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Everything posted by Laszloimage

  1. The problem is most of you seeing nothing else but "our country" stuff during elections. The reality is the US has the most influence over the whole world including all aspects like economic, political, and military. My Hungarian vote doesn't make any difference for the US when I vote in Hungary, but an American vote makes a major difference for the whole world. Unfortunately I don't have (neither any non US citizens) the "birth privilege" to vote here in America and weight in for the fate whole world. So American voters (who actually have a birth given right to vote, except the naturalized citizens who earn the right) should consider not only for their own interest but rather the whole world interest. "Act locally think globally" I truly believe that McCain/Palin team is maybe good for certain interest in the US, but definitely NO GOOD for the rest of the world. Their agenda to extend and keep carrying the fucked up Bush/Cheney foreign policy is scary. We all know that the US isn't the most popular country in the world since those (Bush/Cheny) took office. The Obama/Biden combo is a lot better choice. Planet Earth (the world) isn't equal “USA only” not even if history made America a most powerful country. I don't think a lady like Sarah Palin (who first traveled outside of the US a year ago) should go even close to the White House and try to make decisions over the whole world what she has a very little knowledge about. The best description of the current Bush Administration’s policy is: "Us, democratically elected government try to dictate the rest of the world". MacCain/Palin agenga has no any indication to change that. They want to “WIN A WAR” instead of making peace. They want drill for more oil instead of investing alternative energy technologies while it’s known for more than 100 years (yes for that long) no carbon based energy source can be used in a long run. (please see Nikola Tesla and other inventors and scientist work) That is bad… The Obama/Biden, Pelosi people have a lot better view over this issue. They try to talk and negotiate with the rest of the world rather than just dictate it. So far we all have to live on this planet, but not all of us have the same right to vote for its fate. So those who eligible to cast a vote here in America please don’t ignore the world’s interest over your own local interest because it will come back to you one day. And maybe that day there will be no more interest left to support because no Planet Earth left in a livable form. But what a fuck do I know…??? I heard communist dictators to speak on the stage, but I had a chance to vote in a democratic country as well. I traveled to different countries and I saw wars and conflicts (like Romania, Yugoslavia/Bosnia), I speak more than one language, and yes I do have military service too! I can point out any country on the world map and know world history. (I listed these things about me not as a show off but as some proof of having clue about what I’m saying) Does a McCain/Palin voter in middle of Kansas have the same experience before casting a vote which has effect on the whole world? -Laszlo-
  2. Good luck with that... I guess you have to know somebody in one of those Chineise manufactures. You'll need a direct contact there
  3. The exits from the Dornier are great. Congrats! I love using the same camera lens combo too. (I jumped one of those planes back in Hungary 10yrs ago...) -Laszlo-
  4. Thanks Tony! ...I got a few ideas from you too though.
  5. Man... You can't even compare the image quality of the 30D vs. 5D. The difference is huge! The 30D has faster burst rate and maybe better AF, but I wouldn't look at that part of the specs. as "superior". The 5D has a13MP full frame sensor vs. APS size 8MP on tthe 30D. For jumping using wide angle lenses the AF doesn't really make any diffrence since I use DOF calculation and set it manually (it works!). For fast and accurate AF the good lens is the most. I use my XT (yes the 400D) every day for tandem landing shots and I use only ONE focus point out of the seven (seven AF points considered not the best AF). but I use a very good lens. That's how it works the best. I agree that when you're journalist and not really a photographer you'll need the best auto features to get the shot. But in skydiving (where we suppose to know the "nature of the game"), nature photography, fashion photography, and so on... the real measurment for the camera is resolution, signal/noise ratio, color tone, dynamic range, DOF (which has lot to do with the size of the senzor), and lot more which determines the actual image quality. For example the XT (400D) takes exactly same quality photos as the 20D or the 30D. The 30D has better AUTO features but not better picture! Because of its 13MP full frame CMOS image sensor the 5D is far ahead of the 20D, 30D, 40D, maybe even the new 50D. Also you need a very good lens to make worth your camera. Further more I prefer as much manual setting as possible vs. "super duper" auto features and burst mode. (...yes that's when the knowledge plays important role) Using auto setting the camera takes the image. Using manual settings (as much as possible) the photographer takes the photo. -Laszlo-
