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Everything posted by Armour666

  1. lol it was the more expensive attempt the an inner tube. Maybe if we just called out selves Cuba North crossing the boarder that way would be acceptable? Funny how come from Mexico and get caught your sent on a bus to be sent across the border and are back home in time for dinner and try again that night. Come from Cuba and get welcomed as an oppressed being and granted asylum. Nearly drown from Canada and can’t leave or your automatically demeaned guilty and have to wait a few weeks for a hearing. SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  2. I'm not saying we are perfect but from past history there has been a good job at identify and detaining people that need to be dealt with. The security risk is no where near the problem that some think it is here in Canada. Immigration is not a lax open system here that some make it out to be. SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  3. All I have to say is thankfully they stopped the Terrorist bastards!!!! This is just another WTF moment they are stuck there till the hearing so no leaving going back to work and then show up for the hearing bacause if they leave they are admitting guilt and banned from entry for 5 years. I I’m going to have to carry my passport and ID in my wet suit when doing wreck dive in the St. Clair river near Port Huron MI. because if any thing ever happened and end up on the U.S. side your now at risk of getting screwed. I guess it’s only acceptable if your Cuban and in a inner tube to land unannounced SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  4. No one is going to there aide the US is using them for thier own self intrest of the missle shield. SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  5. for the longest time I've had dreams of various types of me in bad situations and they haven't really bothere me because I seam to always make it out of the situatuion some how. The one that did get to me was when it involved others. I dreamed I was on the ground watching a 20 way and they went low, watched the formation turn and start to break a few cypreses went off and then a few people went in while still in a track that one freaked me right out. SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  6. Maby it's not how far they will take it but how far can tey afford to take it. With Iraq and afghanistan taking up troops and money plus the reduction of forces in Europe what can they step up at this point to flex some power? SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  7. I agree as with Russia being more opened the the iron curtin erra things will be different but I thing there is difently going to be a bigger push by them for influencing other nations and securing resources that are in Russias best intrest. I think it will be more of an eneconimic war by trade. SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  8. thought I'd bump this with the more recent flexing of Russian power in Georgia and the US still tied up in Iraq how much colder will things go? looks like they are using thier econimic recovery to power up the big red machine again. SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  9. 195 w/o gear but only 5'5" so I can fall fast I'll be at the boogie. I'm intrested in doing some jumps where I'm not the one going low lol SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  10. Why tempt fate! if your under your reserve it for a reason why push the limits on your last chance for survival. I want to get something over my head that will give me the best chance for landing unhurt anywhere in a bad situation. personaly I like having my reserve larger then my main. It may not look like the coolest shaped container but it's goign to do what I need it to do. SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  11. I don't know a lot about the process that Extreme Makeover goes through to choose the families since I've never really watched the program, but one of the things I've always liked about Habitat's model is the concept of "sweat equity." Habitat families are required to put in hundreds of hours of work into their own houses. Homeowners make a mortgage payment on their home - it's not a gift. Also, the Habitat houses are fairly modest - we're not talking mansions here, and that's by design. I think it's really apples and oranges to compare the two programs. I have worked on several Habitat For Humanity House here in Toronto over the years and even after people get their opportunity for their house I still see some come out to work on other homes. They have to work 500 hours of "sweat equity" and work on building their own home. The Mortgage is interest free and only reflects the final cost of building the home but they do apply a second Mortgage for a considerable sum on the property leaving no equity on the property so people can't just flip a place to make a profit or take a large equity loan. HFH also keeps first right to buy the property in sales. Once the first mortgage is paid off then the second one is forgiven. If families have a change of situation job loss illness ect they assist them by keeping payments at 30% of their income during the period. But they will foreclose its pretty rare and because HFH is the mortgage holder the foreclosure goes back in to the program and not lost to some bank. over all they have less then a 1% default rate on mortgages also because it's not a lottery win for the families it something they have work on themselves and get the proper assistance to make it a long term move for them in the right direction of being financially stable and independent. Lots