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Everything posted by mccordia

  1. I've also jumped at Moscow now....does that count as asia *looks like a sad puppy*??? JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  2. mmm... last time I checked, the Western Russia is part of Europe too... but Beer anyways! lol'll ruin the fun for me...! And even shows russia as asia...sooo!!! JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  3. Heyhey, Past weekend I made my first (2) jumps in Russia. Went to the dropzone in St Petersburg, and also had a good friend of mine do her first tandemjump (she loved it). The view in freefall is amazing (seeing St Petersburg bathing in sunlight, light reflecting on the of those mental pictures that will stay with me for a long time) This saterday/sunday I'll be heading of to Moscow, where I will (weather permitting) also go skydiving for a day (a full day hopefully, last weekend I only had 2 hours to jump:( I love this country...jumpprices are insane (about 6 to 9 euro for 13000 ft, compared to the 25 euro's it costs in holland!!) the views are beautifull, and the airplanes ROCK (An-28, MI-8, Turbo-let) And Slava, thanx for the info you sent me :) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  4. Where do all men have curly hair? In africa JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  5. About 1/4th of my income solidly the past few months (only counting jumps) Next to the new cypress, a 2nd hand rig, vacation to Ampuria and a ton of other stuff (also the past few months:) I think I come close to 1/3 of my salary if you count everything jump-related..:) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  6. I used to play near the water and catch frogs, climb trees, (attempt to)catch fish, and light bon-fires on the beach, play hide-and-seek and do other kids-stuff When I hear about todays youth (even though I'm only 25) it scares me. Kids at age 12 having an outrageous sex-life and smoking and drinking like they're pro-addicts, DAMN!!...I was still playing with my LEGO at that age!!??? Even though I'm a young fart, I feel the need more and more often to talk about how 'the youth these days' just doesn't seem to have the same moral values and ways to entertain themselves (without a PS2 or X-BOX). Especially respect for elderly folks and such. If an old man says something in the cinema to a 14 year old kid who has his feet on the chair, the kid just tells the old man to go F*CK himself. If that would have been me 11 years ago, I'd have apolagized to the man and just removed my feet from the chair... But then again...maybe I was just raized different...anyone else have an opinion on this?? p.s. The spell checker doesn't recognice the word 'fart'..fix it! :) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  7. Hmm if you were first out, opening higher could be hazardous . I suppose 800 ft isn´t that much of a deal, but personally I´d only open higher if I were last out, all the while kicking myself for not checking the damn spot I know it could have been dangerous, but my altimeter was 800ft off. It wasn't intentional. The rest of the stick DID know I was going to open at 4000 ft to do some playing under canopy, but (un)fortunately it turned out higher. (My altimeter was a bit broken though...the needle had come loose, and was later fixed by a local dz handy-man..I think I banged it during the exit, since it was okay at 1000 ft up to the point before exiting..I'm a nervous bitch and usualy cross-reference my alti with other peoples altimeters all the way up) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  8. I've been a lurker since the start...which is kinda stupid, cause I have to feeling I know all of you, but almost nobody knows me :) But I gues that doesn't matter a lot...I'm an old timer too (right?) I also remember that 5 way on Texel. There's actualy talk here in holland to set a new record...would that count? like a EU-8 way or something :) (We'll even leave out French people to get you americans in a better mood..well?? Well??) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  9. It was late in the summer last year, and I was doing a solo from 12.000 ft (I was still a student) I had a jumpsuit on with nothing underneath (except underwear). Although it was quite warm on the ground, is was pretty chilly at altitude. I was practicing frontloops, and all of a sudden, I come out off a loop and WHAM...the wind blows into my collar and just zips my jumpsuit open untill my crotch. The suit was tight, so no flapping pieces of fabric, but DAMN it was cold.. Another 'fun' thing about that jump...I had banged my Altimeter (HARD) against the side of the plane while turning around to get in the door for doing a dive-exit. That offset my altimeter about 800 ft. I was supposed to pull at 4000 to do some playing under canopy, but that resulted in being open even higher. After I was open, I looked for the DZ and is was MILES away...(and I was first out:) I head back to the DZ in a straight line, and just barely make it (on a Drakkar 280) I was the only one :) After a while we picked up the rest of the guys and girls, and I got a lot of credit for seeing we where way off and pulling higher..hehehe JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  10. I bought a cheep snow-board/skate helmet with padded ears. I sew a small piece elastic fabric inside the ear to create a pocket for my pro-dytter. Spent a total of about 30 bucks...and it's cool as hell :) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  11. Cool pics Leon..! Give me a howler if you ever visit paraclub flevo..we'll make a few funjumps together :) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  12. Old thread already, But yesterday I caught Rambo (think it was Rambo:2, where he frees the POW from a camp) and he did a staticline jump, and got hung up on the he cut away most of his gear, the staticline broke (?) and his main deployed safely...didn't quite get it...but there was a cool 3 second shot of an actual parachute in there. On a serious note...anyone know where to get the helmet he's wearing in that jump-scene? IT ROCKS! It's basicly a 70's version of a freefly helmet or something...Wayyy cool! JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  13. Collected from several threads and my own sick little mind.. Yo' mama is sooo fat: - When she does a solo it's called a formation jump - When she skydives, earth gets stuck in her orbit - When she exits, the rest of the load gains 10.000ft - She can swoop a tandem - She loads a tandem at 