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    South Africa

Everything posted by Meso

  1. I find that like saying "Don't fuck with a bully, he's twice your size and will fuck you up if you step to him, so don't you even think about taking him on." Fact is, if one runs in fear of the cops, it just shows that the Government has you completely and utterly by the balls. They're following orders set out directly from the Government. "Minimize any threat towards the current government, do what you can to show that dissent will not be accepted, show the general public who the boss is, show them that we're untouchable" I fully support any form of dissent, the true protesters will take on police knowing they're going to get fucked up. It proves the point. The point that one is completely at the mercy of the government and that whatever they do has to just be accepted by the people. They will like you to think "That's why you vote, so if you are unhappy, you can bring in someone new" - But that shit is as fake as can be. Show me one politician that actually does what he promises he will. So the options for the people are, dissent or pretend to think that the next man in charge will actually follow through with his promises, and in turn continue lying to yourself. Some hippies waving around some signs in a peaceful manner will never change anything. Government needs to feel threatened before it changes it's actions. Riot police are there to instil fear into the people, they're the government's muscle. "Just go fuck those protesters up, then they will see that they can't fuck with us. Once they can see that we don't play around, they will be too scared to protest again." Got the public by the balls man, the fucking balls. And there's far too many people okay with that.
  2. Those in charge of the ads have responded and said that they have tried to replicate the virus by accessing the site on several machines but were unable to do so. If anyone is still receiving this problem, please take a screenshot of the error and ads on the page so that we can narrow it down. It is currently like finding a needle in a haystack if we don't know which ad is causing it.
  3. Probably shouldn't be surprised anymore, freedom of speech seems to only apply when the speech doesn't hold any threat to the 'men in charge'. I saw some of the photos the other day, of some of the girls screaming and crying after being maced, pretty disturbing. Just another day of 'fun' for those with the mace.
  4. We have been having a lot of trouble with the ads lately. Annoying that we have to continue working at getting the ads right. I have sent an urgent e-mail to the ad peeps and asked that they begin investigating this problem immediately and remove the dodgy ads, once again.
  5. I've contacted our ad department and asked that they investigate this immediately and deal with it. I`ll provide updates.
  6. Just a reminder to users that the memorial forum should remain respectful and while discussion on the cause of death is acceptable, please remember this thread is about the individual and is dedicated to their lives, not the politics of their passing.
  7. Meso

    Sever not found

    I have received a reply from the host provider that they received my ticket and are currently in the process of investigating the matter. Good to hear that some users are at least able to post, though I'm still struggling, especially through the administrative validations panel. It's like the server isn't able to write data, I have never received any error on viewing, but only when an action is taken that is going to write data it locks up for me.
  8. Meso

    Sever not found

    Still seems to be screwed this side, I fear it may be a few more hours until a real fix (you guys may be getting lucky) A response from the server host should be received within the next 1-8 hours. I am hoping that it's solved quickly though, as I am without electricity at home for an unknown amount of days, which makes dealing with the site issues outside of the office a bit of a problem.
  9. Meso

    Sever not found

    I tend to try to be courteous and polite when dealing with site issues, even with irate users, but your post is just obnoxious and fails to take the situation into account. Would you perhaps like to re-read the thread and take into account the times at which they are posted? And please take note that it was 1 person reporting receiving any problems while the rest were saying it was fine. At the time I said I will give it 12 hours there were NO other reports apart from the one who created the thread. I'm not going to log a ticket for 1 user experiencing problems, otherwise I would be logging 40 a day. If people are having issues they need to speak up, how are we supposed to guess that it's affecting X amount of people. Everyone else said they weren't having an issue. An I.T person who logged a ticket for every complaint received would not be allowed to survive with that attitude. We can only gauge how large a problem is by reports on the issue. And during server problems we usually get between 5 and 10 e-mail complaints, at the time of my post there were NONE. As soon as it became apparent that it was actually a server issue and not just a user issue (once 2 people had reported the problem) a ticket was filed with the server, which I am waiting for a reply on.
  10. Thanks for the heads up, going to log a ticket now.
  11. Meso

