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    South Africa

Everything posted by Meso

  1. Agreed! And while you're on the way, be sure to pick up a video camera.
  2. If we didn't rely on science for answers and lived on mythology we would still be convinced the world was flat and we'd live a life based off ignorance and little advancements. If the religious have no need to prove their beliefs with logic, and if it's purely personal and nothing more. Then they should refrain from arguing with Atheists who suggest God doesn't exist, it takes two to have a debate. If they want to sit back and live their life being religious that's fine. But then they shouldn't come into threads about the existence of God and try debate when all they have in their arsenal is "I believe it to be so, I have faith". Except you've had a whole bunch of people try to make their God's existence seem more realistic by trying to cater to the scientific minded, albeit with flawed and incorrect knowledge of science.
  3. Well, it became a lot more than just a song though. It became a huge internet meme because of her terrible lyrics, such as stating that Saturday and Sunday come after Friday. It spread to millions of people in under a week. I don't think there's very many people who genuinely like the song, the lyrics are possibly the worst ever written and her singing is below par for a singer, but it got all it's millions of views as a novelty song and from people mocking it. Despite all that though, it's always proved surprisingly catchy. Maybe that is why she is getting death threats, people raging because they've got it stuck in their heads ;)
  4. The following scam has been reported: Click here to read more about these kind of scams. Remember: DO NOT do business with anyone who offers to send you payment for a higher amount than your selling price with the understanding that you'll send back the balance. Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be acting on behalf of a "client" or another "customer". Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be from Nigeria or West Africa If you agree to accept a check payment, then do not send anything, gear or "change" before the check cleared. And be careful, if you manage to clear a fraudulent check then you may be liable for the damages if the bank finds out later. Make sure your bank authenticates the check. If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is.This username has been disabled.
  5. Tokyo Hotel suck! :D I'll take Rebecca Black of 'em any day. And haters can hate, but anyone who can end up having their own meme is a winner.
  6. Except now you have all of those people who rob, mug and murder, all joined together, walking the streets in masses with the 'we can't be touched' mentality. So many of these people aren't even that poor. As stated before, they're not doing this for a collectively economic reason. It's not like it's the poor uprising to change the way wealth is distributed. It's primarily people who are rich enough to buy themselves 1000s of pounds of sporting gear and drugs. People who are closer to middle class, who pretend they are poor so that they can seem more 'gangsta'. Many of my friends in the UK are broke, they're squatting. They've been evicted from loads of places over the past couple years. They are all against the working class oppression. And I can assure you that these people rioting are NOT the same types of people with the same ideals. This riot is nothing more than a bunch of kids misbehaving because they've realized that if they throw the ball in the house, mommy and daddy can't do anything to them. They give a bad name to those who riot in the hopes of achieving something.
  7. Hey now! I hope that punk action refers to the prison punk and not the punk scene . Ironically the people rioting are the mortal enemies of punks. The punks are some of those that are pissed off that the riots are not linked to a desire for any particular change and just a bunch of douches acting like morons. Probably the thing that angered me the most about this shit was when I saw a video of some kid who was injured in the riots, leaking blood over the pavement and some other guy with what looks like a gang of friends just opens his backpack and robs him there.
  8. I'm fairly certain majority of these rioters have no idea what is happening in the financial market. These are the same people that when they aren't rioting, they're on the street corner mugging people for drug money. Even those involved in former political riots in the UK are annoyed by these walking abortions using an act for change as an act of fun.
  9. Haha 3 families of snakes in the UK?! Man that's few. Do you only have one species of adder in England? Odd. Here you get several adders: Puff Adders, Berg Adders, Night Adders, Horned Adder etc. The pattern on the back of an adder is sometimes what differentiates the species if one can't get a look at much of the details. But if there's only one species of adder there, then it should be done and dusted.
  10. This is possibly one of the dumbest riots ever. I can totally understand rioting if it's to achieve a goal that has been aimed for and that government has failed to respond to by other means. Nothing wrong with reminding em that the government should fear the people, not the other way around. But there isn't even a common goal with this. It's just a bunch of retards who probably had kids when they were 14 for benefits, deciding to break shit. I've seen several interviews now with the reporter asking the kid what they want to achieve with the rioting and everyone is replying with a different answer. Some say it's because of economics, some say it's because of immigrants, some say it's because of the police, some say it's because of government public surveillance. And then of course there's the thousands who are just doing it because they need some new Adidas track pants and some new Nike trainers. Just a bunch of pissed off kids looking to rage about things that they are unhappy with, without any logical thought process of how their actions would achieve their desires.
  11. I always said someone should lock up my ex. When she lived here in S.A there were Xenophobic riots, then she moved to Cairo and the political riots erupted. This previous week, she moved to London. I can't decide which side to pick in this issue. I am almost as opposed to chavs as I am to the police and police brutality.
  12. The following scam has been reported: Click here to read more about these kind of scams. Remember: DO NOT do business with anyone who offers to send you payment for a higher amount than your selling price with the understanding that you'll send back the balance. Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be acting on behalf of a "client" or another "customer". Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be from Nigeria or West Africa If you agree to accept a check payment, then do not send anything, gear or "change" before the check cleared. And be careful, if you manage to clear a fraudulent check then you may be liable for the damages if the bank finds out later. Make sure your bank authenticates the check. If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is.This username has been disabled.
  13. Hey there, Yeah we have thought about it and when we get to performing some much needed changes on the site, there's a high probability such a feature will be implemented. We use it on, and while sometimes abused by users with personal grudges, it can be quite a valuable tool.
  14. Dr. Andy Thomson discusses this subject and why it was once important in evolution, but through time has become unneeded.
  15. I'm fully aware of that, but Atheists aren't the ones with double standards in this. I for example do not doubt that if God did exist, he could exist from nothing. I believe that the concept of infinity is real and doesn't need divine power. Where as you believe that space can not hold this value. So it's definitely not an issue of the same thing just reversed. It would be the same thing if you said to me "Sure, I believe that the universe didn't need a starting point - but I still believe God did it." Unfortunately that's not what you're saying. I should also bring up that "If God didn't do it, then how did it get here" is probably the most commonly used reasons for believing in God that I have come across. People use the idea that only God can exist from nothing as a luring point to believing that he therefor must exist. I don't say "well space has existed for eternity, therefor God can't exist", I say that because of this, it gives me no need or reason to try use a God to explain the presence of things.
  16. The problem does not still exist. As long as you're saying God doesn't need a creator, then you have no foot to stand on saying that space needed a creator. Well sure you could say it, but that wouldn't make it any less false or hypocritical.
  17. Yup, attributing values onto one thing but refusing the idea that another object can share the same values. Makes no sense. The truth is, understanding time and space isn't easy and being human I can understand the feeling of being confused at the idea of there not being a start or end point to something, it feels un-natural. But this is because we live in a world where we are used to relativity, but quantum mechanics show us that at the lowest levels, where the universe would have originated from - the same principles may not apply.
  18. What do you mean what caused the big bang? The big bang was the starting point for the universe as we know it, galaxies and planets etc. But the big bang is not theorised to have just happened. As with Christians believing God is infinite, it is my belief that chronologically speaking, space is infinite. I believe that space existed with quantum activity being present at the lowest levels. As shown in various experiments quantum particles do not act to the laws of relativity and are random in nature. This infinite existence of space was subject to quantum fluctuations. Through lots and lots of time, eventually, as inevitable given a large enough time frame. The big bang was then a reaction of the quantum activity in infinite existing space. Creationism is based around the premise that only God can be infinite and everything else needs a creator and runs on a linear scale of time. But if you don't believe in a linear time frame with a beginning and end point, there becomes no reason for a God.
  19. Yup it's a weak stance that makes no sense. If one wants to believe that infinity is real and that an entity can exist without any prior creator, then basic thought would tell you that everything can have this attribute. Sure one can say "No only God can exist from nothing", but that holds no weight too. If someone wants to believe that God exists from nothing, then their claim holds no more validity to the idea that matter could exist in such a way. Any kind of special, magical values one wants to place on God to make him able to exist from nothing. There is no reason why matter could not also be given this trait. The thought process needed to come to the conclusion that everything needs a creator except God, but to completely reject someone else's claim another object has that value, is just so absurd.
  20. Not a bad idea, I'll bring it up with Sangiro. In the mean time, any other pilots thinking this would be something they'd want, feel free to chime in.
  21. Unfortunately we have been forced to take action against an IP address belonging to a single dropzone in New Zealand. In remaining professional, we will not be naming the dropzone in question. This IP address seems to be a static IP address belonging solely to the dropzone, because of this we don't expect any influence on other New Zealand users, though should this not be the case please send an e-mail to [email protected]. The issue relating to this banning has also prompted us to address a few issues: Firstly, as stated in the rules - abuse to moderators and site staff will not be accepted and is grounds for post removal or banning. If you have a grievance with a moderator you can private message them or me, or alternatively contact our support e-mail address. Attacks or the spreading of false information will not be tolerated. The moderators of the site receive no financial compensation for their work and are here solely on a volunteer basis. Likewise, they receive no financial kickbacks from advertisers. We are extremely concerned about safety issues and the well-being of the global skydiving community and have no desire to neglect any safety issues in the forum and respect all valuable input on any safety related situation. We will never seek to silence or censor credible information pertaining to skydiving. We would also like to remind users that should a post be removed by a moderator, creating a new thread on the same topic will not be tolerated and a warning can be expected. Unfortunately these threads can sometimes become active prior to their removal and as such we are then forced to remove them regardless of any good quality posts which may have occurred in that forum by other contributing users. The same goes for creating alternative usernames to get around previous implemented bans or trying to work the semantics of the forum rules in order to make posts which have already been deemed as unacceptable.
  22. Haha I can't click, being in an office - but having seen my fair share of saline injected scrotums on the intrawebs. It makes me wonder how long it takes to muster up the courage to insert a needle into your dick. I figured I'd do a poking test with a needle once to get an idea what getting a Prince Albert is like. Sweet baby Jesus- do not want.
  23. The following scam has been reported: Click here to read more about these kind of scams. Remember: DO NOT do business with anyone who offers to send you payment for a higher amount than your selling price with the understanding that you'll send back the balance. Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be acting on behalf of a "client" or another "customer". Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be from Nigeria or West Africa If you agree to accept a check payment, then do not send anything, gear or "change" before the check cleared. And be careful, if you manage to clear a fraudulent check then you may be liable for the damages if the bank finds out later. Make sure your bank authenticates the check. If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is.This username has been disabled.
  24. That error means that the ad in question has been removed. Chances are that you were clicking on the ad in the period after someone deleted it, but before the time our systems rebuilt the page to display the changes.
  25. Meso


    To be frank, for a stalker - your response time is quite unacceptable.