" before the check cleared. And be careful, if you manage to clear a fraudulent check then you may be liable for the damages if the bank finds out later. Make sure your bank authenticates the check. If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is.This username has been disabled.
  17. This thread is in dire need of some misanthropy. Last thing I desire on this world (or we need) is more humans. That said... I would express my views here but it'll boil down to an argument already had before. The idea that humans are somewhat highly more valuable life forms. In my eyes (as a meat eater), if you're pro-life you better be a vegetarian too if you're going to use the 'life is sacred' card. I'd even be willing to skip the idea that a fetus is actually a human. Funny how animals show much more human-like behaviour than a fetus does. During most legal abortions the fetus doesn't have the ability to feel pain, it has no emotions, it doesn't have a developed brain. But apparently the fact that it's of a different species to a cow or pig makes it somewhat holy. I don't see any logic in a parent willingly aborting a fetus being labelled as vile and inhumane- when an animal will have their child which they nurtured killed and it not even be thought about. I can totally respect a human being against abortion in HER body, but trying to stop others from doing it- then you better not be eating meat and spreading bullshit hypocrisy. If life is sacred, make it so across the spectrum not only to what you want to deem worthy life when they share so many characteristics. And don't try saying one is natural and the other isn't. There's plenty you do in your daily life that isn't natural.
  18. Hey, Thanks for bringing this up. I'll forward it along to those in charge of handling the ad components.
  19. Beavis and Butthead is still one of the greatest cartoons ever made. Can't wait for the new season scheduled for later this year, hopefully they keep it the same as it used to be :p
  20. Not an official music video, but rather clips from the movie Begotten (awesome film). Great song that just works really well with the video.
  21. Just received feedback that you should be able to access the site without a proxy from now.
  22. Hi, We've decided we will lift the ban on the Nigerian IP address block. I just finished filing a request for the removal of this ban, so it may take a little while before it's effective, though hopefully pretty soon. The reason why you're having troubles emailing the seller of the item is likely due to the email system not being able to handle the proxy correctly.
  23. So I hear Petejones has mad skills.
  24. It's one of those things you keep for the girls you don't plan on having long term relationships with. Don't want to go bulldoze a hole into your own house, but it may be fun to do it in a house you're visiting for the day.