of the properties are in great shape because they have a lot more pride in what they have earned and the opportunity they have been given. I really enjoy working on the builds for these house because it not a hand out that get abused. It’s also been a great opportunity for students in school learning trades to get hands on involvement SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  12. Well, it seems you have come to the right place. It has come to pass that in the DZ doctrine concerning Beer Rules, you are now allowed to begin litigation and sue the other members of your load for not arching. You can also sue them for emotional pain and distress as well as physical pain as you tried desperately to bring the base back to them. Under Arching is a crime that should be punished without bias. Can they be forced to consume more to increas thier fall rate as well and failing that be made to carry a bowling ball in thier pack tray ? SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  13. There are a lot of firsts that keep taking place and has caused me to consume a large amount of alcohol. Because of this my fall rate has increased and I keep going low. Who can I sue for all the consumed jump tickets? Can it be a class action due to all teh affected people on the jump? SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  14. thats sucks, I would see what kind of mortage you can get and wait and see if it turns in to a good deal. also have a plan "B" and another place potentaly lined up. SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  15. The New Science of Fear: Can It Predict Bravery at 13,500 Feet? 5 Extreme Sky Dives From the Last 50 Years (realy only 4 since one is a base jump) SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  16. there was a Myth busters episode about that one the didn;t eave change size at all. and why would they unless they were fille with air SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  17. I seen the ads for them in magazines , large buttons and screen numbers and not a lot of functions just the basic SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  18. I have never used one I learned to spot doing rate one turns in a 182. Anything like an otter has been GPS and as MajorDad mentioned "load 1" I prefer to sit and watch that. SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  19. My two boys have autism one more sever then the other and looking forward for them to try the tunnel. It's great to see some one take the time and care to give someone an opportunity to jump.
  20. thats why I keep going low, Dam time to shop lol I would only thing the ones that would not do well would be cleats , golf shoes, track shoes with spikes lol SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  21. I would take the comercial rating why, if I land off and cause some sort of damages the USPA insurance coverage WOULD NOT BE VALID or even worse if I go in and there are damages I don;t want my estate to be target of a lawsuit to recover damages but my family in a position they shouldn't have to be in. From the USPA website. Insurance programs “This insurance is valid for skydives made in accordance with USPA's Basic Safety Requirements and the Federal Aviation Regulations. Most drop zones assure that jumpers have this type of insurance by requiring current USPA membership to jump there. All claims must be brought in the U.S. or Canada.” All the experience in the world won't stop a inshurance company from trying to recover thier money or prevent a payout if they can help it. Thats my reason SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  22. The other legalities I would be worried about as a jumper is if I land off and cause some sort of damages the USPA insurance coverage WOULD NOT BE VALID A lot have mentioned that they don’t think it effects them on the jumper side of things if the pilot is licensed properly or not but it dose. From the USPA website. Insurance programs “This insurance is valid for skydives made in accordance with USPA's Basic Safety Requirements and the Federal Aviation Regulations. Most drop zones assure that jumpers have this type of insurance by requiring current USPA membership to jump there. All claims must be brought in the U.S. or Canada.” SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  23. it could be your host file has been changed that when you try any antivirus sites it redirects you to the you can find your host file here C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts open it in notepad below is what a clean normal XP host file should look like # Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp. # # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows. # # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name. # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one # space. # # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual # lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol. # # For example: # # # source server # # x client host localhost SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  24. Altitrack can log up to 15 min per jump , for the changeing and exporting the file you can open the jumptrack DB in MS Access to export it to an CSV file. If you did a default install you should find the .mdb file here. C:\Program Files\Jump-Track 3\JumpTrack3_Backup\My JumpTrack Files\Logbooks open in Access and then export what you need SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  25. I'm in the East end and one of the other peeps lives Down Town. I'll get you a list of a few of the better must do things around here. SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."