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Everything posted by mostwanted

  1. this could be a stupid question - sorry if so... was it (and is it in other countries) a big problems in the past if you wanted to make a demo-base-jump e.g. from the roof of a football-stadium before the game begins? what was the problem - sorry, but i do not get it.
  2. most likely this this question is crap, but i wonder if this could also be used to clear a line-over on a base jump instead of using a hook knife or line-release-toggles?
  3. only curious: are you both talking about douggs footage with CJ? (i found this cj_style.mp4 a while ago - is this footage also part of the keen'n'able-video?) (edited to add reply-closing-tag)
  4. any new experiences or recommendations on this topic?
  5. i already read that one in the last days - i can not see a major difference concerning day-blazing and site-burning when comparing it to the above mentioned video... i am looking forward to your clarifying posts.
  6. i just watched this "OLN_Fearless"-video about jeb on and was wondering what - concerning siteburning and day-blazing - the difference between jeb and felix is. isn't jeb also offending against base-ethics when jumping (and showing it on video/TV) that famous object in paris at daylight and that famous bridge in L.A.? as a non-base-jumper (not yet...) i am looking forward to reading your position to that question.
  7. i wonder if that tall bridge in south-france is jumped frequently and how easy access to the object is...
  8. ah, ok - very interesting! how much force do you accept on each of your horizontal ropes and how much do you accept on the vertical rope (on the jumpers body)? is the force cell rigged on the tyrolean permanently or do you remove it after being sure, that you are within the limits? what do you mean with "creative measuring teqniques"?
  9. @calvin19: how much time do you spend on CALCULATING forces, rope-expansion, etc. every time before you set up those tyrolean-rope-jumps?
  10. do you share your rigging-know-how? i only rope-jumped a 30 meter high bridge (with 20 meter of rope to swing) near my hometown severel times but now found 2 almost 100 meter high spans which both allow something like a 60-meter-rope-jump. this will be our project for next summer. and then: maybe a tyrolean someday? you guys would have the knowledge and experience to help others to prevent stupid avoidable mistakes on rigging a tyrolean-rope-jump-system, don't you? would you share your rigging-know-how? greetings from europe.
  11. TowerToppers the man. He climbs A's all day. When we were scouting recently he explained how to tell the height, what the different types of towers were, what the regs on striping and lights were... Very good guy to have on an load. maybe he could post some lines here or write an article for BASE-WIKI?
  12. ...and then please let us know. thanx.
  13. has anybody his speech on video?
  14. question to the 2 landings of this guy in the red-yellow-go-fast-longsleve: is this the way a landing should look like? (looked strange to me - well, i do not know anything about it...)
  15. of the things i wish ot achieve and therefore want to focus on in the next years is to make "safe" base-jumps someday.
  16. thanx for your reply! as i noted above the percentages i used are only to give something like an example how this could look like - as i am an ABSOLUTE (!) NEWBIE to this sport the percentages are most likely 100 % UNREALISTIC! i hope you have better guesses than me.
  17. as there are obviously no hard statistical data on risk-factors leading to accidents/injury (not death) in base i am interested in your guess - let's see what the base-community supposes! here my question: what are in your opinion the main-reasons leading to "injury-accidents"? (let's include all incidents leading to pain or body-malfunction that last at least one week, ok?) i think it would make sense to rank your (five to ten) most favourite reasons and quote your supposed percentage/spreading of each one of them --> so someone could be aware of the situations that seem to be most often responsible for accidents leading to injury! let me make two (different) axamples (data is 100% imaginary and therefore of course invalid) how this could look like: example1: 50% - offheading 50% - due to bad pack-job 25% - due to unstable body-position 25% - bad luck30% - landing incident 50% - due to pulling to low 50% - due to insufficient experience 50% - due to PC-hesitation30% - due to bad landing area 20% - due to insufficient body-armor20% - other 50% - bad weather 50% - leading to slippery exit-point and unstable body position... 50% - foggy landing area leading to bad landing...25% - aerials-associated 50% - leading to wall strike 50% - leading to low pull..25% - drugs-/alcohol-associated example2: 30% - bad luck (if that exists...?) 75% - leading to offheading 25% - leading to PS-hesitation20% - unsufficient experience 60% - leading to pulling to low 40% - leading to bad landing15% - bad weather 50% - leading to slippery exit-point and unstable body position 50% - foggy landing area leading to bad landing10% - aerials-associated 90% - overconfidence 10% - bad luck10% - drugs-/alcohol-associated 10% - bad pack-job 90% - leading to offheading 5% - leading to lineover 5% - leading to hesitation5% - dangerous landing-area (relative to the experience of the jumper) 50% - trees 25% - stones 10% - power supply lines 10% - buildings 5% - cars
  18. mostwanted


    nick, could you make some calculation including the "leading-to-injury-incidents"? would be very interesting, wouldn't it? thanx.
  19. hmm, now i am a little bit confused... what's different to a base-canopy? what is not different to a base-canopy? what do you mean with "emergency procedures"? is "practicing emergency procedures" the most important skill to learn before base-jumping?
  20. hey lou, again very helpful. thanx. two more question to the Raven: 1. was this your first and at that time only skydiving-rig? 2. i contacted a local base-jumper (rigger, i think aff-instructor, former base-mentor/-insturctor, base-gear-dealer) and he warned me that it COULD maybe be 2 disappointing years if i really focus on a base-canopy or raven 100% at skydiving (=practicing for base) in the next 2 years: a big, heavy and not very freefly-friendly container with such a docile canopy could bore me over the years... ...i unfortunatelly can only afford one rig at the moment... ...another "problem" he mentioned was, that i could maybe not go skydiving on (more) windy days, because of the bad gliding-performance of such a docile canopy. i could maybe "often" not reach the DZ anymore... he suggested some canopy like the PD spctre - it should be more sporty he said - but would this be wise, if i wanted to train for base? (oh my god, my english is so bad - sorry!) i am looking forward to any comments. thanx. m.w. PS: i hope the local base-jumper i contacted is not offended if he reads this postings - i appreciate his help very much! but on the other hand side i would like to hear more than only one opinion to that question...