3:1 (solo) and flies it like a VX45 - She fills an entire Skyvan as a single load - When she jumps, the JM calls it 'Operation Dumbo Drop' - She can win a speed-skydiving contest while practicing de-arching on her belly - When she skydives, it's called an eclips - You can BASE from her neck - She's lost 3 rigs in the crevices on her back already - her PLF is awarded points on the Richter-scale - When she's talking about 280 sq/ft, she's not talking about her parachute, she means her underwear. - She needs to be taken to 18.000 ft for a 10 second freefall. - She uses a tandemchute as a drogue - People use her flabs of loose skin as grippers - She gave the Skyvan stretch marks - Even a fully Deployed main get's caught in her burble - She can only fit her fingers through her leg-straps - When she lands on someone, the last thing he will recall after looking up is "seeing a long dark tunnel..." - When she skydives, people hide in bombshelters - When she skydives, UFO reports start raining in - She wears a Volkswagon Beetle for a helmet - If she ever bounces the hole wil be filled with water and called a memorial swoop-pond and last...your mama is soo fat, people make lame jokes about it :) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  14. I was trying to stop this from becoming a male vs. female sexist thread...remeber, make love..not war! I'm not sexist...I adore matter how large their frame is :) So maybe it was option 3: he's just a sexist a*hole..:) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  15. That struck a nerve with me too michele. I'm anxiously awaiting the answer... I understand what your implying, but I think he ment that there are guys weighing in at 100 to 120 kg who are arent realy fat, but are just pretty buffed due to a combination of lenght and muscles. We have a couple of students walking around that are 195 to 2 meters in length, and they can tip the scale at 180 to 200 pounds without even looking fat. They can still clearly see and grab al their handles and are not restricted in their motions by their size. Or he could mean that he shoves overweight girls away with an excuse, and just tells fat guys 'flat out' that they can't jump because they're too heavy.. Or he's just a sexist a*hole..:) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  16. There used to be a student on our DZ who was right on the edge of the envelope, when it concerned weight. Her fallrate was insane (small girl, heavy weight) and she got the nick "Balistic Meatball" But when she started adding more weight, and coulnd't see/reach her rigs' handles anymore, she was grounded untill she lost weight. She hasn't jumped since. I'm not sure if your just a big guy, or overweight. But loosing some weight might make it easyer for you in the end in terms of jumping (and you have a nice goal/reason to focus on) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  17. Not realy a movie, but the series "The Pretender" had an episode where Jarod was pretending to be a skydive instructor. A nice episode...he even did stuff like packing a rig without looking during a conversation....not a tight packjob...but he'll live..:) Anyone know where to get fandango on video or dvd btw? Ive seen it on TV a long, LONG time ago...but didn't tape it...I'd love to own that movie... Navy Seals had some nice skyidving thrown it..albeit short and unrealistic as usual.. :) "FOR GODS' SAKE..BE CAREFULL OUT THERE!!" I also loved the flying Elvis stuff in that Nic Cage Vages film (again, unrealistic as hell...imagine your GF, not knowing your skydiving, recognize you from the ground while your a couple of thousand feet up during a night-jump...??? JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  18. I have a tandem BM jump on video at home (it was part of a Dutch TV show) The passenger didn't realy do that well from what I recall (he was basicly arched like a mad-man) but you could see the drogue go back at a 20 to 30 degree angle. With a bit of creative flying from the camera-man it 'looked' realy cool..:) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  19. 11:00 AM, Just got back from a cool party, no to the DZ in a few mins.. Heard this one last night, wanted to share the fun :) Why is is impossable for an Iraqi to have sex, and do his driving exam on the same day? Asnwer: Because his camel gets too tired JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  20. Still, it might be better to just sit out a few months and then do several levels at once instead of one or two levels every'll learn much faster and nerves (if you have trouble with those) will also be less of an issue when you jump more often in a short time... JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  21. Probably more something for the video section, but here it goes... I made a mask in photoshop (with the black lines) and made another b/w image with the 'hole' where the blue part of the video would play. The edited video is duplicated twice, and the lowest version is scaled and blurred and colored. Basicly a combination of filters.. Omri also uploaded a cool video last night...also be sure to check that one out! JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  22. I edited it with Adobe Premiere 4.1 :) JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  23. Thanx :) I didn't shoot the video myself...I don't have the experience to be shooting video yet. Video/film/editing and animation are a huge hobby of mine (and my work too:), taking it to the sky would be my ultimate hopefully in a few hundred jumps or so I'll be experienced anough to wear a camera on my nugget and shoot some cool video's :) But not yet...*snif* They gave me a rough tape with about 50 minutes of (cool) rough material for me to select from. I edited it down to about 1,5 minutes and added some stuff like the 3D animation (not flash:) of their logo, and played with the video a bit (the blue-colored widescreen-bars and such play-thingies) The camera-man just came by to pick up the tape, but the few people who've seen it so far realy liked it... JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  24. I was asked to make a video intro for Skydive Over Europe that they will use the whole coming season on every student and tandem-video they hand out. I hope you like how it turned out... The file is 16,6 MB and can be found at JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?
  25. I've uploaded a new (better quality) extract of the skydiving scenes in the trailer of Tomb RaiderII to JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete?