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Everything posted by Meso

  1. Thanks for the heads up, I will monitor the forums over the next few hours to see if the problem returns. The fact that you were able to post now is a good sign, but will continue to keep an eye on it to see if there are any other problems. If anyone finds themselves locked out of the forums during any error events remember that you can tweet us or leave a comment on our facebook wall.
  2. I have gone ahead and added a separate area for those looking for work and have sorted out the ads to accommodate the new partition.
  3. I did Muay Thai for a while and got some nice bruises on legs and forearms from blocking kicks... But none of my bruises could compete with my girlfriend's pole dancing bruises...
  4. Meso


    The melted cheese and tomato paste part ;) I don't do melted cheese with anything really, it creeps me out. I'll eat Nachos, but that's it... Didn't help that the last time I tried pizza several years ago, I decided a sea food one was a good idea. Spent that night bent over a bucket. I will allow the pizza base with garlic on it and no cheese or tomato, but that's about it. I will never understand how out of all foods, pizza is the one that everyone loves.
  5. Meso


    Is this where I confess that I hate all pizza and get tarred and lynched.
  6. The following message is a scam attempt. Should you have received this message in reply to one of your ads, ignore any correspondence attempts from the user listed below. Remember: DO NOT do business with anyone who offers to send you payment for a higher amount than your selling price with the understanding that you'll send back the balance. Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be acting on behalf of a "client" or another "customer". Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be from Nigeria or West Africa If you agree to accept a check payment, then do not send anything, gear or "change" before the check cleared. And be careful, if you manage to clear a fraudulent check then you may be liable for the damages if the bank finds out later. Make sure your bank authenticates the check. If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is.This username has been disabled.
  7. Meso


    Have never seen any, will never see any. Regardless of how good the acting or cinematography may be. The movie concept and storyline as a whole is all I need to hear to make the decision that it is a blasphemous portrayal of vampires and should not be supported.
  8. Meso