  6. I have every single shot of mine existing on two HDDs. Plus every single one of them backed up on DVD as well. But even you're using HDD it's hard to belive they'll brake at the same time. Unless if there's an huge electormagnetic surge or all the drives are at the same location during a fire. (very high heat also cancels out magnetic data). Anyway the bottom end is to have your data saved on two different HDDs plus optical (DVD) is pretty dam safe. -Laszlo-
  7. I agree. I think a best and easiest option is to find a cheap or borrow a Digital8 camcorder. They're normally automatically recognize and play back both analog and digital content recorded onto an 8mm tape. I've been doing a similar projects years ago. It worked just fine. Tha camcorder played back HI8 video (analog) and output through the fire wire port (A/D coversion), so I could capture it without any problem. -Laszlo-
  8. Mike, Thanks for all the compliment! I feel almost too good
  9. New York hail storm. We flew into it just about half way through the exit count, when I saw the first pea size pelet depositing one of the girl's jump suit. Then I knew it will be bad... It was F*%$n' terrible!!! Some of those guys in the images had a bleeding face after the jump! But hey! The shots have that unique look at least. It appears to be a meteor shower. Am I right? -Laszlo-
  10. Phil, That "horrendous fisheye distortion" is the whole point of the image. As Matt (The111) said that already it created an interesting scenic back dorop in the shot. I framed it like that by purpuse during that skydive. The whole image without the cropping gives you a feel of the "re-entry" into the Earth's atmosphere (even if we all know it wasn't). The whole point was to utilize the distortion of the fisheye lens and create something interesting (I hope it is...) In the other hand I have to agree, everybody has a different taste. Some prefers Bach vs. Mozart and vice versa. Some likes Leonardo's paintings better than Picasso's. Some likes country music I don't... -Laszlo-
  11. Thank you for the compliment! I didn't mean to "show off" with that picture of Tony. I just tried to illustrate how some great shots never get published and how bad ones are sometimes making it to a significant spot like center fold, cover, or photo finish. I don't know either how they selecting them... But I'm pretty sure other photographers sent better pictures than this practicular cover shot. In the other hand I don't think they always looking at the name of the person and making a descision based on that. As 111 (Matt) mentioned that already if the picture is connected with an artivle or an event has a better chance to get published. Also you have to send them frequently, and good ones. ...but back to the begening, yes sometimes it's frustrating to see a bad picture, or a bad alteration of a good picture (happend lot with of us) in a large print. Further more I expressed some constructive criticism about bad photo selection to USPA/Parachutist once (July 2008 photo finish, a dark and soft picture of a hybrid). I'm sure everybody else can do the same thing. (send an e-mail, or a letter, or give them a call) But please make sure if you're criticizing a photo don't only say "I don't like it". Please explain every aspect and reason why is that you don't like an image. the two shots are example how to "ruin" a shot after cropping. It actually happend with me...
  12. I agree. Lot of other people had the exact same feeling about the "industrial back ground". That was my first impression too... It's unfair to show my shot as an example (submitted, but never published), but I know others submited similar ones and never been used either. exampe:
  13. Is there any all around setting or driving speed for a car??? Not really... You have to use all controls and all range of speed determined by the road and traffic conditions. This is exactly the same with photography. There's no such thing like "all around setting for beginners" Please take the advice written by others already (like Dragon) read the manual, search this forum, search the net, and read some photo books/magazines. Advices like X mode with X shutter speed and X focusing mode will dissapoint you. Probably they will work perfect for one jump and total screw for another. If you have no knowlege of photography at all the best you can do is to rely on the camera's performance and its pre set auto mode. In this case most likely the "Sport Mode". To learn photography takes awhile (just like anything else) and you should practice on the ground as well to gain more experince. Good luck for your new toy! -Laszlo-
  14. Just like the rest of the guys responded to you... Please don't learn very basic flying skills withe tandem!!! That isn't the way to figure things out... Please go and jump with RW guys and develope you skills there if you want to become a camera man. I said RW or belly 'cause first we have to learn to walk before we run. Later on you can practice some free flying as well. So by then you really have skills to fly witha tandem you should be over at least 500 jumps. -Laszlo- ps. I wouldn't ask for advice from a person (TM/I) who lets you go along with the tandem with only 99 jumps. I think that guy is inconsiderate "YAHOO" and easly can kill you with his unprofessional "help".
