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Everything posted by mccordia

  1. How about going on vacation to spain (ampuria) for 10 days and when someone asks "cool...what places did you see" you have to confess that you only saw the 300 meter walk from your hotel to the DZ the whole time. And when they ask why you werent at the beech you answer 'because the sun was shining dummy!!!' JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  2. When the elevator stops and someone yells.."door"? Even worse...when your in an elevator full of wuffo's that stops, you yell 'door', and even though your the only one who gets his own joke, you still laugh out loud without any shame... (after which orcource you tell everyone your a skydiver..brag...brag!) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  3. Been in finland 3 years ago...didn't realy notice anything from that list accept the fact that there were quite a bunch of damn hot blonde(white?) chicks walking around on the streets of Lapeenranta :) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  4. Gues your just not trying hard enough...hehehe And as to''how do you know there is a skydiver in the room" Usualy the closing-pin necklace worn over his boogy T-shirt, open-toe slippers and freefly pants, mini-rig backpack, the copy of 'parachutist' he is casualy reading just to be noticed (even though he knows the content by heart already) and the pro-track he's playing with are already a quite 'subtle' hint. JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  5. There's kids watching soccer or Amercian Football (which is just soccer with added violence:) that want to be a football/soccer star when they grow up... What always makes me wonder....would there actualy be some sick, disturbed children that are watching Curling on TV when they are 7 years old, and proudly tell everyone "When I grow up I'm gonna be a world champion curler!!" SICK!!!? And scrat (from the extra Ice-Age short on the DVD) is great...I nearly pissed myself during that RW sequence with nuts :) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  6. a healthy skydiver, maybe...but also a broke one :) Already made about 35 jumps this year, damn expensive...wanna go jump every weekend that has clue how I'm gonna pay for it al... Selling my cd player helped..a bit JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  7. Damn....I laughed at a few of those things on that 'signs your a skydiver' list, but more and more are coming true.. Yesterday I just sold my CD player to a friend, (calculating that I could buy two jumps for the money) and drove 150 km to the DZ just to bitch about the weather (since I already knew it was gale-force winds even before I left home) I sick? JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  8. First time I tried it my JM put "Nice style-series on let's just try a normal exit first" It's fun...don't sweat it...even if things go wrong, you'll right yourself in an instant.. Just listen to your JM's and ask them to just talk you through it as many times as you want to hear it...:) Good luck and have fun (FUN being the #1 focus!) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  9. Dude...this means you'll have to make a new avatar (without the glasses:) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  10. for flashpoint addicts to download JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  11. Wheeeee... You can even pull your (chest mounted) reserve if your main mallfunctions. You can pull your toggles and flair...Waaayyyy cool.. Who cares if the game plays in a time where squares where not realy used yet :) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  12. Added a few redneck mods too
  13. My mom came to me in shock..."Did you read about the near fatal accident in the newspaper yesterday?? So I freaked out, and started browsing the newspaper. The news went something like this.. "A skydiver barely saved himself as his main parachute failed to open properly, at a 1000 meters, only a few seconds before impact, he transitioned to his backup parachute and saved his life" In was just a 'normal' reserve, and newspapers having nothing interesting to talk about..kinda stupid, since most of my non-jumping friends are freaked out straight away about someone almost dying while skydiving...reports like this SUCK!! JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  14. I'm gonna do some more modeling (and hopefully texturing) tonight. I'll post a few updates as soon as I have something new to show... I'm modeling it according to pictures of myself (so the rig will be huge..sorry:) The suit will look a bit like this, but colorwise variations will be possible by just altering the texture in photoshop. The head will be a bit smaller though :)
  15. Just got bored from playing UT with the same characters over and over, so I decided to try and model a skydiver to use in the game. I'm modeling myself in my freeflysuit, with a big-ass rig on my back, and I'm gonna try and make some cool animations for in the game, like jumping with a frontloop and stuff like that..or maybe even make it a floating character or something..if you have any funny idea's just howler... I'm not completely sure if I can get it all to work in UT lateron when the model is finished, but if I do..I'll try and include a texture that you can modify into your own freefly-suit and rig colors so you can kill your co-workers in your skydiving-gear... And if anyone wants to record some cool sounds/screams, feel free to do so (how about hearing him scream, "BEER!!!" after a kill :) here's what I modeled so far....I'll try and update after the weekend (lousy weather..:( JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  16. C206-TURBINE yeaaaa....(and a 'normal' C206 and a C182) Even though we only have small planes, I still think we're spoiled...there's always enough lift capacity... JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  17. "Zuid afrikaans is leuk, maar nederlands is veel leuker" At our DZ there's quite a few people who don't drink alcohol. But still, yelling "That's a case of Coca Cola" just aint the same :) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  18. I've jumped with -25 degrees celcius at altitude, pretty damn cold. But there is no cold that can stop me from jumping...:) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  19. Carefull with weights...a friend of mine did a winter stop (oktober untill march, how DOES he do it!?) in skydiving, and went at it with weights during that time.....he got quite a bit of extra arm-muscles last winter..but when trying to sitfly again on his first jump of the year, he couldn't get his arms as far back as he used to do... lesson to be learnt...STRETCH if you work with weights or become a riggid barby-doll :) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  20. After my first (3 sec) freefall all I could say was..."F*CK..all this shit about flying...I felt like a brick trown from a building at 200 flying at all" My next jump (10 seconds) felt much better...and realy jumpstarted the addiction...the docter now says that about 3 to 4 jumps per weekend should be enough to keep me alive...barely.. JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  21. A while ago there was quite a bit of news on the first controlled dock between a birdman and someone under a parachute. Back then the news sayd that they were working on getting better video or something.. My question is...where is the video...ever since I read the news I've been dying to see this clip...!? JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  22. Once there was a small, boring man with a pretty 'safe' life. He was happy at home, feeling king of the world with his tv remote in his hand, a good office-job and a few downpayments on his house and car. Then one day...he saw people skydiving, and he saw then experience something that he never felt before. People so passionate and joyfull over a single shared moment in time... Instead of trying to live and feel it for himself, he got scared and walked away angry.... He wasn't the ultimate happy person in the world anymore, and his life felt empty... "This has got to stop" he sayd to himself..and he set out on a quest to stop these people from ruining his fun in life, and he would not rest untill he succeded in doing he could be safe at home again...without 'them' jumping around in his head.. He died lonely... JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  23. mccordia


    Had some fun with photoshop, and some more proof about the established link between el quida and iraq! JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  24. Just wanted to show-off the jumpsuits my mom made for me so far.. Using an example RW-overall from a friend, my mom made me this realy cool suit a couple of months ago. Cost me about $25 for the different fabric/zippers (streching back/and different fabrics on arms/chest/legs and's a great suit) I wanted to start freeflying december last year, so my mom made a freefly suit, based only on what I described and wanted. I made this sketch and she started cost me about 15 bucks in fabric/zipper. What do you I look like the burning stuntman I want to be or what :) Cool is a seemstress (spelling?)...and I'm so happy for that...:) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  25. When I was 10/12 or so I 'accidently' saw Debby Does Dallas on Filmnet (a pay-channel in Holland) once while secretly watching television in the weekends.... If you have to start with any pron-flic...why not start with the best...:) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?