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Everything posted by jm951

  1. I wonder if the fact that he was on Barbara Boxer's staff had anything to do with why it has taken so long to do anything about this slimeball. Note that the original complaint dates back to 2004. If this was a Repub, especially in the PRK (People's Republic of Kalifornia), it would have hit the news almost immediately and the prosecution would have been very swift. Explain how it's great to hammer a gay Repub for bathroom liasons while a child pornography/molester gets a pass for 3+ years. Go read the transcripts. This guy is really, really messed up and had no problems extending his crap to include children, his own included.
  2. Well one thing's for sure, the DNC convention is going to be one of the most interesting in a long time. It might be even more entertaining if some of the fringe lefties stage protests outside like back in the sixties. Stay tuned, bring popcorn!
  3. Ok for what it's worth, here's some $.02 from an old guy. I think there is a place for both types of activities. The key is not to force a child to compete nor discourage a child from the non-compete. Through their school years, my sons competed in sports because they wanted to. I grew up playing soccer. loved the game and still do. My sons both preferred track, Xcountry, and swimming. My daughter ran XCountry for a while, but preferred band. (Think that isn't competitive, try going to band competitions.) It really boils down to encouraging the child in whatever they're doing to be the best that they possibly can. That's the real lesson to be learned from either path and the secondary one is don't go overboard either way. I referee soccer, kids and adult, low, mid and high level and also high school. At almost every kid's match (8-18yrs) I see some parent living out a vicarious existence through their kid's performance on the pitch. At some high level matches, parents even carry around resumes with DVD of their kid's "career" to hand out to potential college coaches who might be at the game. It's almost comical just how "involved" some of these folks are. At that point, soccer isn't fun for the kid, it's a job that might lead to a possible scholarship. There's a bit of a debate in the club soccer scene about whether the time spent pursuing the high levels wouldn't be better spent in the books for better grades or SAT score. In the lower age groups, scores aren't "officially" kept, but you can bet your backside the parents and kids know who won and what the score was and it will be roundly discussed over happy meals later in the day. Upshot, keep things in perspective. Not every kid wants to compete and the converse is also true. As a parent we're responsible for being alert to what may bring about the best long term outcome for our children and here's another observation, not all kids are the same- duh, so there are no cookie cutter solutions.
  4. forget the fiero, not onlydo they spontaneously combust sometimes, they also have questionable electrics, think Lucas on brit cars.
  5. A track ball on the desktop, but I have a cordless USB mouse for my laptop. I prefer the track ball.
  6. And the dems are completely blameless in that regard as well? Just how many minorities did Clinton appoint and to what posts of any importance? What has Kennedy done besides get drunk and drown people? Face it dude, they're in both parties.
  7. jm951

    Top Gear

    Let's not forget that classic- Monty Python
  8. Hmmm, Nazi Germany didn't like that too much either, but we didn't get to Hitler in time to take him prisoner. Guess those folks who voted Ja on the anschluss were happy with the course of history in the next few years as well.
  9. Yup, that we've had to bail the euros out in two shooting wars and one non-shooting one with the Warsaw Pact. How soon they forget. Let's also not forget that great idea from the sons of Nippon for gaining extra resources at the expense of China and Russia.
  10. jm951

    My ass hurts

    Since it's one of the tests to rule out other things, better to have done with it to get some peace of mind. My wife recently had a potentially severe problem that was ruled out by the exam, so it does help in that regard. Hope the exam comes back negative on anything bad.
  11. Just the response I've been thinking about. If they turn down the thermostat, There will probably be a run on A/C window units that will totally thwart what the liberals in charge of the PRK is trying to do. Now move forward to heating issues, let somebody decide they're too cold and they go out and buy a similar standalone unit. No net change in power usage. How are they going to regulate this scam? One other item to consider, if they are turning the thermostat during the heating season, how many people are going to resort to kerosene heat, or will install wood stoves? Add to that, somebody is going to die from either the heat going up or an accident with heaters.
  12. jm951


    kinda tough to head butt somebody during a tandem
  13. I know who I'd vote for if you were running. About time somebody had the stones to say what needs sayin'.
  14. I used to be a professional wrench and part of the shop's clientel were racers. That part of the office had a large sign that said- "Speed costs money. How fast do you want to go?" Another with formula for said speed- "Hp = cubic$$ x time(days x days) - Ci(customer intervention factor)"
  15. 22 guys moving on every play, most of them colliding. That's a stretch to say there's no action. And still for me, watching NFL is at least as much about strategy as it is action.Quote There's only 22 guys moving once the ball is snapped. Prior to, and just after, it's a bunch of big guys in pads wandering around on the field As for rules, soccer has only 17 laws. Most US spectators and players have no clue as to the application of them so, as a ref, I hear lots of really stupid crap from fans and coaches. I feel sorry for the US football refs in that respect. OTOH, they really don't run too much and have instant replay on each play. Soccer refs don't have that luxury as we have to apply the laws on a split second basis during dynamic play. Also, if you really are doing the game well, you'll run about 7-10 miles per game. I've found the best way to watch US football is a taped game with remote in hand, finger poised on the fast forward button to cut out the commercials and huddle/quality time.
  16. I like NFL, at least while there's some action going on. (Which isn't often) The time between plays and breaks for TV commercials is what ruins the game for me, that's why I prefer rugby and soccer. Both are pretty much non-stop and play is fluid like basketball. For those americans who protest that they find the rules of rugby and soccer incomprehensible, think of how the NFL looks to the rest of the world.
  17. Mike decide whether you're going to be a UT resident or just renew your NCDL. The deciding factor for state of residence should be income tax. If you renew your NCDL, still have AK listed as residence, but are stationed in UT, you could pose in interesting problem at tax time. I mention this because that license will have some bearing on what state is going to claim your tax dollars. Any ?? just call my cell.
  18. It has been argued that driving is a privilege, not a right, as spelled out in the BR & Constitution. However, if you read those documents as relating to "pursuit of happiness" with a broad view of what constitutes happiness, then the driving thing is cast in a completely different light.
  19. IIRC- certain criminals can legally own firearms, namely, those who have only committed misdemeanors and have fully satisfied the penalties levied against them. A felony conviction is an instant dq on gun ownership.
  20. M1 Carbine???? Lie down, that delusion will pass.
  21. Moly coated bullets- good for most handguns, not so rifles- I've been cranking them through my Glock with no problems. The issue comes in when you push them to the velocity and pressure generated in a high power rifle. The only way you're going to reduce ammo costs is get a Dillon 550 and learn how to use it. Not only does it save money on reloading, it's reasonably fast as well. I've done as many as 500rds of 45acp in a little over 2.5 hours. There's no way you'll hit that rate with a single stage press like the trusty RCBS.
  22. It's ok, but don't expect a tack driver. There's a fair amount of aftermarket stuff out there for them. The AK is much more popular. So you pays yer money and makes yer choice.
  23. jm951

    The devil

    Is it just me or does the Pope look...... well..... possessed?