  15. Phil, Actually I've seen video when the guy had to shake off from his hand the reserve lines and the free bag because of the RSL after a spinning mal.... Lot of close calls (...even on tandems). I gues the no fatalaty is from RSL is because most of the camera people (defenitelly the ones with small canopies) just don't use it. My last two cut aways which both were from spiunning mal under highly loaded parachutes I was very happy not to have an RSL. Yes I highly recommend the use of RSL for students, tandems (even if I've seen trouble from it...) and any jumpers without camera gear and high performance canopies. -Laszlo-
  16. It's pretty hard to take nice landing shots with the kit lens. If you're trying just take a random landing shot then you definitely need a fast AF lens. If you want motion blur in the back ground the longer zoom (like 200mm) is very helpful combined with slow shutther speed (1/125 or slower) and IS (image satbilizer) Yes optical image stabilizer helps in a PANNING MODE! Or blure in the back ground because of the shallow DOF again requres a longer zoom with lower aperture. Manual focus works if you know where exatly the person going to land. The lowest f value on the 18-55mm lens is f5.6 at 55mm. Using that and calculate Depth of Field ( ) and making sure the person lands within that focus range you can get some blured back and fore ground. For motion blured back ground use slower shutter speed also withe maximum 55mm zoom while you're panning in a steady straight path without any jerky movment (it's pretty hard though). Ultimately a good lens is the real solution. I use the Canon 70-200L f2.8 IS for $1700. (that's why I charge money for my shots....) -Laszlo- a few examples:
  17. There's a couple of reasons to disconnect the RSL for camera jumps. One scenerio is the main canopy entanglment with the camera gear , the other one is a spinning malfunction. Either case the RSL could cause more problem deploying the reserve before getting relatively stable. The skyhook is a lot faster system, the released main ( in case of a malfunction) becomes the reserve pilot chute. It pulls the reserve free bag all the way out until it starts to inflate. So the skyhook theoricaly could be used for camera jumps. Personally I pull high (I'm a dirty high puller) carry two hook knives and have an AAD. ...and of course pack for myself. -Laszlo-
  18. That is the problem! Now imagine when the camera locks the focus only at 2-3 feet (becasuse you're that close to your subject at the exit lot of times) and stays like that. But a second later you're 10 feet away but but your lens is still focused let say only to 3feet... Also your light measuring is in the center weight mode combined with Tv, and the jumpers are wearing dark suits the apeture can be low which makes the range of focus (DOF) even less. Here's an example: At the moment when your focus locks at 3feet at relatively good aperture value like f10 your DOF (sharp range of focus) will be only between 2.04 and 5.63 feet with the 5D and a 24mm lens. If your aperture gets as low as 6.3 for example in this case you're out of focus if the distance is more than 4.25 feet. If you're prefering to use AF and burst mode combination, I recommend to use AI servo vs. One Shot. Most definitelly if you're combining it with the Tv mode where the aperture changes all the time. ps. Isn't the 5D a bit "too much" for tandems???
  19. As it was told already plese use the Depth of Field calculator for manual focus. If you're using a bit slower shutter (like 1/320) you should always get at least f6.3 an a brigght sunny day. That should give you plenty of range (DOF). Also if yore using the burst mode use AI Servo for AF. The One shot works great with the single shot mode. I use that Canon24mm with my 5D, never had a problem. (I thinks that's a very good lens for the price) -Laszlo-
  20. I use two DVD recorders at once. I give one disc to the customer (normally a +RW so I don't spend time to finalize it) and keep recording to the other one while it's full. The back up copy has the dates on it (what day I started and what day a finished it). I can put about 20 videos (in SP mode) onto a 20cents +R disc. One of my DVD recorder was $100 the other $50 at Walmart.
  21. The best and the easiest is download Digital Photo Professional. This program made by Canon to handle its own version of RAW files. Search the web for a download. It used to be free. But it should have come with your camera anyway... -LAszlo-
  22. I just have to agree with DSE about MAC. Currently I'm involved to create a TV show. The project is edited on a 1 year old super-duper G5 sysytem using Final Cut Pro (in a pro studio about $15,000 system) The issue we have is different file formats and frame rates. FCP doesn't really handle it!!! $69 Sony Vegas does handle multiple frame rates and formats in a same time line! But that softwarre won't run on MAC... Now some of the fotage needs to be converted on a third party software. Extra work... DSE recommended Boot Camp (thanks Spot for the help on the phone!) -Laszlo-
  23. Thanks for the compliment! That "last" shot isn't an optical illusion. That's an AFF instructor (is he really???). What happaned was he was chasing a student until the student's Cypress fired about at 1000 feet (plus/minus 200 feet from 750', luckily it was plus) So he deployed his main, but of course his AAD fired as well. As you see the reserve still inflating when he just cut his main away (which could have put him into more trouble). He walked away without a scratch. -Laszlo-