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    South Africa

Everything posted by Meso

  1. It seems there was a 2 day period where it was okay, I have contacted the ad department and alerted them to the fact that it's doing it again.
  2. Argh, I got an e-mail last night saying that the problem had been sorted out. I just did 30 minutes of page refreshing with a U.S proxy, and I couldn't get any vertical ads hiding content. Can someone confirm that it's still doing it for them at this current point in time, if it indeed isn't resolved I'll be removing the banner ads completely until they sort it out.
  3. Thanks for the heads up people, I have already contacted the ad department and I trust the issue will be resolved in the next few hours, once business hours begin.
  4. Oh goody! Ad problems again! Sorry about this, I will get in contact with the ad department immediately and work on getting it sorted out as soon as possible.
  5. There should be no reason for the e-mails to be missing, accidentally deleting them is the most likely scenario. And if they have been removed from both your e-mail inbox and your trash, they are gone for good.
  6. The video I posted on the previous page is an intellectual discussion into why it makes no sense to believe that Gods nature is perfect despite what the bible says. If Gods nature is always perfect, then why did his nature change in the New Testament? Why did things that were deemed right suddenly because wrong. The presence of Jesus should have no effect on Gods perfect nature, as if his nature was perfect there would be no need for change. Unless perfect is simply something that you attribute to any decision God makes.
  7. God has been a big supporter of cruel and inhumane, note back to scriptures promoting the rape and pillaging of villages. Wait, God is never wrong - therefore all those things are actually not inhumane and cruel at all. Either that or it's over-ruled because it's old testament. Got to love all these little 'outs' that have been developed to make God seem like a entity worth praising.
  8. Since we're heading into the crux of God's being - I'll just leave this here:
  9. For something that is so insanely accurate, there sure is a lot of things that historians claim is unlikely. Whether it be events themselves, the manner in which one understands a sentence or the translation. For instance the widely believed theory that the parting of the Red Sea was in fact about the Reed Sea. Or about people thinking a blatantly obvious political paragraph relates somehow to the fall of Lucifer as an evil being, instead of the metaphor it is referring to. Ironically Jesus refers to himself as Lucifer in the bible (bright morning star). The texts themselves can be accurate, but there are obvious translation problems and the way in which people read it can completely change just how amazing Jesus was. People can make Jesus however amazing they want, simply by choosing which to look at metaphorically and which to believe is a story of an actual event. The accounts of the bible are flawed as it's quite easy for one man to claim everyone else was amazed. If I were to write text on how 300 gullible idiots at a John Edwards show was amazed and publish it, explaining what it is he did, and people weren't aware of the show, he too could be made to look like a God.
  10. Don't know about that, the witness testimonies tend to generally occur in circles where they are hoping and expecting said 'experiences' For example, my sister has a lot of retarded psytrance neo-hippies. And many of them claim they have seen faeries or witnessed mother nature performing magic. Just see it as people seeing what they want to see.
  11. It offers them safety in that they still have both options wide open, and unfortunately there are things that happen completely unrelated to the evidence of a God that makes people switch positions quickly. Agnosticism is totally fence sitting, as I mentioned above, people don't have these 1/2 and 1/2 thoughts about other magical or mythological creatures that may exist. You don't see many people saying they're completely open to the existence of unicorns and are just waiting for evidence to prove or disprove before making a decision. No atheist is 100% that there is no God, therefore are all atheists actually agnostic? There is just a different attitude in people when it comes to belief in religion and not religious things. People tend to be far quicker to say "no that doesn't exist" to non-religious things, that hold the same evidence as a deity.
  12. Most agnostics I've met, I wouldn't even call them agnostic. They were just atheists who were thought the fence felt nice and offered them some safety. Many of them use the phrases relating to choosing agnosticism which imply that they are agnostic because you can't disprove God and therefore you can't be 100% sure of it and thus are not atheist. Though I find this pattern of thought flawed, because when you ask most of them if they believe in unicorns or faeries they will say a straight up no, despite the fact that the same rules apply, and if you can't disprove them, then you can't not believe in them if that's your stance for deities..
  13. The initial indicators are how the user asked for 'The Item' instead of referring to what it actually was. And the way that they mentioned it will be picked up. The scammers are primarily buyers and they use phishing schemes, unfortunately paypal has become a channel of fraud now too, which wasn't the case a couple years ago and the cheque payment would be a big red flag. Makes it a little more difficult now to differentiate between legit and scammers.
  14. For me, I had been brought up in an extremely Christian household and was always told never to question, so I never did... Though in my late teens I began to at least wonder... Then what actually kick-started it was an episode of Penn and Teller's 'Bullshit' on the bible. Which prompted me to read more into it and it was like having a ball of yarn and never touching it, then one day deciding to pull on the loose string - all of a sudden everything unwound very quickly. Things that had made sense in a religious perspective made absolutely none when looked at logically. Began to read more about Christianity than I had as a Christian, looked at the information and history of the writings, the details to the scriptures, the similarities between Judaism etc. After that there was no doubt left in my mind, ironically, the term "I once was blind, but now I see" was very much a concise phrase to the way I felt afterwards.
  15. We've had a few of these requests over the past couple of months, and it's something that we are thinking about. Our concerns though, is that there is a very limited amount of pilots out there and the activity in such a thread would likely be extremely low. We have received requests from dropzone owners in the past to create a separate forum area for the DZOs, but ultimately it's also just an area where we're not sure if the activity it would receive would warrant an entire forum section dedicated to it. With that said, as I mentioned above - it's being thought about and I have discussed the idea with Sangiro. At this stage at least, discussions of such things could be done fine in the General Skydiving section of the forums.
  16. It's not a US thing, it's global. The people I know in Australia and New Zealand use it equally as much as they do here in South Africa. But dude, if you plan to rock the skate park, you're going to need some mad steez in your swag. Otherwise they're totally going to think you're gay if you go act retarded.
  17. The following scam has been reported: Click here to read more about these kind of scams. Remember: DO NOT do business with anyone who offers to send you payment for a higher amount than your selling price with the understanding that you'll send back the balance. Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be acting on behalf of a "client" or another "customer". Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be from Nigeria or West Africa If you agree to accept a check payment, then do not send anything, gear or "change" before the check cleared. And be careful, if you manage to clear a fraudulent check then you may be liable for the damages if the bank finds out later. Make sure your bank authenticates the check. If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is.This username has been disabled.
  18. Extremely common. In fact, in my low to mid 20s, it's still pretty much standard for this age. I don't actually know anyone who doesn't use the term 'retarded', and only a few who refrain from calling things gay, and it's usually only the extremely liberal ones I know that avoid the term 'gay' out of respect for those that may take offence. It's pretty much just standard.
  19. Meso


    Good old facebook, it's great being a stalker without the same threat for a restraining order, just saying. It's proved extremely useful for me even outside of stalking. I will be the first to admit there is no way I could go a week without logging on.
  20. While you are not banned from any areas of the forum, there is a possibility that you have been banned from a single thread, if you are unable to access it. If you made a post and it's not displaying, it's also very possible that it was just hidden by a moderator.
  21. Your account looks to have the same privileges as any other free registered account holder, there's no bannings associated with your account.
  22. Good! :p It makes trolling them easier. Takes one less purposeful ignorant and arrogant comment before they rage and prompt my "Y U MAD THO". -trollface- How To Troll - 101