    Sever not found

    Well, it's good to know that it's not just me that's experiencing the problem, but it's difficult to gauge when it's only two of us that it's happening to and the confusing thing is that the same thing happened to me on another site. It would make sense if we were in the same country.... I've got to do most actions 3 times before actually occurring. The first times it just locks up the browser, while chrome tells me the server isn't responding. I'm going to give it another 12 hours to auto-correct itself, but if it's still doing it tomorrow I will do further investigation.
  12. I can't even keep track of what everyone's ideals on are. But none of the people I know in "real life" are like that, is what I mean. I'm in the same boat, I'm the only person out of 13 relatives who is not a Christian. My grandfather, prior to his death, was also an Atheist - and the whole family would make sure we knew that we should never end up like that! Despite being a sober and good role-model. Agreed, Europe is much better in regards to religion. It's hard to comprehend, but here in South Africa, religion seems to be even more prominent than in the US, I think something like 90% (was over 80%) of South Africans are religious. And religion plays a huge part in the political avenues here too, especially as of late. Many of the religious native Africans still believe in traditional witchcraft, and live in fear of it, so a politician that says he was sent by God tends to help them. And pretty much anything bad that happens is blamed on Satan and the evil Satanists (they use it as a very blanketed term)
  13. Threads closed due to /b/tards.
  14. Knew I shouldn't have opened this thread, so I will perform another hit and run to save me the annoyance of getting into huge debates. The writer seems to think that they know the goal of "Evangelical Atheists". I know quite a lot of Atheists who would be called 'evangelical', and I am one of them. And the none of the ones I know want to 'convert everyone into non-believers'. What the majority of Atheists want, is to reach a point where religion is no longer something that is expected in society. It's not about getting everyone not to believe, it's about getting the people that do believe to keep their beliefs out of politics and out of places where it doesn't belong. I am yet to meet an Atheist who will make an effort to stop someone who treats Christianity as a personal thing from believing. In contrast, what most want is for religion to not be something that is expected in everyone. For people not to cry up in arms if someone refuses to say "One nation under God". For people not to be hounded by how their lives are worse off because they don't believe. Is that not what Christianity has been doing for centuries and is still doing today? The Atheists are the ones trying to merely counter an on-going bombardment of Christians constantly trying to make the rest of the world Christian. Like Atheists in general really care what anyone else believes, if they were to keep it to themselves. But there's this strangely retarded idea that Atheists should just sit down and shut up if they don't believe. While the Atheists realize that the reality of the situation is, if they do that - the other sides attempts at converting everyone aren't going to stop. All that will be left is an evangelical Christian wild fire that spreads but without any opposition this time. I am yet to turn on the TV and see someone preaching Atheism for 4 hours every week. And until Christianity stops getting pushed into your face from public television channels every Sunday with hours of preaching. I'm going to remain pissed off and speak out against it. The day when I can live without being told that God is so great from every angle, including said public television and the day when religion really does become a personal issue in practice and not in theory. Then I will be glad to shut up as well.
  15. The following scam has been reported: Click here to read more about these kind of scams. Remember: DO NOT do business with anyone who offers to send you payment for a higher amount than your selling price with the understanding that you'll send back the balance. Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be acting on behalf of a "client" or another "customer". Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be from Nigeria or West Africa If you agree to accept a check payment, then do not send anything, gear or "change" before the check cleared. And be careful, if you manage to clear a fraudulent check then you may be liable for the damages if the bank finds out later. Make sure your bank authenticates the check. If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is.This username has been disabled.
  16. I think the post by normiss was referring to you actually, I may be mistaken but I didn't see the OP referring to dating as economics. But definitely wasn't a PA, I think it was more based off the history of your posts. From what I've read I had also assumed you had problems with dating, albeit a problem that seemed to be one of your desire by shooting down girls for not being good enough. No personal attacks, just the way stuff looks to be from posts
  17. Meso


    Satire Disclaimer Glossy News is a satirical news publication. All articles contained within, however near to actual stories appearing in the news, should be assumed to be of a fictitious and satirical nature. Except in the case of public figures, any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely coincidental.
  18. Don't touch the stuff. I last drank 7 years ago and even then I was never really hugely into it. I was lucky, I was 15 and a friend of mine was old enough to buy alcohol, so I ended up drinking 1/2 a bottle of Russian bear vodka as my first real drinking experience. 4 hours of walking around town and throwing up and pissing in main roads, walking into lightpoles, losing parent's car keys, and passing out in some random dudes bathroom - that was enough to make me never want to get wasted again. I still drank occasionally, never wanting to get drunk and then I began to see all the shit it causes for a bit of 'fun' and I began to hate the stuff. Seen people turn into violent wankers, seen people die on the roads after drinking and seen people I know die on the road due to other people's inability to use common sense. In turn I decided never to support the consumption of something that kills people around me even when they try to distance themselves from it. I still wish death on anyone who drinks and drives, and I will go nowhere near anyone who becomes annoying and obnoxious when drunk. Sadly not everyone exercises good judgement and in turn their personal choices end up being a burden to everyone but them. For clarification, boobies is not a bad judgement decision. It's the right thing to do. Besides, most alcohol tastes like shit
  19. Meso


    I don't do the alcohol thing ;) I'm a rebel like that. Coke ftw, although Grapetizer would be awesome too.
  20. Meso


    Oh my god, that looks so good. Needs more large chips (fries?), egg and peas. Nothing better than a huge steak, 2 eggs, chips and peas - along with some coke. Man, I'm torturing myself here.
  21. Don't worry, doesn't cheer me up either. Whenever I hear it I think about an old classmate back when I was 10 who had cancer and would talk about how she'd listen to that song on her way to chemo, she died 2 years later. So that song is pretty much ingrained into me as the sad theme track to mortality.
  22. STEAK!!! Would Shah hit it? I'm wasted... Speedweek My surprise today. "Babes" of Comic-Con
  23. Rugby is a lot tougher than American football I rate, while it's true American football has more serious life threatening injuries, the pain that the average player goes through in a game is much more in rugby. You hardly see American football players drenched in blood during the games like you do in rugby. Maybe that explains why the US tends to never get very far in rugby I'm not the biggest rugby fan, but I'll be watching all the world cup matches I can, and hopefully South Africa can set the record for the most times a single country has lifted the cup. Though currently that's looking very unlikely.
  24. I wouldn't say shallow, I think it's just one of those personal things. One can't decide what one finds attractive and what one doesn't. And I think most men would agree with you on this one ;p