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Everything posted by Lastchance

  1. I have to memorize #6, I get so tired of these foo foo coffees. I walk in and tell them I want a cup of plain drip coffee so black that you can stand a spoon in it. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
  2. Holy cow. You seem to know alot of dope dealers I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
  3. Biggest lesson was not to rely on others for the break off. I have to be aware of my own altitude. 2nd, I didn't need to track so far. I lost more altitude doing that. 3rd, Iwas relying on my audible and did not hear my fiirst 2 warnings. Again, I have to be aware of my altitude. Last after 2 tries trying to find my throw out I was below my decision altitude. I should have gone for my reserve rather than wasting time trying to find my handle. Bottom line is I lost altitude awareness. Altitude is my friend. I normally open high just cause I love to fly my parachute. Not that time. That was my lowest opening ever. I did forget to mention that the winds had picked up considerably from the time we to off to the time we jumped. When I tracked I was tracking with the wind. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
  4. You are right. Not sure which vid I seen then. My daughter emailed it to me last summer. It was a CRW big way though. My humble apologies. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
  5. That would be a wild ride. Would like to see the video if there was one. Ok, my turn. Doing a 4 point 4 way from 9000 ft. Break off alt. of 4000 ft. I relied on the other jumpers for the break off and never looked at my alti. It took longer than expected on the last point. We break off and I turn and track hard and long. Still didn't look at my alti. Reach for my pud and miss it . Reach again and miss it again. Reach the third time and get it out there. Open with my audible screaming in my ear. !800 ft and I'm not going to make it back to the DZ. We have a shotgun range right next to the airport and thats where I'm going. There is a small field right next to the range so I set up for my landing there. I make my landing listening to the pop, pop, pop of shotguns 200 feet away. Lots of lessons learned on that one. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
  6. Awsome video. Seen it once before, last summer. Thanks for posting it. I would like to try some CRW someday. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
  7. My sentiments exactly. I love opening high and just flying and playing with my parachute. 10K hop-n-pops. Fer sure Fer sure. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
  8. You mean you're fixing him and he's not even broken? I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
  9. Thank a vet. Enough said. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
  10. Do you mean to tell me that wasn't really part of my AFF training? I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
  11. My dad didn't like to stop either but it wasn't a McD's cup, it was a beer can. I was always afraid he was going to hit a bump and I'd cut the tip off of Mr. Johnson. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
  12. I seen one the other day that I thought was good. All it said was "Good luck with that cigarette" I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
  13. Lastchance wins 54 million lottery and will spend the rest of his life skydiving all over the world. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
  14. When I was a kid I got spanked with a hand, hairbrush, belt, razor strap, willow switch, oh yes and my Hot Wheels tracks and probably some things I don't even remember. But I'm sure I had every whipping I got coming to me. I grew up with respect for my elders. I sure as hell don't blame every little trial and tribulation that faces me in life on my parents for spanking my ass when I had it coming. WTF is wrong with these do goody goods these days? Now I don't condone BEATING your children but a spanking hurts pride more than your ass. Kids these days have a whole lot more going on in their lives than people my age did back then but they need to learn respect and a little ass whuppin might help. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
  15. You take a leak and yellow ice hits the ground. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
  16. Got an E-mail from Fred this morning and 33 Alpha is back in the air with a new engine, and the heater and in flight door all work. Great news from Lost Prairie. I believe 33A is a 182. Last winter we were jumping from the 207 without the door. Pretty cold sitting next to it but pretty nice sitting next to the pilot. Anyway the Prairie has a 182 up and flying again. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
  17. Thats what she gets for taking a bath with her tongue. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
  18. We have had no burn bans here in MT for years. And it gets damn cold. We get these inversions that just hold the smoke in the valleys. Gets so bad that sometimes we can't see the mountains around us. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
  19. These are all great stories but NSEMN8R'S brought tears to my eyes. It reminded me of this. In 2001 my wife and I and 9 other friends did our tandems . I was hooked and signed up for AFF. This was in May. In July one of our friends in the group was diagnosed with lung cancer that had spread throughout her body. She was 45. She informed me that she wanted to do another tandem as we are all told you will see more doing a second one. I got ahold of Gary "Hod" Sanders at Skydive Montana, who also was responsible for my AFF training, and informed him of the situation. Without batting an eye he told me to get her back there and he would do her second tandem free of charge. The rest is history. Kathy died in October of the same year. She had opted to let it take it's course and not prolong it with chemo. 3 days before she passed there was a huge party at her house with all friends and family present around a huge bonfire so we could all say our goodbyes. Even at that point she was telling people of her skydives. Thanks Hod. P.S. Gary landed a off the DZ on that jump and was very embarassed about it but Kathy thpught it was absolutley great as it added more adventure to the experience. Sorry Hod but I had it add that. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
  20. Where specifically was the lump in your groin? I'm asking because a couple months ago I had the herdest opening I've ever had due to improperly setting my brakes. I didn' pull the cats eye below the guide ring. Anyway I started experiencing a dull ache in my very lower left abdomen basically the very next day. Went to the doc at the VA and they did a CT scan and told me I have diverticulosis. Pouches in the descending colan. Anyway, when I urinate I feel popping down there and when I push hard I can touch and feel a bulge in the same area I first told my Docs assistant that I thought I had a hernia but she felt around and said no. I don't really trust her but the VA is so busy that I'd have to wait 6 months to see my reg. Doc. I still feel that it could be a hernia. I'm wondering why the diverticulosis surfaced after a hard opening. So was just wondering where you had your bulge. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
  21. Nothing is left to the imagination anymore. Thats not to say that I want to use my imagination for everything. They dont look bad. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
  22. I learned to ski at Big Sky over 30 yrs ago. I live about 120 miles away now. I haven't been there for a few yrs but it has some absolutey phenomenal skiing. Very expensive though. It is about 30 miles south of Bozeman. Just northeast of Boze. is Bridger Ski Area. Not nearly as congested and not nearly as spendy. Both have beginner to expert skiing. Both are very nice. Beautiful area and views. If you are not coming till Jan you should have some excellent boarding. Welcome to Montana. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
  23. A few yrs back a friend of mine lost his remote. Fast forward 2 yrs. I help him move into a new house. We are sitting down taking a break in his new sunlit living room. The sun is shining just right so I can see through the port in one of his stereo speakers. There is something in there. I remove the plastic insert and reach in and viola. There is his remote that he had to replace 2 yrs before. One of his kids had taken it upon himself to poke it through the port and there it stayed till I spotted it. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
  24. Careful or you'll poke your eye out with those. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
  25. Why would a suicide bomber need a parachute. I would just freefall into the spot. Gonna die anyway. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.