    "You mean things like being told what to do by my parents?"
  9. Yup apologies about that, gremlins always seem to appear over the weekend- people can thank Amazon for the PM that alerted the issue. But the server admin was contacted last night and they managed to sort it out, so let's hope it's a while before the next issue ;)
  10. Then people with money in their wallets shouldn't go out at night because the streets are known as dangerous at night and they have a risk of being robbed. And people with kids should move out of the neighbourhood when a sex offender moves in, because then it's their fault if something happens. And women who get raped when drunk are also at fault then because they knew the situation they were putting themselves in. It's not the victims fault.
  11. I think it's mostly I think mostly it's due to an increase in awareness to the issues. For example, 30 years ago you wouldn't be hearing about majority of the teen suicides that occurred outside of your town. But due to the internet, things like suicide from bullying that would only be a local news story back in the day, is visible to many people over the internet. The internet has allowed a lot of information which would have never been visible decades ago to become viral and in turn seen by millions. People also seem to be a lot more open with information. Things that one would have found taboo to talk about publicly is now spoken about quite freely. This also leads to an illusion that more of these previously 'private issues' are occurring. With that said, it's also possible that society is causing an actual increase in things like that. But I see no reason why one would link it to anything religious. A family dinner or going to church does not change anything, it's what is occurring on the other 23 hours a day. Blaming the media is cheap, but it's not hard to see how shows that constantly promote the idea that image is everything can work on some people's minds. Essentially it will all come down to parenting and personality. In my experience I've seen nothing to tie religion to a close-knit family. I've seen Christian families who while maintaining strong Christian values don't have a strong connection with their kids or spend time getting to know what's going on in their minds, I've also seen Atheists who have family dinners daily and enjoy time with their family and are actively engaged in each other's lives in a healthy way. Children aren't just now becoming self-destructive 'rebels' though. It's been going on forever. But I imagine it becomes more apparent when one is a parent and identifies these issues with their own children and pays more attention to it. That's my take on it at least. But I agree there are elements of society that can exacerbate it, but don't see how religion related to it. due to
  12. The following message is a scam attempt. Should you have received this message in reply to one of your ads, ignore any correspondence attempts from the user listed below. Remember: DO NOT do business with anyone who offers to send you payment for a higher amount than your selling price with the understanding that you'll send back the balance. Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be acting on behalf of a "client" or another "customer". Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be from Nigeria or West Africa If you agree to accept a check payment, then do not send anything, gear or "change" before the check cleared. And be careful, if you manage to clear a fraudulent check then you may be liable for the damages if the bank finds out later. Make sure your bank authenticates the check. If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is.This username has been disabled.
  13. The following message is a scam attempt. Should you have received this message in reply to one of your ads, ignore any correspondence attempts from the user listed below. On 4-Nov-2011 someone submitted their contact information in response to your ad in the Classifieds. Please reply to this email to contact the person directly. Username => d_12 Name => harrison From Email => [email protected] City => london Country => england Comments => Hello i just wanted to let you know am interested in your Vector3 V348 & PD160,that goes for $3000 .i was actually browsing through your Ad,and saw it on there and decided to contact you to know if its still available and in good condition... Am from london, and i will love to know how much you are actually giving it out for. l will love to know whats your best offer for it and more details about it...... Thanks feel free to call me 44(704)-579-1359 Harri Remember: DO NOT do business with anyone who offers to send you payment for a higher amount than your selling price with the understanding that you'll send back the balance. Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be acting on behalf of a "client" or another "customer". Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be from Nigeria or West Africa If you agree to accept a check payment, then do not send anything, gear or "change" before the check cleared. And be careful, if you manage to clear a fraudulent check then you may be liable for the damages if the bank finds out later. Make sure your bank authenticates the check. If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is.This username has been disabled.
  14. Or the possibility that in many cases where said instigating attacks occurred, they actually did not. But it's a very nice little defence to use "Oh no, they attacked me first... If you had been filming prior you would have seen." Sounds like a great way to wiggle out of something regardless of the truth. Extrapolating from previous incidents. It's hardly by any means a stretch of imagination to believe the police acted with more force than they needed.
  15. I haven't seen it, I do not know the details. It's all just rumors at the moment. But most people who begin filming do so when the police move in. What instigation could possibly warrant police brutality on unarmed people when the police have weapons and defence, how could they actually feel threatened for their lives. Again, it's just a lot of hear-say at the moment, but it's happened time and time again when police use blatantly excessive force on protesters. Nothing like some shields and weapons to make you feel untouchable. If the police were wanting the 'true story' to be seen, then why such a big effort to keep the media from documenting it? Preventing media coverage is basically admitting "We don't want the public to see what's happening here".
  16. No one said they aren't - hence 'rumors'. But apparently some video cameras managed to catch some police brutality, regardless of the NYPD's attempt to make their actions less visible, so that people would be left saying things like: "reports from the protesters. No chance they could be telling an untruth." But hey, it'll probably be shrugged off anyway, because you know. Police are perfect and everyone who gets beaten by the police deserve it. Because they're each a little walking Jesus who are naturally more trust-worthy than the average protester.
  17. You're right, the police have never arrested anyone who wasn't breaking a law. They also have never tazered, beat or killed any innocent person either. Because the law enforcement system is ever so grand. This whole OWS thing is stupid, the protesters are mainly just a bunch of hipsters who are borrowing their corporate parents money to go hang out there. But with that said, I'm fairly sure that once again the police will be using excessive force and having fun beating down some people in the night. EDIT: Rumors that the press have been threatened and kept away from the action by the police to prevent filming. Rumors also saying the air space has been closed to helicopters to prevent media filming the event. And reports of blatant violence against unarmed protesters.
  18. Reportedly destroying the books that were held at the donation established library they had there and arresting scores of people. Ah yes, middle of the night. Good thing those cellphone cameras don't have night-vision. Because police brutality only exists when it's recorded.
  19. These scammers tend to register new accounts under different e-mail addresses, the account associated with this e-mail account has been disabled since the post was made. As requested above though, any e-mails from scammers should be forwarded to [email protected] so that we can take necessary action.
  20. Can you please forward the e-mail you received from this user to [email protected] so that we can disable his account and take necessary action. Thanks
  21. Meso


    Google+ has likely already hit it's peak 2 months ago when it was first opened to invites, nah but I see no chance for coming close to facebook. The first 2 or 3 weeks of invite accounts G+ was active, there were posts and a buzz around it (excuse the pun). But as time has gone on, all the people that were posting on G+ have stopped. I still like the ability of circles, I have some people on my G+, which I don't really add on facebook. G+ though, I would never really feel comfortable using it as a personal rant platform like I do with facebook. Google will likely keep trying to get people to G+, and it may work - but getting people there is one thing making them post is another. During the invite stages it was already gaining millions of members - people just aren't too keen to post to facebook and G+.
  22. In an attempt to fix the problem we have disabled the ad network which was likely causing hanging. We have also disabled the Toyota ads. If you see anything off, please let me know... I'm hoping there isn't a need to though.
  23. Okay guys, as mentioned - I have removed the ad code from the site until our ad partners can sort out their load times and the positioning of the ads. You should be ad-free for a while and in turn there should be no issues with loading problems or ads blocking the screen. If by some chance, you see something wrong, just let me know.
  24. Argh, I don't know what happened this time, but something isn't running as it should with the ad partners. And we realize it's unacceptable, and we're doing our best to resolve it. I've been in contact with those in charge of the ads again and they have told me they are contacting the ad network to get it removed. There is a good chance that ads may be removed altogether for a while until we can get them to sort the issue out.
  25. Everyone listed in the Scam Alert forum is a confirmed scammer. Never do any dealing with ANYONE listed in this forum section.