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Everything posted by MF42

  1. The worst is when the EEEEEEEEEEEE tone in the left ear is just slightly different from the EEEEEEEEEEEEE in the right ear, so the entire world sounds like two piccolos out of tune with each other. Matt
  2. Looks like a lot of fun. Matt
  3. Slowly wave one hand like Obi Wan Kenobi, and say "You don't need to see my identification." Matt
  4. MF42


    Very nice. You're great.
  5. I believe it! Lube makes everything better. Matt
  6. A moose is one weird looking critter, no doubt about it. I hear it's not a good idea to piss 'em off. Matt
  7. MF42


    I don't think it has eyes. Those look like portals into the black abyss of Hell. It's a demon dog That evil creature looks like a giant albino bat with its wings chopped off. Creepy. Matt
  8. Link please... A search for the word boobie returned over 2600 results. I was actually surprised that it wasn't higher. Screw all those fake boobie threads!! Matt
  9. Didn't this year's Iditarod winner complete the race in 9 days? Almost twice as long as that cricket match, but at least there's some honest-to-God action and mortal peril to keep peoples' interest. The length of the game isn't the problem. The nature of the game is the problem. It's even more boring than baseball, and that's saying something. Matt
  10. Big dogs are cool. I hope Bear likes learning. Sounds like he's about to be pushed pretty hard. And the result will be a great new friend for your kids.
  11. MF42


    How the hell has that freakish rodent scored more votes than your two girls? At least you're catching up! Matt
  12. I think some dogs have very strange notions of comfort. Used to own a mildly neurotic shelty named Mike, who I occasionally found sleeping sprawled on top of a pile of kids' toy trucks and robots. Apparently he didn't mind all the hard edges and sharp corners. The one time I woke him and took him to his cushion, he seemed very irritated, so I just let him sleep wherever after that. Matt
  13. I've been doing a lot of job searching lately, and have decided I'm willing to take a big paycut in order to keep my crappy little apartment on the lakeshore. The thought of leaving this beautiful vantage point saddens me more than the thought of buying fewer toys and getting a cheaper car. Every day I can watch the sun rise over water. Every day the view is different. What I remember most clearly about my first skydive, 18 years ago, is looking down between my feet and laughing at the sight of a little wispy cloud between them. On that first jump, I was more thrilled by the radical change of perspective than anything else. So thrilled by just looking around that I forgot to even think about locating the DZ until they yelled at me on the radio! So I'm speaking from very low jump numbers, and it's uncertain whether I'll be able to fly an airplane or skydive again anytime soon, but I think I and many others here know where you're coming from. The action, the rush, the adrenaline are all very good of course, but consider how marvelous a thing it is to sit in space for a moment and enjoy the view. Matt
  14. I guess I don't get it. Why do you want something in your house that will randomly make annoying noises, speak nonsensically and call attention to itself? Get a parrot instead, it'll be more fun. Matt
  15. At least he won't have to shave 'em anymore. Matt
  16. like in Winky Winky Bum Bum Poooo???? Dammit! I hadn't had that song stuck in my head for days! Matt
  17. Deep fried, served with a variety of dipping sauces, those would make some good appetizers. Matt
  18. You got me. No escaping it now. Matt
  19. That was very cool; especially the vortices inside of a vortex in the second video. Matt
  20. MF42

    Fun Game

    Well, at least I won this one. Matt