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Everything posted by Strynx

  1. Thanx! So It's really more for flight performance than deployment?
  2. I'm really new to this and i'd like to know what are the pros and cons of having a collapsable. Thanx.
  3. Strynx


    Dunno yet i hope. $$$$ is an issue, i'm gonna move in mtl in march so i need all $$$ possible but........... Remi, I don't know yet but i'll PM you if i find out.
  4. Strynx


    We'll just wait till this winter is over. Hey matz there's a boogie in Deux Montagnes on the 9-10 of Frebruary will u b there?
  5. Read an article that stated that smoke burns any good vitamins thus a smoker will weight less than a non-smoker but does'nt mean that he's fitter. IMO. better be fit than coughing up cancer.
  6. Strynx


    Marci! Excatly ce que je Thinkais! Howbout Franglais is it good enough.
  7. Strynx


    Hey Remi, Martz! Bonne Année. Hope you get to jump more in 2002. chu pas une moumoune non plus! Remi, i could'nt be in a tree 'im affraid of heights
  8. "You have to learn to keep yourself busy" But Just don't start eating like crazy. One of my buddy did that and let's just say that he has a weight vest on all the time.
  9. Strynx


    Thanx Freeflir29!
  10. Strynx


    Have to spread the joy! Just received my copy of THE GOOD STUFF. I have to say that Jennings Rocks. How many of you guys have seen it and what do you think of it?
  11. "DC Shoes" or any skateboarding shoes.
  12. It's the first time i reralize who my family is. i might not know who everybody is, but 2nite i spent my time whuffos, and i realize that they are not on the same level as us. i wish you an happy new year to all. C. YA around n' bloo sky
  13. LOL! I'll try that next time. Unless he's 400 pounds. The phoquers only offer to credit accounts when they screw up wich i think is like laughing at us! F*&^K BlockPhokers!
  14. Sorry to hear this. Had a late charge last week for the same reason. rented a movie on the 11th of dec. Drop it in the box the 12th, go back on the 22th and they say that my movie was late for 5 days (phoquers). If you gonna rent leave it with someone inside, even better don't rent there. I know you'll find somekind of a Bitchy way to get your$ back Sky. Go girl!
  15. Merrick:"So, for those of you that think you have the perfect job, that they're paying you to post on this forum, be aware, they can & will terminate your ass!!" Holy Sh*&^%T SEE YA Merrick:"Of course, those of you that are in government positions are probably safe. LOL OuFFF! you got me scared for minute here "sweat beeds on fore head"
  16. Strynx


    Nice shot! I guess you were trying to get her on the "freefly load" HEHE! just kiddin.
  17. Strynx

    gettin started

    I like the different opinions i went IAD for 3 jumps then to AFF (hope to finish this comin summer) I knew too i was in for tha whole 9yard. Really got point though for canopy control in a tandem you get tha TM to tell you right there on the spot. On my first jump i could'nt hear the radio at all so i was kinda spook.LOL! PLF my landing and was ok but i wish i had someone to help me out. Still strugglin with landing tough that's why i'm in Aikido
  18. Emmi i'm still a student too and a good way i found to relax was with a yoga 2:1 breathing. I got that with my aikido teacher and i applied it on every jump. It goes like this i breath in by the nose counting 1,2 then i exhale by the nose or mouth counting 1,2,3,4 i repeat that for about 5-10 min b4 the ride to altitude. Another trick i use is "mantra" i repeat words over and over again on the plane ride for example on PFF I i repeated this from take off till 9000ft. " Aware,arch, relax,aware arch, relax........" You can choose any word you like depending on situation. Anyway hope this helps you to relax. Worked for me. Hang in there. "If you're going thru hell, keep going" W.C.
  19. Strynx

    gettin started

    The reason why i was asking is because in Canada in order to do PFF (CDN AFF) you need to do either 1 or 2 Tandem or 3 IAD (depending on the DZ). Otherwise i would of told him to go strait to PFF. Thanx for your input i'll tell him to come here and lurk a bit so he can make up is mind.
  20. Strynx

    gettin started

    Wassup! My sister's boyfriend wants to jump, hence he asked me if he should do a tandem or IAD. I told him it was up ti him but what would you recommend. "For he who as tasted flight will forever walk the earth with his eye's turned skyward, for it's there he has been and there he long to return" L.Da V.
  21. I agree with all the post here. I've been flamed for my language in a posting, and a few other things nothin major tough. I really like this site and this stuff won't keep me from comin. I'ts sure fun when there's a good vibe around....... but when there is'nt one we have to remember that we live in a continent where we fight for freedom of speech. It's easy to flame someone tru a screen so i don't worry with it. I remember someone posting " If you don't like it don't look at it" and i would add don't reply to it. Season's greetin to ALL PS I wonder if Santa would let us jump from his sleigh?
  22. "That's what I need.....A sugar momma!!! " All you gotta do is start home therapy buisness
  23. "line twists, closed end cells, and slider not all the way down" I've spoken with afew jumpers from different Quebec DZ and they were all taught to treat those "partial mals" as of nuisance. That's how our instructor tought us.But he also added "try once try twice chop it" Just out of curiosity is it C.S.P.A. that suggest that or a general "teaching concensus"
  24. I've sent her an e-mail to encorage her to. I think i'ts just amazing that she is taking a whole year of her time to do it. Do you think she accepts CDN dollars or i have to send twice as much LOL!
  25. I'll trade Cold weather for warm anytime just let me know when the timming is good Look on the bright side you get to jump year round.