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Everything posted by mccordia

  1. I think the dropzone easyest to reach from Amsterdam is actualy Hilversum but Texel is probably the best place to go in terms of jumping, since they have the cool planes and altitude... Paraclub Flevo is also reachable by train (40 minutes or so) and Skydive Rotterdam is also quite do-able (if you want to hop a few DZ's..there's quite a few DZ's in this tiny country... Give a scream if you need anything...plenty of dutch DZ.commers around here that can help out.. Cya, JC JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  2. A Mr Bill tandem was done a few months ago at our dropzone (Flevo, Neterlands) They've done it quite a few times already. Only difference with a normal tandem is that the passenger is facing the JM instead of the other way around. (with the Tandem harnass worn under his own rig) After opening at 7000 ft or so the passenger stands on the JM feet, and they release ll the hooks. The passenger then just let's himself fall back.. Video was pretty cool.. JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  3. And old thread, but didn't want to waist a whole thread on a simple question. This weekend I'm gonna (weather permitting) make my first jumps with booties. I was curious to what other people did when they changed. Did you do a few solo's to learn how to use them, or did you just continue doing what you normaly do without any solo practice jumps? and as for> Did you learn to drive with a stickshift before you went automatic? 99% of all the other europeans..:) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  4. Am I the only one who thought that Susan looked 'a little' drunk when she was on stage at the oscars? JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  5. If you eat bugs in freefall you have major issue's...most insects don't go any higher then 300 ft...:) As for breathing through your skin at 160 mph. Anyone who says it can be done, I dare you to take a ride om my motorcycle with your mouth and nose taped shut, I'll drive as fast as I can for 2 hours and we'll find out if it's realy possible to breath through your skin.../me thinks not...hehehe JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  6. It was just a joke....since I don't realy care if someone else is making the wrong desicions for him, or if he is making the mistakes himself...:) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  7. 'Red Bull Mysterious Felix' has been talking about doing a skyray jump from the coast of the UK to the coast of France (from a crazy ass altitude). Crossing the channel in freefall would be a cool first....anyone know if this is still gonna happen? JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  8. Maybe Sadam is just like Bush....which would mean he doesn't make his own desicions but just a bunch of folks surrounding him...if they can replace 'the puppet' with one that looks and sounds like him he is technicly still ruling isn't he? hehehe JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  9. JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  10. My dad bought the Triple XXX DVD last week (Holland sux...all this stuff comes out 20 years after the rest of the world here:) As a 3d animator I was interested in the facial replacements they did (removing the head of the motorcross stuntguys, skydivers, base-jumpers, parasailers and snow/skateboarders and putting a 3D Vin Diesel head on there) but they actualy didn't mention it at all in the making-of. Instead we get a load of crap about him doing most of his own stunts...*COUGH*BULLSHIT*COUGH* Anyways...the homage (although short) to the skydiver/stuntman that died was quite touching. They showed him flying the american flag under his parachute for a short second... Still pretty bummed that someone died while making that film... JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  11. I once had a conversation with a co-worker who 'had an uncle that also skydived' She told me her uncle used to tell all his skydiving stories at birthdays and such. "My uncle always puts his hands under his knees and pulls them up on the landings" I was quite amazed and asked her how he flaired (with his hands tucked under his knees) "I don't know, that's what he says" I then explained to her how landing actualy works (flairing) and that her uncle probably did a tandem once (or only saw one:) and used that as a basis for his strong stories. A month or three later she came to work laughing. Apperently her uncle had been telling big stories on her moms birthday again, and she had confronted him about a number of issues, such as a pilotchute/ripcord, reserve, flairing and a few other things (all my collegues can teach a FJC after a few months of working with me:) and on all of her questions she got a blanc stare as an answer.. She asked him about a tandemjump, and still all he couldn describe kinda accurate was the landing (in a way only a non-jumper could see/describe it). Most of his knowledge seemed to be based the 'one last