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Everything posted by Strynx

  1. Strynx

    Mental Training

    I've just finish John DeRosalia's Book " Mental Training in Skydiving and Life". Anyone Read it? Does anyone use mental training to help performance? I usually repeat 3 chosen words over and over again, i find it helps me to concetrate on key elements.Anyway just curious. "Curiosity is the base of knowledge, knowledge is the root of freedom"
  2. This guy gave alot of people a reason to play. IMO there's no bad musician only different alot of different styles. Don't get me wrong you still need some music sense to be a player. "Welllll i love my baby like the finest wiiiine, stick with her tiiill the end of time" SRV
  3. Hey Speed! Check out the S&T Forum i ask the question a few weeks ago and i got some good awnser. "Curiosity is the base of knowledge,knowledge is the root of freedom"
  4. I learnd one thing with cell company. They're all FOkkers and i don't deal with any of them anymore. It's alot less stress in my life now.
  5. Being a Blues player myself, SRV is More than the guitar god he's the Ultimate God. Ever Heard the song lenny, His soul is all over this one. He's in a whole different category than the other's IMHO He's byhimself in this one. "Wellllll it's Floodin' downnnnn in Texas, aaaall the telephone linesss are down" SRV
  6. JUMPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) WOOOOOHOOOO!
  7. Yeah! That's the spirit. Keep a logbook with a bunch of these and you're set for a full week. I would'nt complain "wink" just make sure she does'nt want to skydive with you cause now you're F&%*K. Hesitation can result in serioud injury or death"
  8. Well Then it cahnges everything then, You'll get paid to post on the forum :-) Now that's better than the 7 soaps.
  9. At least you'll have a computer right?
  10. I'm no expert or anything but after 2000 picnic B.A.S.E. jump i estimated that 5 sec. and a caisse of beer is the best combo. You'll probably be low but hey Life's a risk and the beer helps for the pain & confidence. Just make sure you have a ground crew to spot the brevages :-) "Hesitation can result in serious injury or death"
  11. "Hey if you dont think human sling-shots are fun" You could also try B.A.S.E. jumping of a picnic table. Heard it's a blast. "Hesitation can result in serious injury or death"
  12. The only thing i like about it is the BEER drinking.
  13. Strynx


    LOL! I was thinking of building a 2way, Because she read divemaker (instruction) she'll be the JM on this one , No there wont be any cameraflyer on this one guys.
  14. Strynx


    I know, plus they "read" the instructions. Women are like GREAT wine there better as they age.
  15. Strynx


    See that's why i'm a City boy! I got spooked in the country. too much dynosaur.
  16. Strynx


    Remi: I love dating both of them but one needs to have a little more attention than the other ( investment) that's why i needed a little advice. I like belly flying but 3D flying is also not bad. " Curiosity is the base of knowledge, knowledge is the root of freedom"
  17. Strynx


    I'm not saying she's a dynosaure or anything. I know 5 yrs is still pretty far but i've got to plan ahead. I'm not planning to stop jumping for anyone. BTW they both want to jump with me ( Whuffos) so this complicates the thing cause if one of them would tell me to stop i'd tell her to F%^$K Off cause skydiving always puts a smile on my face. I think i'll stick with my Sugar Mommy, Fuck It life's a risk. ( and no her pussy is not like a dynosaure). Thanx ALL you're the best!
  18. Strynx


    Thought about all the jumps and rig. But the younger one has a rich family, the Femme has let's say alot of investment so money wise i'm ok on all the sides, The other thing is the difference in our stage in life, she (Femme) might want to give me some responability that i don't want to deal with now. Both want to skydive with me. Back in a sec. She's on the phone
  19. Strynx


    LOL! Yep i'm serious, I'm kinda of in sh*%^t. No she's not my granny. The thing that bothers me is that the Femme is cool and all but she is 15 yrs older and in 5 yrs or so i'd probably like to have kids. So that's why i'm confuse. It's like having to choose between short term and long term investment but without the flexibility to diversify.
  20. At least 20000. is technique is just perfect!
  21. Strynx


    Wassup! I'm in a little situation here and i need a bit of advice. I met two girlz and i like both of them ( i know ) BUT one of them is is older than me (i'm 22) and she's fallin for me. I still want to see both but the Femme Fatal is WOOOHOO! ;-) considering the difference in age i'm holding back. The other girl is my age but not as interesting. What should i do. I've tried to suggest a 3way but..............! There not belly flyers Thanx! " I love the way the stars reflect in your eyes" Casanova
  22. Just so you know this cat is my JM he tought me alot about E&E.
  23. Lucky you! Southern Ontario (cdn) was full of CLOUDS :-( the only show i saw was on T.V. the F*&^*er also said it was the nicest since 1960 something. " Let me dance with the stars so i know i'll fly forever "
  24. Strynx


    Happen to me this summer but while mountain biking. The only advice is take some MTECH30 and read skidiving mags. It'll maybe piss you but you'll eventually have some nice toughts thus sooner healing.
  25. Wassup Zennie, Not pertaining to the subject but are you a TOOL fan caus ethe other day i was listening to their new album and your "cathchee" phrase came up in the 1st song. The funny thing is that i've been trying to figure out from where it came from for about a month. Anyways just tought i'd ask " Curiosity is the base of knowledge, knowledge is the root of freedom"