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  1. Cool Bill. What I'm wondering is would this get a Tandem Master in trouble with Sigma or RWS. Is there an official rule against it? Thanks
  2. Well, it's not impossible to release the upper attachements if the "student" grabs the "V" of the risers and sort of stands on the tops of the JM's feet. It's actually quite simple. The JM doesn't have to be up too long because the "student" would leave at say, 5000 feet and the JM could spiral down. Also, assume the TM is a friend who WANTS to accomplish this stunt just for fun and wouldn't complain about being up there so long. Of course, I'm speaking hypothetically.
  3. I was thinking purely hypothetically, as I have never done this, if it would be possible to "mister bill" off a tandem. What I would "imagine" is that the "student" would wear the tandem harness under his own rig, and the tandem would exit, get stable, deploy the drogue, deploy the canopy, and then the "student" would be released from the tandem into freefall again. This is different than the standard mister bill as the pair would actually freefall together before a terminal opening as opposed to the sub-terminal opening used in a standard mister bill. I also "imagine" that to do this the "student" would have to be face to face with the jumpmaster because otherwise the bulk of his rig would interfere with tandem hookup. I'm wondering if anyone has done this or know's if it's been done. Also, are there any SPECIFIC regulaions against this, either by USPA or the tandem gear manufacturer (assuming that the pair was jumping the latest most popular tandem gear available). Either way, don't anyone get any ideas to go off and do this, it is very dangerous and scary, and could really freak people out on the ground to see a body fall away from an open tandem, especially the DZ management, and they might get really really mad.