speedstar at the end of the summer' in Point Break, and watching a tandem land... But he kept saying he jumped...I don't mind..let him. But I don't understand why someone would tell a lie like that and, even when being confronted with it, just keep ignoring the fact that everyone knows your lying..kinda sad.. JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  12. As a big, BIG cat-friendly guy I can only hope this is fake, and not a real homevideo with added graphics. Funny, but also heartwrenching to watch.. A Nokia commercial that will never reach TV (I think) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  13. Not true at all !! See attachment .... hahaha...great one...:) Everyone in the world has GMT/UK as the center of their worldmap...still get a chuckly every time I see a US world map...gues who they put in the middle..hehehe JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  14. People in Canada had no idea what the word 'about' maent (now if they had asked what is was 'aboot'....) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  15. Last month, the UN held a worldwide questionnaire. They only asked 1 single question. "Would you please give your honest opinion about the solution to the shortage of food in the rest of the world" There wasn't a single country that could answer the question because: People in Africa had no idea what 'food' meant People in Eastern-Europe had no idea what 'honest' meant People in Western-Europe had no idea what 'shortage' meant People in China had no idea what 'opinion' meant People in the Middle-East had no idea what 'solution' meant People in Southern America had no idea what 'please' meant People in the USA had no idea what 'the rest of the world' meant JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  16. shhhhh JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  17. A honest the god Mind reader!!! try it!!! (it's quite simple actualy:) And aahhhh.....those where the days... JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  18. And now go to the same and type usa war legitimate reason and hit'I'm feeling lucky Point proven I gues... JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  19. Although he might not always be cast right, I think eastwood is one kick-ass director and he's actualy a quite composer. He directed one or two episodes of the (GREAT!) old 'Spielbergs Amazing Stories' series, and you tell me that 'unforgiven', 'bird', a 'perfect world' and hell....even (dare I say) 'bridges over mad. county' and '(p)lay misty for me' are good films..and classics as the honkytonk man, pale rider, the outlaw josey wales, eiger sanction, FIREFOX!! Even though space-cowboys wasn't as great as it could have been, it stands miles ahead of doggy-poo like Armagaddon...eastwood at least always tries to have a story and backs it u with great tough visuals... And you admit didn't get a giddy smile when you saw that younger actor play a young eastwood :) still...i'd rather see him with a gun, bluffing about the number of bullets left..:) But an eastwood-directed armstrong movie....hell yea!
  20. A few weeks ago the dutch tv station NCRV had an item on skydiving ('fly away' or something was the name of the program) and it realy elevated skydiving to a high precision sport..quite good.. They showed a thunneling 8 way exit, while the commentator sayd 'watch as they excecute their exit with 100% precision' or something to that extent :) Aside from the channel sbs6, there has been quite a lot of positive attention for skydiving on dutch tv the last few months...kind of a possitive change... JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  21. I remember this being done in holland a long time ago. It was a male TM with a dutch woman (his wife if I remember correctly, also a skydiver) and her/their 10 or 12 year old son attached to the mom. They claimed it was the first triple tandem back then, think it was somewhere around 1989 or so.. JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  22. mccordia

    Weather RANT

    Gues what I'll be doing this weekend mwuhahahaha!! JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  23. When the plane comes in for a landing, the word "KIST" is yellew through the hangar (so jumper form the next load can walk to the platform) the wordt "KIST" is the 'in crowd' word for plane, but basicly means 'coffin'...yelling that also tends to sound funny after a load of jumpers just landed :) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  24. I've also heard a mother of a tandem passenger ask the JM' " many jumpers do you lose a year?" Nothing wrong with the question, but she asked it in a way you would ask someone what he had done past weekend....making it sound like we 'lost' one or two every weekend and it didn't realy care... kinda disturbing thoughts... JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  25. After viewing a couple of video's my mom wanted to know how far I went back up after a good chuckle out of that one..:) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?