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Everything posted by wightout

  1. I was sitting around the DZ this summer, and I think it was a Sunday, cause Fonz wasn't husseling doing tandems, and we were just talking for a minute, but we were talking about his wife. I honestly don't remember what it was that she had just accomplished, but it was something skydiving/jump related. He was just telling me how proud he was of her. It was very sweet and something I will always remember. Fonz is someone, if my mom were ever going to jump...that's who would have taken her! I will miss seeing his smile at the DZ. This pic is John (my husband in red) and one of our customers who won a skydive (from us), with Fonz as the TI. Summer 2010 To borrow a line from Squeak...MY LIFE ROCKS!! HOW'S YOURS??!!!
  2. I just took the non-drowsy dramamine and toughed it out! For the fishing, we were inside the reef, and I did okay. When we went to the blue hole, there were parts of that day that were rough, but I managed. I just didn't want to miss any of those experiences, and I didn't! It was great!!! To borrow a line from Squeak...MY LIFE ROCKS!! HOW'S YOURS??!!!
  3. I would suggest the museum of American History. Lots of "americana" stuff there. The monuments are fun, but use a guided tour for that, so you see everything. Christmas in NYC is great, but DC is pretty too. If you arrange in advance, I think that you can go on guided tours of White House and Capitol Building. Check the web sites. Also, if you want to go a little south, Williamsburg is awesome. It's Colonial period buildings, re-enactments, food, people in period dress, is very cool and nothing else like it anywhere. Other than the DC area, I don't know much about the east coast, but the capitol area has a lot to offer!! To borrow a line from Squeak...MY LIFE ROCKS!! HOW'S YOURS??!!!
  4. Thanks for the link! I heard this live the other day on the radio and gave me goose bumps then. Still did just now. But I'm a softie and have to hold back tears for patriotic stuff!! Taps gets me...especially when at a military funeral. Was at Arlington Cemetery (my uncle is buried there) for Memorial Day about 10 years ago. One of the most amazing days I've ever had. Anyways, thanks for sharing that link!!!! To borrow a line from Squeak...MY LIFE ROCKS!! HOW'S YOURS??!!!
  5. I've been going to Cannon Beach since 1977, every August, with my family. It is my favorite place on earth. I got to bring John for the first time last year, and he is in love too. We have been staying at the Hallmark for the last 15+ of those years, and they are a class act. We rent a house that is just south of the main resort. Our favorite place to eat is the "Pig n Pancake". The locals call it the "pig n cake". The little town itself has changed over the years from being a touristy little one-street town (not even a stoplight) to more artsy-fartsy stores. That's okay though, we spend very little time in town. Mostly, we're on the beach, swimming, playing, hiking on the PCT or just laying around being lazy! Now that my family is all grown up, the grandchildren are having fun together. Going to the coast just heals my soul. It really does. To borrow a line from Squeak...MY LIFE ROCKS!! HOW'S YOURS??!!!
  6. Still sad we're gonna miss seeing you!! You should be coming any day now!! Have fun!! To borrow a line from Squeak...MY LIFE ROCKS!! HOW'S YOURS??!!!
  7. oops To borrow a line from Squeak...MY LIFE ROCKS!! HOW'S YOURS??!!!
  8. Glad you didn't Die go sit through an AFF class with some newbies to remind yourself of the basics and then get back in the air and don't do that shit no more Oops this is Catfishhunter (John) Not lora posting she was logged in and I didn't notice To borrow a line from Squeak...MY LIFE ROCKS!! HOW'S YOURS??!!!
  9. no DZ's in Utah accept them. At least none did when they made the news after scamming someone here. I know jack doesn't take them nor does Brian and Suzanne. Someone know if Clint does? To borrow a line from Squeak...MY LIFE ROCKS!! HOW'S YOURS??!!!
  10. ...eeemmm...guess I missed it, where ya goin?? To borrow a line from Squeak...MY LIFE ROCKS!! HOW'S YOURS??!!!
  11. Thanks JT! That made me giggle! I get such a kick out of the "Mesquite" gang. Craig, Bounce, Bozo, Ronnie, et al. They're brutal! You have to be pretty sharp to keep up with them!! But damn...they make me laugh! Lookin forward to seein ya @ one of the boogies this winter! We'll probably make it down for the Sweetheart boogie, we'll be in Peurto Vallarta during the Memorial Boogie :( To borrow a line from Squeak...MY LIFE ROCKS!! HOW'S YOURS??!!!
  12. oh...please put it back up...us Northern Utah friends need something to tease Bozo about @ the next boogie!! To borrow a line from Squeak...MY LIFE ROCKS!! HOW'S YOURS??!!!
  13. Damn...that made me laugh...and I hate spiders!!! To borrow a line from Squeak...MY LIFE ROCKS!! HOW'S YOURS??!!!
  14. PM us, we'll give you the name of a professional carpet cleaner in your area (one of our customers). Please...use a professional!!! :) To borrow a line from Squeak...MY LIFE ROCKS!! HOW'S YOURS??!!!
  15. Hey Bozo...you know cancer ain't just for old farts! :P Hope everything is okay!!! We aren't gonna make it down there for the Halloween boogie. We're going to Eloy for Thanksgiving (a big-way camp for John). So, saving our pennies...and Mesquite gets EXPENSIVE with all those damn casino's. We'll probably be there January. Look forward to seeing you then! We'll still bring you your bear...it'll just be a little old and flat by then !! To borrow a line from Squeak...MY LIFE ROCKS!! HOW'S YOURS??!!!
  16. I LIKE THE WAY YOU THINK!!! To borrow a line from Squeak...MY LIFE ROCKS!! HOW'S YOURS??!!!
  17. BOZO!!! I've missed you at the last couple of boogies!!! Bounce told me you had a good reason for missing Moab! Hope all is well! You better be there in January!!
  18. wightout


    My husband and I are kind of in this business. We sell the equipment to the professionals who do restoration work. So, we have to know about it, although we don't do restoration work ourselves. My husband spent $1500 in May to go to a class all about mold remediation, with 3 of our customers. I wish he wasn't busy today, but I'll show him this thread, and hopefully the advice I'm going to give you is good enough. If not, he'll add to it!! I'd say that you should hire the professional. He should be trained, and be able to show you credentials. Make sure he shows you any/all training/certification he has obtained in his field. If he hasn't spent the money on training, don't hire him! Would you hire a lawyer that hasn't gone to school? Well, this guy is making about as much as a lawyer, so if he doesn't have some training, go to the next guy!! When you hire him, he has care, custody and control of your project. If he doesn't remove the mold, fix the source, make sure the mold doesn't return, and scrubs the air with HEPA filters, then it is HIS responsibility! He is liable and he knows it (if he's a qualified, trained professional). If you go to the IICRC web site http://www.certifiedcleaners.org/restoration.shtml it is a resource for you, as the consumer to find out what you need to know, and what the standards are, and who is a QUALIFIED firm in your area. Without proper testing of the mold in your home, you don't know if it is harmful or not. But when it comes to your family, and your daughter, my advice is to err on the side of caution...AND HIRE A PROFESSIONAL!! To borrow a line from Squeak...MY LIFE ROCKS!! HOW'S YOURS??!!!
  19. Last November, my then fiance and I started a five week whirlwind that would set your hair on fire!! On Nov 7, we started our business, on Nov 12, signed papers on our house, over Thanksgiving moved in, on Dec. 8 got married and on Dec 15 had our grand opening for our business. Oh, and in the middle of all of that the x-girlfriend served my husband with custody papers. Utah I guess is fairly progressive...cause my name is the ONLY name on the mortgage and the business. (We live in a world of an x-wife and x-girlfriend with children.) My husband is perfectly okay with my name being on everything. He's great that way. With the business it especially made sense, since government contracts go to minorities first!! After those five weeks last winter, EVERYTHING went off without a hitch, we had a blast! We both turned 40 last year, and just had a combined mid-life crisis! So....we just tell everyone to WATCH OUT...cause after conquering all of that, not much we figure we can't do...together!!
  20. Hi Valinda... You and "your John" crack me up! I made a similar deal with my John...but instead of motorcycles...mine was no BASE! None...Never...EVER! It's just too dangerous!!! And for that promise, he got... http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=2677899;#2677899 p.s. Think we might be out on Saturday for the Leap for Lupus...we're trying anyway! Will let you guys know!
  21. Well, I'm from Washington, but haven't lived there in many years...so...I haven't jumped there a lot. But here's my pitch for Washington... I assume it's U of W where you were accepted. If so, congrats, it's a top notch school... and that is a kick ass campus. I grew up going to the Husky games. I also grew up skiing in all of the mountains, white water rafting, hiking, camping, all kinds of outdoor activities. The mountains are incredible and there are a lot of them!! The San Juan Islands are beautiful, and in the summertime, you can go out on boats in the Puget Sound and see the Orca Pods. There are hiking and camping areas on the Olympic Penninsula that are very remote and built so that you cannot drive into the area, only hike in. I have only jumped @ Kapowsin, but it is a BEAUTIFUL place to jump (the Farrington's own it/run it) and John Mitchell and his wife Valinda (they're on DZ.com) jump there! My husband and I jumped there last fall when we went home to visit my family and they were very kind and gracious to us. The hanger was almost done, and HUGE, and really nice. I know there is another DZ in the Seattle area, but haven't jumped there. Wasington doesn't rain as much as people think, but it is overcast a lot. But since it does drizzle and rain, (it is a rainforest), it is always clean and green. Western WA is very different from Eastern WA, the eastern area is dry and more of a "desert" climate than the western side of the Cascade Mountains. Obviously, I love that area of the country, the air smells clean, the city of Seattle is very alive, tons of cultural stuff... the one drawback...it is EXPENSIVE! I can only go off of what my siblings say now cause they all live in the area, but there's no living in the city area for cheap, which means a commute if you can't afford it. But I would think it's worth it. If I hadn't gotten married and started a business with my husband here in Utah, I was moving back home last year! I love Washington, and miss it sometimes. but home is here, and we have an awesome DZ in Ogden (and a windtunnel this summer). But if we lived ANYWHERE else...it would be in Washington!!
  22. My sister and her husband have a boxer. Last summer, they were at her mother-in-law's house, and she had hard boiled a dozen eggs for egg-salad, and the dogs ate them all. Frankie, the Lab, got a bit sick, but was okay. Cooper...the 1 yr old boxer...ate most of them (they think) cause he stunk the house out! His farts were so horrible...they are still legend! And they lasted for a couple of days and he didn't get sick!!!! We also used to have a cocker spaniel as a family pet and whenever you fed her cheese...she had SBD's that even scared her...we'd all be watching TV and she'd jump up and chase her tail and then run away. We all knew to clear out. It was funny as hell! Cocker Spaniels can be pretty dumb...we called her our dumb blonde dog! To borrow a line from Squeak...MY LIFE ROCKS!! HOW'S YOURS??!!!
  23. Hmmm..again...still a newlywed...:1:0 Fun weekend @ the Sweetheart Boogie in Mesquite, NV. Awesome group of jumpers there...we were really treated right! JTVAL...what a class act! (filmed a bunch for us this weekend!) My brother-in-law did his first tandem...was awesome to see him try to wipe the smile off his face for the rest of the day! Watched my husband achieve a skydiving milestone...but he gets to post about that! 70 degrees in Mesquite....5 hrs north...20 degrees and snowing! YUCK!! To borrow a line from Squeak...MY LIFE ROCKS!! HOW'S YOURS??!!!
  24. Hey John! How the hell are ya!?? We'll be up that way for sure in August, the weekend of 8/17 and 8/18, then heading down the coast to do the family vacation thing @ Cannon Beach. We'll keep ya posted! You know you can always come to Utah for a visit...!!! :P I think I know a few people who will fly with ya!! We're heading down to Mesquite for the sweetheart boogie this weekend...John is gettin his 500!! I'm looking forward to flying with you all again! I learned SO MUCH last summer!!! Have a great week! :) To borrow a line from Squeak...MY LIFE ROCKS!! HOW'S YOURS??!!!